[US] Jeffery Stonewall GSD captain app

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Well-known Member
Jan 27, 2023
Steam ID:STEAM_0:1:509281056

Discord name: ivorybirdsworth

For how long have you played on CG SCP: 1.5-2 years


In what country are you located?: US

Time zone: CDT

Character name(s): Jeffery "Stonewall" Stevenson

Civilian name: "Stone"

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):


Do you have a mic?:
- yes

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
GENSEC Sergeant
Combat Medic
E-11 PVT (former)

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
- none recently

Why are you applying for Security Captain?
- I've been in GSD for a long time and It's time for me to move up the chain rather than waiting behind like I have been. Along with that, I feel like the ideas I have for GSD could potentially improve it drastically. I also have experience as a GSD Sergeant, and I feel like with that experience, along with my general experience of my time in SCPRP as a whole, I'd make a suitable candidate for a Captain. I am, for the most part, quite calm and collected, and tend to be quite chill. I always try and talk to fellow GSD, to make sure they get praise when needed, and to be taught as well. To go with that, I feel like that I can resolve any issues that any GSD, or members of any other department if they ever approach me. But overall, I want to be able to do more. I want to be able to make an impact on GSD and the site as a whole, in any way I can.

What makes you suitable for Security Captain?:
- I've had plenty of experience with both general combat, and in GSD. I've never branched out into an MTF regiment until recently and GSD has been my main combative role. I've participated and conducted many sweeps, I've read over every GENSEC related handbook again and again, and I've had plenty of time to master the general responsibilities of a GSD captain while playing as a Sergeant. I know the code of ethics when it relates to d-block, and I know the code of conduct that GSD must abide by. Although I may not be fully experienced in the administrative aspect of being a GSD captain, I've shadowed multiple tryouts and trainings, and understand the general layout of that area. As a captain my main goal would be to reform the main objective that GSD has, while it should always be d-block, we shouldn't be restricted to just d-block, we are General Security, and should be treated as such. The roles of SCU and SRU should be expanded to most of GENSEC, i.e, patrolling LCZ, responding to code 1/5, and more. GENSEC should also be held to a higher standard. While we do have a rather simple test that cadets are forced to take, there are still a lot of minges and goofs that join GSD since it is a simple combat role. Another goal of mine would be to reform the way GSD is entered. While it shouldn't be a tryout like an MTF Regiment, it should be more detailed so as to weed out any undesirables. Overall my goal would to be make GSD comparable in quality to other combative roles. GSD already has the most combat, since d-class are almost always causing trouble. By working with the CoS, I want to be able to make GSD a well respected fighting force.

What are the responsibilities of the Security Captain in RP?:
- A GSD captain not only runs operations in D-block, but also throughout the entire area that General Security operates. It is their job to make sure everything is running smoothly, that GSD are doing their job's effectively, and that the code of conduct and the code of ethics are abided by at all times. Along with making sure the site is running as intended, it is a GSD captain's job to make sure all of Security are able to obtain their RRT license, Heavy Weapons license and other training. They need to announce, host, log, and promote/credit/etc anyone who attends said trainings' and tryouts. A GSD captain also works very closely with the Chief(s) of security. They work together to manage sub-regiments, look for other potential captains/sergeants, to host trainings and tryouts, and more. A GSD captain also has combative responsibilities, such as organizing and conducting sweeps, organizing the defense of d-block against Anomalies/Intruders, and more. A Captain needs to have the combative capabilities to both lead others in battle, while also maintaining a cohesive group. The overall goal of a GSD captain however, is GSD, whether that be at d-block or otherwise.

Please give some lore about your Security Captain character and what storylines they would be involved in:
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From: Security Chief Thordan

TO: Jeffery Stonewall​

Good morning Ivory , I am pleased to inform you that you have been ACCEPTED into your new position as Captain in the General Security Department. Please contact me on discord @Stillthordan for further instructions on your orientation. Please do not flag on the captain job until you have spoken to me or Chief Roro.

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