[US] Internal Affairs Ambassador Application

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Well-known Member
Nov 29, 2022
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:80022114

Discord name: CptCaboose#2037

For how long have you played on CG SCP: 2 Months - Mostly active the past month

Age: 24

In what country are you located?: USA

Time zone: Central Standard

Character name(s): Charles "Caboose" LePaul

Civilian name: Charles "Caboose" Delo

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP USA):

Do you have a mic?: Yes

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held: N/A

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
When I first started the server, I got a short Fail RP / Toxicity ban for getting in an argument.

Why are you applying for Internal Affairs Ambassador?
- I'm applying for Internal Affairs Ambassador for several reasons. The first reason being as an Internal Affairs Ambassador you are required to lead by example. The idea of being directly involved in the training and development of a department is a big goal of mine. Most of the time you hear negative connotations when it comes to Internal Affairs and Ethics department members. I’m looking to change that for the existing and new additions to the Internal Affairs department. Another core reason is to strengths the RP standard across the community. I know that there are some wavy tandards depending on the roles on the server when it comes to RP. Becoming an ambassador would be a step in making Internal Affairs not part of that problem. I want the server to reflect the RP it promotes and that starts with the leadership in all departments.

What makes you suitable for Internal Affairs Ambassador?:
-I would make a suitable Ambassador for several reasons. First, I understand the responsibility and time commitments it takes to run a department. The time commitment alone probably eliminates most people from being suitable due to the time you must put in the role. I have a unique understanding on how to find competent solutions even when there’s no correct direction in the situation. I do this from my years of staff and corporate sales experience that I practice daily. The last reason is I have good connection with the Department management, site staff, and server admin support on the server. My main interests sit in the scope of success for the server as whole and the people in it. Every interaction I have I make it as pleasant as I can for the other people in order to make a more positive environment overall.

How many documents have you written? What makes a document good?:
- 2 Documents, the standard of a good document revolves around these core values. Easily digestible content to hold the attention of the person reviewing the document. Formatting the document so it’s easy to navigate and direct the reader. Finally maintaining proper spelling, punctuation, and having content that has a flow throughout the entirety to tie it together.

What are the responsibilities of the Internal Affairs Ambassador in RP?:
- Overlooking the functionality of the Internal Affairs department through training new agents and mentoring existing agents when necessary.
Enforcing approved C.O.C behaviors and rules that apply to the Internal Affair Department.
Lead your agents by example by always conducting oneself professionally and abiding by the rules you enforce.

Please give some lore about your Internal Affairs Ambassador character and what storylines they would be involved in:

Charles LePaul was born October 20th, 1982, raised in a rural south Texas town of 2500.
Charles started off with dreams of bigger things far away from his small life. During his childhood and into his early adulthood Charles was focused on joining the military intelligence community. Mainly to make his way around the world and make an impact away from his lack luster town. When Charles turned 18, he joined the U.S. Air Force found the direction his life was meant to go. After 8 years of work through special forces courses, training, and joint combat operations, Charles resigned from the Air Force to pursue profits and adventure in the private intelligence community. Through several entry programs and close connections made through his military stay he found his way into Black Water a private military contractor. After 4 years of contractor assignments Charles was approached by military leadership. After interviewing for an agent position Charles was invited to join the ranks of the Internal Affairs Department where he is currently active.​


Active member
Dec 3, 2022
-Extremely active on IA (I think only plays IA)
-Great work within IA, has proven time and time again to be trustworthy and reliable
-Amazing tone and way of dealing with situations. Attitude is always kind and helpful
-Has helped me many times with various different situations

J P Bingus

Game Master
Game Master
Dec 2, 2022
-Great at their job
-Extremely friendly
-Speaks calmy and does not inturrupt
-Seems to genuinely care about IA and making the site better


Well-known Member
Dec 11, 2022
-Hard worker
-Seem to love being IA
-Helped me many times when I did not understand something
-Always around when you need him


Well-known Member
Aug 6, 2022
I feel you would be a great addition into the Ambassador team, contact an Admin in game to get your role.

(contact me in game for a few links)
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New Member
Dec 12, 2022

Congrats Caboose! The scavenger hunt with you Crow and Site Admin was real fun. Hope to participate in more great events in the future! Also I'm an agent now, hmu with some cool investigations.
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Reactions: Caboose
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