[US] callmeclementine0w0's {Clementine for short} Executive Researcher Application

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Feb 26, 2025
Steam ID: 76561199132324312
Discord name: callmeclementine0w0 or just Clementine
For how long have you played on CG SCP: Not long actually - I started playing 2/10/2025, just under 23 days or 3 weeks.
Age: 21
In what country are you located?: The United States
Time zone: Mountain Daylight Time
Character name(s): Research - Clemmont Reas(Researcher)
GenSec - Clemment Siggs(Security Cadet)
D-Class - Clemmin Cloud

Civilian name: Clementine(I have never played civillian before)
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP USA
Do you have a mic?: Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
- None
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
- None
Why are you applying for Executive Researcher?
- It was advertised, and I have made investments into the Research Dept. in the past, such as making a complaint, and taking interest in what Research has to offer. I'm very eager to continue my work in the Research Department, and would love the opprotunity to improve, coordinate, or just participate on a higher level.
What makes you suitable for Executive Researcher?:
- I'm hard working, passionate, I love the idea of the SCP universe, and I want to make sure everyone coming into research has just as much fun as I have had the opportunity of having. Research is tricky, being the dept. stuck between the action packed combat roles, and the more internalized foundation depts. that make sure everything is running on time. It can be fun, but it can also be overlooked usually. However, I would love the opportunity to change that, much in the same way that current higherups have done as of recently.
How many excellent-graded documents have you written? What makes a document excellent?
- I wouldn't know. I think at most, 2 to 4? I don't check frankly. I'm just happy to test, and turn in the document, turing my eyes to other projects and ideas. I have written several documents, but that was before the recent grading intiative was put in place.
What are the responsibilities of the Executive Researcher in RP?:
- I believe that you as an Exec researcher are just below Dept. Heads & Site Advisors. You're there to watch over your fellow researchers, and guide Jr. Researchers. This can come in many forms, such as authorizing tests, helping with dept. tasks / events, making sure rules and proper ethical experiments are being enforced, and generally, just making sure things are running smoothly.
Please give some lore about your Executive Researcher character and what storylines they would be involved in: Clemmont Reas is a lot like my IRL personality. He and I are shy individuals, who are happy to sit back and watch from the side lines, helping wherever we can. We care about our friends, and the state of our worlds more so than ourselves, and we would happily fight for them if asked. However, that all differs slightly with Reas. See, with Reas, as he ( though I wish it was she since I am a girl but pickles aside ) is more normally called by his last name, he is a pragmatic person who tries his best to look outside the confines of his environment. Though not a thamutologist, a position unknown to him until his transfer from Site-112, he has always let his mind wander. This wanderlustful creativity has always been enhanced by his clinical methodology and knack for explaining events. In a world of near limitless horrors beyond the comprehension of lesser sounded minds, Reas has sought out the functions of Bio-mechanics & Mechanical parts as a field analyst, a position he claimed from Site-112, even though unofficial. He was there as a Jr. Researcher, for the Incident regarding SCP-912 known as the "REDBULL" incident, writting the events with clarity onto a 15 page document. He has done a crosstest with SCP-914 & SCP-173 in an attempt to see if the mechanical nature of SCP-914 would stop SCP-173, to which it did. He has taken apart the coffee Machine, SCP-294, tried to determine the musical tone of SCP-513, and even staved off the effects of SCP-099 using a chemical depressant, if only for a short while. His recent swathe of tests involved more machines, such as SCP-914 and its matter manipulating properties, and SCP-073's mechanical limbs. However, to his own credit, his crowning test would be the interview of SCP-079, the Old AI. Truly that is what he would say is his best test to date, even if he can't remember what the computer looks like. He is a good person, one who values the kindness in others, much like myself, and always tries his best to be formal with everyone, peers, higher ups or even D-class. He has a good heart, and a strong head, and is eager to do more for the foundation at any chance he gets, though he may yet live to regret that decision knowing the foundation. I personally think he is a good match for the executive researcher position, and humbly ask that you consider his - my application.

Thank you for taking the time to read this. I hope you have a good day. ^w^

To: Senior Researcher Clemmont Reas (@Clementine )
From: Director of Researcher Vito 'Dusk' Sabbatini
Subject: Further Application Inquiry

We appreciate the time and effort you have put into making this application. At this time we are placing this application Interview Stage. Any further information please contact me using my email, .Kore@foundation.rsd.int.

Thank you,
Vito 'Dusk' Sabbatini
Director of Research

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