(US) "Arachnids" Assistant Ethics application

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Dec 5, 2022
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:102443766
Discord name: FrosyDog
For how long have you played on CG SCP: Since june last year
Age: 66
In what country are you located?: Australia
Time zone: AEST
Character name(s): "Arachnid"
Civilian name: Shizu Zeta
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): US
Do you have a mic?: Yes

I am writing to apply for the position of an assistant Ethics Committee member on the Garry's Mod server "Civil Gamers." My in-game name is "Arachnid," and I am eager to contribute my skills and expertise to uphold ethical standards and maintain a positive gaming experience for all players.

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:

  • Ethics Officer
    Overseer Trainee
    Nu7 Recruit
    DEA Agent
    E11 Specialist
    A1 Operative
    O1 Investigator
    GENSEC Corporal
    Senior Researcher
    D-Class Scout
Have you received any kicks/bans/warnings, and why?:

  • Powergaming Warning: This warning is issued when a player engages in powergaming, which refers to forcing actions upon other players or disregarding the established rules and limitations of the role-playing environment. It serves as a reminder to respect the boundaries and maintain a fair and balanced RP experience.
  • Metagaming Warning: Metagaming warning is given when a player uses out-of-character knowledge or information to gain an unfair advantage in the role-playing scenario. It reminds players to separate in-character knowledge from out-of-character knowledge, promoting a more immersive and authentic RP environment.
  • FailRP Warning: This warning is issued when a player fails to adhere to the rules or guidelines of their character or the server's role-playing mechanics. It can include actions such as breaking character, engaging in unrealistic behaviors, or ignoring the established role-playing context.
  • RDM (Random Deathmatch) Warning: RDM warning is given when a player randomly kills or attacks other players without any valid in-character reason or proper role-playing justification. It emphasizes the importance of meaningful interactions and discourages disruptive or senseless violence.
  • Harassment Warning: Harassment warning is issued when a player engages in any form of offensive, disrespectful, or abusive behavior towards other players. It serves as a reminder to maintain a friendly and inclusive environment, free from any form of harassment, discrimination, or derogatory language.
What assistant Ethics Committee role are you applying for, and why?:

  • I am applying for the assistant Ethics Committee member role because I am dedicated to ensuring fairness, respect, and ethical conduct within the server community. As an active member of the Civil Gamers community, I believe that every player should have an enjoyable experience, and I want to actively contribute to creating a positive and inclusive environment for all.
What makes you the best candidate for the assistant Ethics Committee?:

  • As a long-term member of the Civil Gamers server, I have developed a deep understanding of the community dynamics, rules, and the importance of ethical behavior. I possess strong communication and problem-solving skills, allowing me to handle conflicts effectively and impartially. Furthermore, I am known for my fair judgment and ability to remain calm in tense situations. These qualities, combined with my commitment to the server's well-being, make me an excellent candidate for the assistant Ethics Committee position.
What are the responsibilities of the assistant Ethics Committee in RP?:

  • The assistant Ethics Committee in RP is responsible for overseeing and enforcing ethical standards within the role-playing environment. They monitor player conduct, investigate reports of rule violations, and take appropriate actions to address breaches of conduct. The committee also plays a pivotal role in resolving conflicts, ensuring fair play, and promoting positive interactions among players.
What are the responsibilities of the assistant Ethics Committee out of RP (e.g. what applications do they handle?):

  • Outside of RP, the assistant Ethics Committee handles various applications and reports related to player conduct and server rules. This includes reviewing ban appeals, investigating reports of harassment or rule-breaking, and making informed decisions based on the evidence presented. They are also responsible for maintaining transparency by communicating decisions and actions taken to the player base.
Please give some lore about your assistant Ethics Committee character and what storylines they would be involved in:

  • My assistant Ethics Committee character, Arachnid, is a seasoned and diligent investigator with an unyielding commitment to justice and fairness. Arachnid's past is shrouded in mystery, with rumors suggesting a background in law enforcement and a relentless pursuit of truth. Arachnid's unique ability to see through deception and unwavering dedication to upholding ethical values make them an integral part of the server's lore.
In potential storylines, Arachnid could be involved in exposing corrupt factions within the server's role-playing community. They would diligently investigate reports of misconduct, gather evidence, and work towards bringing justice to those who undermine the server's ethical standards. Arachnid's journey would intertwine with complex moral dilemmas, alliances formed with fellow committee members, and uncovering the truth behind the server's deepest secrets.

I am thrilled about the opportunity to contribute to the assistant Ethics Committee and help foster a positive and fair gaming environment within the Civil Gamers community. With my experience, dedication, and understanding of ethical considerations, I am confident in my ability to effectively fulfill the responsibilities of the Ethics Committee member position.

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the possibility of serving as an assistant Ethics Committee member and making a positive impact within the Civil Gamers community.

Crabbo "Arachnid" Entoma would make the best assistant Ethics Committee Member application.

They are kind, respectful, and most importantly professional. Never have I had a bad experience with Crabbo "Arachnid" Entoma assistant Ethics Committee Member. I can see no better candidates.
Sep 20, 2022

Crabbo "Arachnid" Entoma would make the best assistant Ethics Committee Member application.

They are kind, respectful, and most importantly professional. Never have I had a bad experience with Crabbo "Arachnid" Entoma assistant Ethics Committee Member. I can see no better candidates.

Crow Kalashnikov

Well-known Member
Oct 2, 2022
From the Ethics Committee of Site-65


Hello, Arachnid!

First of all, thank you for taking the time to apply for the position of Ethics Committee Assistant!
Your time's very much appreciated.

Upon review, your application has been Unfortunately denied.

After Committee Vote.

You may re-apply in two weeks. Reach out to my Email (tiny0003) for More details​
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