[US] Dictator's Overseer Assistant Application

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Dictator Raiden

Well-known Member
Jul 19, 2022
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:74746131
Discord name: Bumboclatt#6972
For how long have you played on CG SCP: Around a month and a half
Age: 19
In what country are you located?: USA
Time zone: EST
Character name(s): Jak "Dictator" Raiden, Uberlaiden
Civilian name: Ranger Swag
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): USA
Do you have a mic?: Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held: MTF A-1 LT, CI-A
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: None at all
What makes you the best candidate for Overseer Assistant?:

I believe first of all are my leadership skills and willing to do stuff that others are not that interested in. I also very much do enjoy filing paperwork on this server as the clipboard and uploading system is new to me and a first I've ever seen on any gmod server. I have gone a far way through the server, not as far as others of course but in RP terms my character has had a long life throughout the server and has mainly enjoyed Alpha 1 for the most part. But I believe my enjoyment for doing menial work and getting a long with others are my main strong suits for Overseer Assistant.
What are the responsibilities of Overseer Assistants in RP?:

The Responsibilities of the Overseer Assistant is well to..... assist O5. In more detail they mainly inspect departments of the facility while O5 are off site and file reports on it as well as other work such as attending meetings if needed and discussing on O5s behalf if they can not make it at the current moment. But overall, documentation and assisting O5 are the main things an assistant will be doing.
Please give some lore about your Overseer Assistant character and what storylines they would be involved in:

Jak "Dictator" Raiden was born in 1992 on May 27th in a rural part of the Northwestern Territories, Canada, with a height of around 5"11 in current times. Much about his parents are unknown but they passed away while "Dictator" was at a young age. Eventually after dropping out of college, "Dictator" would take some Gun Control and training courses and would proceed to become interested in security. Eventually, Raiden would enlist in the military and after going through about 5 weeks of boot camp, would eventually be pulled to the side by a man in a suit asking about his interest in guarding a military "Foundation". After agreeing, the man in the suit would follow some "Procedures" and "Dictator" would find himself in the ranks as a cadet in GenSec. At the time his main equipment was just an MP5A4, some elastic cuffs and basic body armor. We won't go into details about his basic training at the SCP foundation. While on duty, "Dictator" specifically looked up to Man Manson (Now Dpt. Chief of Security) and would learn how seriousness was a must. But not just seriousness, The Code of Ethics was a big thing to follow for gensec. "Dictator" would begin giving D-Class 3 warnings before opening fire while manning the Airlock on his first day. After gaining a bit more experience, he would begin escorting his first researcher to his first ever test. SCP-099.... The D-Class was to be inserted in and be told specifically to look at the painting at a kissing distance. Around 5 minutes have passed, and nothing changed, however the D-Class was told to exit the chamber. Subject seemed disturbed and began to ask why we were staring at him. "Dictator" at the time was confused however the Researcher then claimed that the subject needed "shock therapy" and had him escort him to the med bay. "Dictator" at the time, not knowing what shock therapy is, would make an alarming discovery. The D-Class was gunned down in front of him by another gensec. Not much is to be said about this incident but Dictator, coming to the realization that maybe ethics were not taken so seriously in this foundation. Despite this, Raiden continued to follow the CoE. Raiden's first breach event was not a pretty one. SCP-049 and SCP-966 would breach with the lights suddenly going out. Raiden, not being accustomed to this situation, and with no High Ranking gensec around, would head outside D-Block to see what was going on. To say the least, Raiden would be brutally maimed and almost killed by 966 while shots rang out all around him. However, after being taken to med bay, he would make a full recovery with just bearing a scar on his right eye. Days would pass, then weeks, and after a certain amount of time, Raiden would even earn his promotion to a full-on officer of Gensec. Raiden then set his eyes on MTF, growing ever more interested in being an actual military operative instead of just a regular security officer. On 6/15/22, LT Gregory "Striker" would host Nu-7 tryouts at the time and Raiden, not wanting to miss his chance attended with many others. To say this tryout was easy was an understatement. The tryout lasted 3 hours long and Raiden was exhausted by the end of it, however he prevailed and made it into MTF Nu-7 designated Hammer Down. Time would pass and unbeknownst to Raiden, a CSG of A1 at the time would begin to watch his headcam. After finishing up with a CI raid, the then SPC of Nu-7 would suddenly be taken away by a member of Internal Security. After waking up in kill house the man said "Hello, Welcome to Alpha-1 Designated Red Right Hand Tryouts, would you like to proceed?". Raiden agreed, and the tryout lasted about 30 minutes. Raiden passed with flying colors and was now officially designated "Dictator". "Dictator" had a lot of challenges ahead of him in A-1. Many CI Raids, Many Kidnappings, many documents filed. But the biggest issue was the info breaches. The amount of times "Dictator" had to host "lectures" to deal with the issue was grueling. Once "Dictator" made his way to CPL, he would earn his very own clipboard, and would begin to do some interrogations on CI. This would light something inside of "Dictator" and "Dictator" now set his goal on becoming the main interrogator of A-1, simply just because he enjoyed filing them down on paper and uploading them (At this point "Dictator" has filed up to ARC-16 of his interrogations). Eventually "Dictator" would make his way to CSG through his experience and would eventually host his very own tryouts and trainings for other personnel and A-1 members. Further down the line, after solidifying his position as a LT in A-1, "Dictator" achieved a numerous amount of goals. 1. Befriend some members of O5 as he would be guarding them for the rest of his life. 2. Become the main interrogator of A-1 and pass down his knowledge to newer recruits through trainings. 3. Run a squadron of a certain number of people in A-1. The 3rd goal was just achieved recently and now "Dictator" is the newly instated leader of Nemesis Squadron consisting of 9 members. Where "Dictators" story will continue, is unknown, but hopefully it is in the right direction.
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Well-known Member
May 29, 2022
great application
Very Active

Ex O-1 Maj Kiwiz
Ex NU7 Lcpl Kiwiz
Ex E-11 Cpl Kiwiz
A-1 CSG Kiwiz
CI-D Kiwi
ECA Mr K, Anderson


Well-known Member
Apr 13, 2022

From the Office of the ██████████████

Application Accepted

Thank you for taking the time to apply. Based on your experience and application, we have deemed you suitable to hold a position as ████████ Assistant.

Please get in contact with ██-1 for further details and instructions.​
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