[US] King Crusader ban appeal

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Mar 5, 2023
Your in-game name: King "Crusader" II

Your SteamID: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199139208144/home

Your steam community link: N/A

Date of ban: 5/21/23

What is your exact ban reason (shows when you try to connect): Minor Glitching

Who banned you: Ryan "Cinncinatus"

Ban length?: 5 Days

What server were you banned on?: (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP USA

Link a copy of the in-game rules here (the url): 1.22 Bug/Script Abuse - Don’t hack, script, or abuse glitches. Don’t do anything that can be seen as giving you an unfair advantage over other players

What will you do to stop this from happening again: It's clear that i will no longer run while cuffed. [Didn't know till i was told in sit]
Prior to this, have you ever been warned/kicked/banned? Only warns.

Why should you be unbanned: To be honest. It's all up to the people looking at this appeal. I believe i should be unbanned because me and my friend were just goofing off and having fun. He called a sit to have a admin tell me that running while cuffed is a no no. He didn't even want me banned. just verbally warned. but i got a 5 day ban instead. it's alright i bare no hatred or resentment towards the staff. they just be doin their job.

How can you ensure that you won't break any other rule?: read the rules and ask staff if any clarification is needed. And if i want to be goofy do it at appropiate times.

Why do you want to rejoin this server?:
It's a great community. I've made lots of friends on here and i'd like to continue to make more. good RP and even goofy little shenanigans. it makes it enjoyable. and as a tech expert main i must repair all doors OORAH
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Dpw483 Ryan "Cincinnatus"

Well-known Member
Sep 23, 2022
Hello @KingCrusader911 ,
I am going to leave my side of the story here. The sit started off with an IA ambassador by the name of Brillum for a report on someone abusing cuffs. When I had brought Brillium he explained that he was trying to drag you so that he could jail you but you were moving in a way that would force him to stop dragging you. He added that this was minor glitching, which at the time I wasn't too sure about it being minor glitching but I was told by a super admin that it was minor glitching, and that you should be punished for abusing this. I then explained the situation to you, checked your past warnings and saw you had a previous warning for minor glitching, and banned you for minor glitching , which is five days.

Good luck with your ban appeal!
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Mar 5, 2023
Hello @KingCrusader911 ,
I am going to leave my side of the story here. The sit started off with an IA ambassador by the name of Brillum for a report on someone abusing cuffs. When I had brought Brillium he explained that he was trying to drag you so that he could jail you but you were moving in a way that would force him to stop dragging you. He added that this was minor glitching, which at the time I wasn't too sure about it being minor glitching but I was told by a super admin that it was minor glitching, and that you should be punished for abusing this. I then explained the situation to you, checked your past warnings and saw you had a previous warning for minor glitching, and banned you for minor glitching , which is five days.

Good luck with your ban appeal!
thanks homie. keep up the good work!
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