[US] Johnny "Bear" Hartman Medical Consultant Application

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Nov 16, 2024
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:453971149

Discord name: Panzer "Bear"

For how long have you played on CG SCP: Total hours around ~67

Age: 25
In what country are you located?: USA

Time zone: EST

Character name(s): Jonny "Bear" Hartman

Civilian name: Jon Hartman

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP USA

Do you have a mic?:
- Yes

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
- N/a

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
- One name warning, I put my original nickname down as "the Jew", nothing meant maliciously. However, I guess it was reported, probably along the lines of something religious in server, so I changed it to my IRL nickname.

Why are you applying for Medical Consultant?
- I thoroughly enjoying spending my time in the Medical department, and assisting other departments as well, currently as a Sr. Doctor. I love how seemingly everyone in medical has the attitude and willingness to teach, create, and heal. I simply want to expand on that by supporting others in educating them about the medical department, expanding upon the things they may or may not know. I want to assit them in training their way up the ladder so we can always staff the medbay with qualified medical staff. I want to foster greater cooperation between the different departments, possibly by attaching doctors or medics to those departments to gain not only medical experience but to learn about other roles as well, I.e. cross-training.

What makes you suitable for Medical Consultant?:
- In the real world, I actually hold an LPN out of my home state, although I don't do that for work due to my injuries, I genuinely have a love of medicine, educating, and healing. But what makes me suitable in game is my drive, demeanor, attitude, and capability to be present often. I enjoy the challenge of curing illnesses, writing reports, conducting psych evals, issuing medicine/prescriptions, and diagnosing anomalous medical phenomenon. I'm an extremely outgoing person and love to offer help to anyone that needs it, but I also know when to be stern when seeing people abuse the medical system, (I.e. ECT without consent, forcibly giving medications, abuse of illicit substances).

Please explain an in-game medical procedure of your choice:
- My favorite procedure is actually a bit strange, but I like doing psych evals.
1. Bring patient into interview room
2. Load Foundation psychological evaluation paper into clipboard
3. Fill in clerical Data
4. Give the patient a synopsis of the psychological evaluation and inform them it will be kept secure. Also, that they can tell me absolutely anything they feel comfortable in doing so.
5. Ask the questions of the evaluation.
6. I will always gives a synopsis in the notes section
7. Record any recommendations for further treatment, adminster medication, or just RTD.
8. Get approval or Consultant or Dept. Director to submit report for approval
9. Submit report
10. Repeat for next patient

What are the responsibilities of the Medical Consultant in RP?:
- Responsibilities-
-Assit the Dept. Director(s) in overseeing the day-to-day operations of the medical department
- Approving medical report or evaluation documents
- Educating staff on the different procedures, rooms, medicines, and rules/ethics of the medical department. I.e. training new and existing members of the medical department
- Fostering good relations with other departments by loaning them out medics for breaches, surface activities, or general health and well-being
- Preventing and address misuse of the medical department facilities, such as people creating and selling illicit substances, selling anomalous materials to those who arent authorized to have them, or abusing the systems used for healing.
- Educating on the Rules and Ethics to those who either don't know them, or break/go against them
- Assign medical trainees to licensed medics or doctors to get them experience and knowledge in the field or in medbay
- Teaching Medical License classes to medical trainees to provide them a better understanding of what the medical department is and does, and promoting them, should they pass
- Crediting medical personnel for a Job well done
- Be present often, as much as is reasonable
- Above all, not forgetting my job as a certified medical professional, heal those who need healing

Please give some lore about your Medical Consultant character and what storylines they would be involved in:

/// Excerpt from foundation post hire interview, performed by Assistant *******, at site ** office of *****///

"Jon Hartman enlisted in the U.S. Army at age 18 with a mix of patriotism, family history, and a desire to prove himself. Offered almost any job he wanted due to promising teat scores and ohysical aptitude, he settled on infantry, much to the dismay of his family, but they relented seeing that it made him happy. He developed a reputation as a dependable soldier. His first platoon leader nicknamed him "Bear" for his and I quote "Dad Bod build", physical strength, stubbornness, and tendency to carry heavier loads instead of making his men take them On.
During his deployments, SGT Hartman was exposed to the realities of war. He faced relentless challenges, including the constant danger of ambushes, indirect fire,and IEDs. In his service, an IED exploded on a patrol, concussed him, and while on transit back from mission, a second detonation from another IED injured him, leaving shrapnel wounds and permanent damage to his left leg, nervous system, and lower back. His physical recovery was long and never fully completed. After extensive surgeries and therapy, Jonny was medically retired at the age of 22. He lost heart spending alot of time drinking and hiding away. "

"Hartmans’s military record caught the attention of the SCP Foundation recruiters. Recognizing his potential, they approached him with an offer. They would give him dvanced medical treatment to heal his injuries, including classified experimental and anomolous procedures, in exchange for his skills and support. He gratefully accepted this opportunity for a new purpose."

"The Foundation's medical technologies not only restored his physical capabilities but also enhanced his overall health (with assitance from SCP-*** located at Sector-*). With this second chance, Jonny embraced his new role, the foundation pushing him through an accelerated internal medical training program, and becoming a certified physician in only 3 years."

"Now having been stationed at Site **, Hartman is a senior doctor responsible for both the physical and mental well being of all Foundation personnel, (he likes to emphasize the ALL part of that fact, despite some of his colleagues views on D-Class personnel). His background as a soldier prepared him to remain calm in extreme situations, whether it’s stabilizing an injured member of the foundation, treating massive a hemmorage, treqting heneral illness, or responding to the aftermath of a containment breach. His bedside manner, equal parts discipline and compassion, earns him respect across the site."

"Hartman also takes a hands-on role approach to medical research, loving to assist in the development of procedures and pharmaceuticals for treating personnel exposed to anomalous phenomena, contraction of disease, and illnesses. His dedication to his work is matched only by his thirst for knowledge and want to improve life for all his fellow foundation personnel."

"Hartman aspires to become a executive medical professional. Attempting new treatments for personnel exposed to all the dangers the foundations combats. He wants to use his expertise to minimize the physical and psychological toll on the Foundation’s workforce."

"Drawing on his military background, he wants to bridge the gap between the medical and security divisions. He hopes to establish protocols for better collaboration during containment breaches, assign medics to teams for experience, and further science division cooperation in anomalous understanding by aiding in research experiments and sampling. "

"Hartman occasionally struggles with memories of his time in combat, he channels those experiences into his work, using them to build empathy for others enduring high stress situations. Known for his practical and compassionate nature, he has become a mentor figure to younger, newer, and less experienced personnel"

"To Hartman, it seems, the Foundation is more than a workplace It’s a family, albeit a dangerous and enigmatic one, but family Nonetheless. His ultimate ambition is to leave a lasting legacy within its halls, ensuring the safety and survival of his colleagues and humanity at large."

/// End of post hire survey excerpts. Records for application provided by Assistant ******* from the department of ***** at Site ***. ///

*Assistant adds recommendation and forwards application to higher clearance site-** personnel for approval or denial, and thanks them for their time and consideration on behalf of Hartman.

///Nothing else follows///

Weebe San

Well-known Member
Aug 10, 2024
To: Johnny "Bear" Hartman
From: Director of Medicine
Subject: Consultant Application

After review of your application and discussion with the leadership team, we have decided to Accept your application. Please reach out to a director via email (weebesan, antibambi) when possible to move forward with your reassignment.

Director Wilhelmina 'Weebe' Johnson
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