[US] E-11 Sean 'Talon' Personnel File

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Well-known Member
Jun 1, 2022

Search: MTF E-11 MAJ "Talon"

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This file is a [Level 4] Foundation Clearance and has a memetic agent implanted below. If you aren't authorized to view this document and wish to view it anyways, you will suffer a painful and miserable seizure.

You have been warned.


[Unauthorized Clearance]
Your body begins to twitch and your throat swells up cutting off your ability to breathe, you viciously scratch and tear at your throat desperately trying to get at least one breath of air when you collapse to the ground shaking as you start turning blue, you start hearing a loud ringing in your ear so loud it makes your ears bleed. Unable to hear, move or breathe you lie on the ground... your body grows cold... you wonder if you shouldn't have read this file... You are too tired. Goodnight.
Authenticating ticket


[Authorized Clearance]


Welcome, User.


--Image of 'Talon' standing minutes after a
on a unknown group of interest compound--


Active in Site-56
Date of Birth:

Place of Birth:
Vancouver, British Columbia

Occupation: Mobile Task Force Epsilon-11 Major
Name Of Operative:
Sean Calahan

Physical Description/Appearance:
Height: 5'11,
Eye Color: Brown Eyes
Body Type: Athletic
Other: Currently wears a black uniform given to him years ago during his time within the squadron 'Last Hope' || Scar over his right eye || Two tattoos, One on his right wrist of a raven and on his left is a claw mark || One-way radio on his hip || Wears a custom made M50 gas mask he's engineered for himself and other E-11 operatives || Wears two patches he took from a deceased E-11 Commander(Reason not given.)

Phycological Description:
Report made by Foundation DOM 'Antidote'
His mental state is impossible to tell at this current moment as he is motionless half the time almost appearing hypnotized. Lack of empathy. Very lazy around the base. Sane but pushing him on his lack of loyalty or success makes him fly off the handle.

"Sean came to me today more distraught than usual talking about his past contract with the foundation and his history within Epsilon-11. This may have led to Phycological issues. I will look further into this and log it here." ~'Antidote'

Disabilities/Injuries: Scar over right eye making vision worse || Broken ribcage due to an incident in a raid on an unknown terrorist GOI || Scar on left cheek from being shot by WonderTainment toy soldiers.

Skills: Mastered in hand-to-hand combat and studies constantly within martial arts || Gunslinger, placed 1st in time/accuracy in firing range || Leadership Trained || Specialist, Heavy, MEDICAL, MKSM, Driving and RRT licences || Tinkerer, makes his own gear || Mad Scientist, Involved with the creation of SCP elixirs.

Short History: (WIP)
At a young age, Sean was abandoned by his mother and his father who kept away from him but held contact. Later in his life, he found out who his father was working for and the job he had held through an envelope sent by his mother, shortly after finding out his home was raided. Sean was abducted by foundation personnel and was made a D-Class in a matter of days. On the day of his execution, Chaos insurgency raided the foundation site and took him with them. The person to carry out the raid was his father, Commander 'Raven' of the CI Cell at the time told Sean he had two options. One was to be given a class C-amnestic and integrated back into society or join the chaos insurgency away from his father.

A couple of years later, Sean would be promoted to MTF Alpha-9 LT and was given the code name 'Talon', tasked with monitoring Heavy Containment Zone and sentient SCPs when a colleague of his would soon vanish. He was tasked with being the replacement of his colleague and gathering as much information about the disappearance and the state of the branch...


"Once again Sean busted into my office to harass me today leading into a free therapy season against my will, From our first physiological report his mental state has begun to spiral. The following chart below is a method in order to let Sean pick his likes and dislikes... This is how it went."


D-Class: "Can't be in a fucking room with one. Imagine a deranged crackhead screaming at you and wanting to shoot you at every second given, For fucks sake."

Elitism: "We're all a part of the same site, shut the fuck up and stay in line."

SCP-7722: "Strong for no reason, I get why my 5.56 can't penetrate that shit... wait, I can make body armour out of him!"

'HCZ': "With the renovation going on within HCZ it's impossible to hear people asking for their damn ID."


Epsilon-11: "Bunch of Nine-Tailed-Fucks. Part of the ship part of the crew."

Mobile Task Force: "Everyone is deserving of a rank you're given and it's a pleasure to work beside a lot of you."

Elixers: "Was involved in the creation of them and I won't get in-depth where they originated but something about running mach 10 past an SCP is my favourite feeling."

'Nightmare': "You lead and built up a branch that I let crumble due to ignorance. You made me see what a real leader can accomplish."

'Flames': "Mother fucker is a legend of this site! You'll randomly see him pop up across the foundation as a different commanders or something. He might be higher up if you know what I mean."

'ERT': "E-11's big brother coming in to bully SCPs for us."

Respect/Professionalism: "I didn't make it all the way through the regiment for your ass to start crying about me."

'Transient': "You will forever live on as a legend within the site and inspire our mobile task force to kick ass. You were the one to train me as a recruit and would go on to make me the Commissioned Officer I am today."

Long Live Chaos.

//Hacking Detected://Server_Room://

Glory To The Foundation.

[Personnel File Heavily in development for now]
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Well-known Member
Sep 1, 2022
Known your goofy ass for a long time. This lore does not do you justice for all you've done for the foundation. Keep up the great work brother!
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