US-Daniel Larson APP

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Well-known Member
Jun 16, 2022
Original Steam login name (your accounts first ever name):Theman2367

How many hours of playtime do you have? (vtime_menu in console):5 days,6h.31m


In what country are you located?:USA

Time zone: GMT-4 On most of the day Unless duty calls.

Foundation Name (include your regiment and rank if applicable): Daniel larson Internal affairs Agent CLV3

Chaos name (include your rank): Boaby Heidel Sigma rank

Civilian name: John Willowson

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:515444755

Do you have a mic?: Yes, a good one at that.

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP USA

Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications: No, it is not last time it was declined because I was underaged and dull.

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: Banned twice the first time for saying the f slur and the second for "mass rdm" I dont know my warnings I dont keep count and what they happened for I was very immature for some of them most likley which I was just cutting loose I guess and I apologize.

Do you have any previous experience as a staff member in a community?: Yes Border roleplay game I was a senior mod

Do you have any previous experience with serious roleplay?:Yes it was in a server late 2021 I wasa senior moderator in a border server. I know how it works and I understand commands given to me aswell as ranks regiments and everything. I was a good senior moderator

How many hours can you be on everyday?: The entire day aswell as up till 3:00

Why do you want to become a moderator for our server?: I feel there are so many things that slip by or things that may not be taken seriously enough. Multiple occasions of me NOT being a moderator I feel like I have been violated so many times. I have been rdmed on multiple occasions and no consequences to the person. I feel I can add more tightness to the rope in an undercover way and in a normal way aswell. Some people break the rules and people dont even report it! So I was thinking that if it was possible I could become a moderator and continue to help the community improve. I have done serious roleplay before but I think I might be a little better at this. If I was serious while playing normally i probably wouldnt have had any warns. I am greatly sorry to the people I hurt or gameplays/clips I ruined in all seriousness. I do things to be funny sometimes and I realize its wrong but do it anyways. And im striving to change this might help me!
What do you think you would be able to help us with on the server? Why are you special over the other applicants?: Everyone deserves the same chances. It all depends on your actions towards the server and what you do to earn support and what you do to lose it. Everyones special in their own ways. Im good at listening using contact clues and being a nice guy (when needed). Outside of the game im a pretty serious person and gaming is the only way to get loose. So yes everyone makes mistakes and I happened to make some that im sorry for. Please take in this application and think about it.
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Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: Banned twice the first time for saying the f slur and the second for "mass rdm" I dont know my warnings I dont keep count and what they happened for I was very immature for some of them most likley which I was just cutting loose I guess and I apologize.
Judging by your punishment history, your ban for the above reasons just recently expired. While a ban on your record doesn't normally ruin your chances of becoming a staff member, offenses relating to the use of slurs of all things, as well as Mass RDM, are among the most serious offenses you can commit. As of now, I am not confident that accepting your application will not pose a serious risk to the integrity of the team.

I recommend you spend the next several weeks, preferrably at least a month, without adding to your disciplinary record. Spend this time improving relations with members of the team and community, and build up a positive track record that shows you have learned from these mistakes and will not repeat them.

Smith Johnson

Well-known Member
Aug 7, 2021

You have 2 bans and the last ban just expired
Lost track of warns
I would wait 4-6 weeks without any warning, then apply for Staff again if you wish.

I quit

Active member
Jun 6, 2022
-2 bans for Severe Toxicity and a ban for MRDM
- Bad Interactions in game
May 26, 2022
- Support

+ Well written Application
+ Previous
- Warns and Bans for serious Matters
- Recent Warnings only just expired

Overall I would have to agree with the other staff currently you have just come off of some major warns and bans and building up trust with the team and comunity is really important.
Jan 1, 2022
Application Denied

Hi @Igorskifan123,

Thanks for taking the time to make a moderator application.

I have decided to deny your application due to bloodhound's comment said as the first reply. Although both bans have been expired them being mixed does show to us that you may need time to mature before we feel you can be entrusted as a face of the community. I recommend getting known by the community via roleplay or casual interaction.

You may re-apply in 2 weeks​
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