(US) Bob 'Operation8' Johnson's Medical Consultant Application

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Bob 'operation 8' Johnson

Well-known Member
Oct 9, 2024
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:225409108

Discord name: Zappiestdraman123353

For how long have you played on CG SCP: 1 year and 6 months. 1323 hours total spent on site.

Age: 18 years old.

In what country are you located?: Australia (South Australia)

Time zone: ACST — Australian Central Standard Time

Foundation name: Bob 'operation8' Johnson

Civilian name: Bob 'Scavenging' Johnson

Chaos Insurgency name: Bob 'Gamblin' Johnson

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP USA

Do you have a mic?:

I indeed do have a microphone I just have not spoken online in over 6 years. If it is needed for me to use it if I am accepted I shall do so as I will not let my personal unwillingness of speaking remove my chances at becoming a Consultant. Luckily when I first got Consultant I did not need to use my microphone but if that has changed for some reason so be it.

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:

I currently Hold:
DEA Agent/Operative
ISD Agent/Operative
Combat medic

I have Held:
MTF Epsilon 11 Private/Specialist
Medical Consultant

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:


FailRP-(was my first warning as I was new to the server and didn't know the rules).

NLR-(No excuse and I can not remember why as it was a long time ago).

RDM-(No excuse and I cannot remember why as it was a long time ago).

Toxicity-(I remember back in the day I was a bit toxic but I have worked on that issue).

FailRP-(No excuse for this and I am unable to recall why this happened).

Banned-(This is my only ban I did a very stupid thing and raided GOC as a Parawatch with a m249 and Mass Random Death Matched (MRDM).

FailRP-(I do apologize but I seem to be unable to remember why this occurred).

FailRP-(I am unable to recall the reason for this warning).

FailRP-C(I do not remember this warning and I do not recall what the C stands for).

FailRP-(Like the last few I am unable to recall this one).

Metagaming-(I accidently mixed instead of using /looc to talk to a friend about who I killed)

FailRP-(This was a few weeks ago but my memory isn't very good so I do not recall what for)

KICK-(This was for a technical issue I had where I kept spawning in the void so they kicked me and it fixed it)


FRP-(I assume this is FailRP But I can not for the life of me remember why).
FearRP-(I was a D-class and I couldn't see any guns on me but apparently there was one so I got warned for FearRP)

Why are you applying for Medical Consultant?

I am applying to Medical Consultant because I love the medical department, I have been working in it for a long time and I believe it has one of the brightest futures out of all the departments, it has been a incredible experience to work in the medical department as I enjoy helping others and curing their sicknesses and broken bones. The time I spent as Consultant showed me a lot about the Medical Department and I believe it is time for me to return to learn even more and hopefully improve the department even if it is in a small way.

What makes you suitable for Medical Consultant?:

I believe that with my long time experience in the medical department could be a great help in teaching new trainee's and doctors and possibly even helping make changes to the department that benefit everyone involved in the department and making, I am very dedicated to doing my work and I will not let the department down if I am accepted into the role. I have seen the workings of the Medical Department and believe that I would be able to improve some small details here and there that many may not notice but may still suffer from, I also just love the medical field as it is my go to for whenever I hope on site (Other then D-class).

Please explain an in-game medical procedure of your choice:

Healing a broken bone.

Healing a broken bone consists of bringing the patient to the body scanner in medbay and scanning for what bone(s) are broken, making sure to remember that the image shown from the scanner is flipped so if it shows right arm broken you need to fix the left arm. You need to use !medic to buy a test tube of calcium for the body part that is broken and a empty drug jar to put the calcium into, first put the calcium into a empty beaker then into a drug jar, then instruct the patient to use the drug jar with the calcium inside of it and the patient's broken bone will be cured. You can also just buy a drug jar pre filled with the ingredients to cure any bone but doing it the other way is more fun and gives you more learning opportunity then just buying it pre made in the drug jar. Depending on who you are curing you may want to give them something different for example, if you are curing a D-class of a broken bone you might get a researcher to credit the D-class for being very brave in times of great pain, subsequently if you are treating a member of the foundation you may want to give them a piece of candy for going through such troublesome pain.

What are the responsibilities of the Medical Consultant in RP?:

Consultant's are responsible for keeping medical running while there is no department directors of medical on site, they are also responsible for training new trainee's and giving combat medic tryouts when needed. They also heal people and fix injury's if no doctors are available to do so, Consultants are a important part of keeping the medical department running smoothly as they help suggest changes that might be needed and help the department director of medical with tasks. They also help overview surgery's or procedures performed by lower ranking medical personnel so the patient stays safe and the medical personnel learns faster, they also make sure that any medical personnel performing unethical acts on D-class or foundation personnel are swiftly dealt with and handed to the proper authorities (ISD).

Please give some lore about your Medical Consultant character and what storylines they would be involved in:

Part 1
The beginning of something strange.

It was a cold summers night in 1998, I was on my way to work the nightshift at Summerset clinic. Around 5 hours into my shift at 4 AM I noticed a very strange man walk into the clinic with multiple gunshot wounds, he was quickly rushed into a operating room where his wounds were examined, 1 bullet had punctured his lower abdomen, 2 bullets had hit his right shoulder and another bullet had seemingly passed straight through his left hand. I noticed he was wearing a strange orange jacket that stated he was something called a "D-class" and under that it was written "High risk" the tracksuit he was wearing was a dark shade of red. First I extracted the bullet from his lower abdomen and examined if it had caused any damage to the surrounding tissue other then the puncture wound in his abdomen, I then studied the damage and concluded the area around the lower abdomen was untouched and quickly got to work repairing the lower abdomen, one finished the wound was cleaned and stitched shut. Next was the 2 bullets inside his right shoulder, they were extracted and the wounds were examined further and there appeared to be some metal shavings from the bullets inside each wound, I carefully removed the remaining metal shavings and cleaned the wounds before stitching them shut. The hardest part was the through hole in the mans left hand as it was a hole 3 centimeters in diameter, the wound showed extansive nerve damage to the area of the hole and the patient seemed to be showing signs of extreme blood lose. Luckily I had the foresight to ask his blood type before putting him under for surgery and he replied in a hushed tone "0-", The nerve damage caused by the bullet to the left hand was repaired as fast as possible and cleaned, the patient was given a blood transfusion to stop him dying of the massive amount of missing blood he had sustained.

Part 2
The offer I could not refuse.

While the patient was resting a man in full black with 2 heavily armed bodyguards walked into the clinic and demanded to see the patient that had just been put into a resting room to recover, when I asked why did they need to know they simply pushed me aside and started searching the clinic for him, I tried to stop them but they did not care even after threatened with the police being called, they simply stated that "the patient you have is someone I need back" and when they reached the room the patient was supposed to be in he was gone. They demanded to know where the patient was and I stated that "I am not telling you anything as you have not proven to be a member of the mans family or a police officer with probable cause". I thought to myself "where did that patient run off to?" but before I could think on it more I spotted the patient hiding in another room so I went in to ask if he knew the people searching for him. When I entered the room he quickly lunged at me with a scalpel and held it to my neck, he said that "it isn't anything personal but I cannot go back with those men" as he walked with me to the exit the scalpel still held to my neck. The strange men noticed and raised their guns at our direction and shouted "PUT DOWN THE SCALPEL NOW", the patient yelled back "NO I WILL NOT GO BACK TO THAT PLACE" when I tried to enquire what he was talking about he said that he was in a horrible place where they did strange experiments with him and strange creatures, the man in full black tried to reason with the patient but he wasn't having any of it and still held the scalpel to the back of my neck. The man dressed in black then pulled out a radio and said something I couldn't make out into it and then a loud gunshot rang through the front lobby, the patient had been shot in the back of the head by someone stationed outside and his lifeless body folded to the floor, the man in full black gave me a offer I could not refuse "either come work in the same place as me that protects the world from destruction or forget this day ever even happened" I shivered at the thought of forgetting such a moment in my life and accepted the mans offer on the spot.
Part 3
Work doesn't always have to be bad.

On my first day at this new job I was picked up by a black SUV with no license plate and tinted windows, the driver told me to "get in fast" and I complied. Once I arrived at the location of my new job I was confused as it appeared to be an ordinary house, but when I was escorted inside by someone Infront of it there was a hidden elevator inside one of the closets. It went down for a long time before it finally stopped and the doors swung open, I saw a huge lobby area with a guard stationed at the front desk as I walked towards him he stated "Welcome to the SCP foundation here is your level 1 clearance keycard, You will be working in the medical department on floor 16." I was quite confused but he assured me everything was fine and he showed me the way to floor 16, once I arrived I saw a very large hospital area with a lot of sophisticated medical equipment and a lot of patients in the same uniform as the one who held me hostage as well as some people in lab coats and some of the guards. A man in medical scrubs with a logo on his chest pocket welcomed me to the medical department as a new doctor and reassured me that I made the right choice in working here and that I would save a lot of lives, he then handed me the same medical uniform but instead of having Sr, doctor on it like the mans it was Trainee. I quickly put on the new uniform and was taken into a back room where I was informed on where I was and how things worked around here. 8 Months later I was a Sr, doctor and was walking around the medical bay I was so familiar with now when someone new came in and appeared to be a new recruit, I gave him the same tour and took him to the same back room I was taken into to inform him on his new job and said "welcomed to the SCP foundation medical department" as I handed him a uniform with Trainee on it.

John Kild

Active member
Feb 14, 2025
+/- Support

From what I have personally seen this guy is a pretty good member to the medical department, and I personally have not had many issues with him at all. However he does have a lot of punishments that have applied to him, but he claims most of them are old and it seems that his recent punishments have gone down a lot to maybe some simple mistakes but none of them were as medical so I guess that's a plus?

All in all, for medical he is decent but I would definitely give him a little more of a rundown on all the new policies and procedures that have been added since he was last consultant mainly due to the fact that there has been a decent change since then.

Good luck man
Nov 16, 2024
To: Dr. Bob Johnson
From: Office of the Directors of Medicine
Subject: Consultant Application

Taking into account your prior service within the medical department and after discussion with the medical leadership team, we have decided to ACCEPT your application. Your 2-week probationary status starts today. Please contact myself (Panzer3332) or Sammy (Antibambi) to begin your onboarding.

Welcome home!

Warm Regards,
Director Matt 'Panther' Cherokee
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