[US] Karl's Executive Researcher application

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"Liquid" Karl

Well-known Member
Jul 26, 2023
Application Details:

  • Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:629864372
  • Discord name: liquid_karl
  • CG SCP Playtime: Around 900+ hours
  • Age: 17
  • Location: USA
  • Time zone: CDT
  • Character Names:
    • CI Name: CI-G [Liquid] Karl
    • Foundation Name: "Liquid" Karl
    • Civilian Name: Liquid
  • Server Applying for: SCP-RP USA
  • Mic: Yes
  • Roles Held:
    • CI-G
    • DEA (uncertain if it counts)
    • SCP-096
    • IA Agent
    • HELD MTF-E11 PVT
  • Kicks/Bans/Warnings: yes ARDM warn for shooting a CI DC in the foot with a silenced pistol then not shooting him after (this was to give him an rp reason to kill me for a tactical reset) in the clip that is as of 30 mins after the sit was deleted you could hear me saying "mf come back here" where then I shoot him once to get him to stop and he kills me an then a GSD guard pulls up killing him on the spot. ( he was dc'd as a GSD personnel)
Executive Researcher Application:
  • Why applying for Executive Researcher?
    Because I have had my eye on this role since I began playing on the server, I absolutely love the research department, and I mainly play as a researcher for the most part so I feel like it's about time I applied for this position after the hours I've spent as a Sr. researcher.
  • What makes you suitable for Executive Researcher?
    Excellent-graded Documents:

    one as of now but I plan on making way more as I continue on my path as a researcher even if this application is rejected because I believe as a researcher it’s my duty to expand knowledge on the SCPs contained here in site-65 in a proper decorated and organized manner.
    An excellent document is a document that shows your unique ideas. The research department Likes documents that are original and creative, and that may lead to a better understanding of the SCP documented. The document must be well organized and well made to be excellent.
  • Responsibilities of Executive Researcher in RP:
    • Follow Code of Ethics and Code of Conduct.
    • Support team members with tests, studies, and credit requests.
    • Assist peers with document creation and approval.
    • Expand knowledge and share insights.
    • Educate and engage through lectures and active participation in organizational activities.

  • Please give some lore about your Executive Researcher character and what storylines they would be involved in:

    >Executive Researcher, "Liquid" Karl
    The previous researcher at Site-23, Researcher Karl, was in charge of researching and documenting SCP-3718-H (Link to document HERE). A severe electrical disturbance led to a breach of the SCP when an instance of the SCP, codenamed "Liquid," jumped on and attached itself to Karl's head. Fortunately, it was a much weaker instance, but it still managed to merge its consciousness with the researcher, causing him to experience a severe form of Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) and confusion about his true self.
    >Promotions and Transfer
    Jr<Researcher<Sr<Jr.Research director<[TRANSFER AND DEMOTION]
    Researcher Karl's progression through the ranks was marked by a deliberate pace. Though it took him several years to attain the position of overseeing his own SCP for documentation and research, his unwavering determination ultimately led to his appointment as the director of SCP-3718-H. However, shortly after his promotion, he became a danger to both himself and others at Site-23 when SCP-3718-H breached, following which he experienced the aforementioned incident with the "Liquid" instance. This event further underscored the unpredictable and perilous nature of his research subject. [Transferred from site-23<Site-65]
    (put me in coach) (I've made many mistakes and misjudgments, but I truly have learned my lesson and I will do better.)
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I will be changing my verdict to a +/- support

I have spoken with Karl, and based on our conversation I believe that he is fit for the role of Exec. Researcher.

While I do not personally know Karl he has assured that he will not participate in any further raids on departments, and for that reason I will change my - Support to a Neutral
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Apr 20, 2023
From: cdarby@scpf.int
To: karl@scpf.int
Subject: Application Status


| Application Elevated |

Greetings Karl,

This is a message composed by the Research Directorate to inform you that your application for the position of Executive Researcher has been elevated to the next step. We thank you for taking the time to apply for this position; please contact a member of the Research Directorate to schedule your interview.

You may contact myself (thegypysbard) or Dep. Director Ivy Pickett (lunaria4211) concerning the details of going forward.​
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