[US] "Dudeson" Ban Re-Appeal

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Well-known Member
May 17, 2022
Re-appealing again after I have been denied for 8 weeks.

Your in-game name: "Dudeson"
Your SteamID: [STEAM_0:1:32563450]
Your steam community link: https://steamcommunity.com/id/beteljew/
Date of ban: January 26th, 2023
What is your exact ban reason (shows when you try to connect): Ban Evasion [C]
Who banned you: Bobby Clint
Ban length?: (Permaban)
What server were you banned on: (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): USA

Link a copy of the in-game rules here (the url):
1.2 Don’t FailRP - FailRP stands for "Fail Roleplay". It's when someone acts in a very unrealistic way that their character would not do. Decisions must be realistic and players must stay in character. For example, in a hostage situation if the negotiator kills the hostage to resolve the situation that would be unrealistic and FailRP. Other Examples of FailRP would be:
  • Speaking as an SCP that does not speak (see section 4).
  • Suiciding for no RP reason.
  • Using items while stripped other than cyanide pills (this counts as 'biting a cyanide tooth', requires a valid RP reason).
  • Playing as an SCP and doing inappropriate actions such as dancing as 106.
  • Using SCP-914 as a CI Juggernaut.
  • B-Hopping around.
  • Holstering a weapon in RP. <- This was what got me permabanned in the last admin sit after the admins looked through everything on the record.

What will you do to stop this from happening again: I want to try and roleplay again, properly this time. And I will try and have fun. If the admins are unsure about my action, they can spy me prior to getting unbanned. (If I can get the appeal accepted in first place.) Also, I only played mostly on GENSEC, D-Class, and a several SCPs. I was never very actively involved with the whitelisted classes due to not being able to use my mic to communicate.

Prior to this, have you ever been warned/kicked/banned: Multiple times. Looking through my history of admin sit is encouraged so you can understand what problems I have reflected upon myself during the ban length.

Why should you be unbanned: I am not in a position to say that I've been punished enough, but 8 months have certainly gave me enough time to reflect on my actions and how breaking in-game rules should be avoided. I am unsure if I will still have a difficulty communicating with other players in RP, but I will do my best to follow the in-game and RP rules.

Please take your time to consider before you decide.
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Well-known Member
May 17, 2022
What accounts did you use to ban evade? To get to a permanent ban usually requires a number of accounts.
Only three as far as I can recall, including this one.

Second account which I no longer use.

Third account that I occasionally use for other games.

Also admittedly, I've used the third one for as long during my 8-16 weeks suspension on my main account. The admins only found out as soon as I got pulled into a sit for a miscommunication that led to a minor FailRP via checking logs.

I know I am not great at elaborating, but I hope this is enough information for a final verdict.



Well-known Member
May 17, 2022
I apologize for bumping, especially in the denied appeal threads;

I've noticed that the thread is not locked nor the decision was finalized. Just reminding in case this thread disappears from the first page without a verdict.

Again, I apologize for bumping in a thread such as this one. I will feel inclined to bring enough information as possible next time, (If I get denied again this time.)



Well-known Member
May 17, 2022
Sorry for the delay, I don't know why it was moved to denied.

In relation to your appeal, i am tempted to consider it, but on the condition that if you continue to break rules, the permaban will be reinstated. Do you understand?
No problem at all. I completely understand.

I am fully aware of the consequences of my actions if I continue to break rules. I believe you can count on me to become a better person than I was before.
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