[US] Kyle Ringer's Overseer Assistant Application

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Zero Hero

Civil Gamers Expert
Feb 15, 2022
Steam ID:

Discord name:
Don't forget Hawaii#8207

For how long have you played on CG SCP:
Exactly one year ago, on the 13th of February, was when I first began playing.
Playtime wise, I have approximately 260 hours on-site.

19 years old

In what country are you located?:

Time zone:

Character name(s):
Kyle Ringer, Silvio Fonti

Civilian name:
Alexander Deacon

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):

Do you have a mic?:

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
  • Executive Researcher
  • E-11 SPC
  • Site Director

Have you received any kicks/bans/warnings? and why?:

What makes you the best candidate for Overseer Assistant?:
Overseer Assistants follow distinct pillars of behavior which make them stand out from other Clearance Level-4 personnel. I am an excellent fit for Overseer Assistant, as I follow and exceed these pillars when conducting my duties on-site. To elaborate, Overseer Assistants must be professional at all times, as they must set an example for the very Code of Conduct that they uphold. I always conduct myself professionally and cordially to work with my peers in harmony. The best example of this is shown during my current tenure as an Executive Researcher, where I must represent my department through dedication, and professionalism. My activity and dedication to my duties is also another behavior which is demanded of Overseer Assistants. Overseer Assistants must be available and dependable in order to conduct their responsibilities effectively. I have shown that I am capable of both excellent activity and dedication, even when balanced in-between both of my roles under E-11 and as an Executive Researcher. Despite the issue which might be raised with having multiple roles in which I must be active at once, this hasn’t stopped me from being a successful, active, and contributing member to both.

One other reason that I would make the best candidate for Overseer Assistant is my passion for creating and upholding a positive roleplay experience for the others I interact with. The most recent example of this is my inclusion of other departments in my tests. For example (and with the appropriate authorization, of course), I like conducting SCP-079 tests with Tech Experts as assistants while working on the anomaly. Giving a roleplay opportunity to a job which typically doesn’t see much roleplay is one of the best representations of how I contribute positive roleplay experiences to the site. While roleplay ability is certainly a great reason as to my eligibility for Overseer Assistant, prior experience is the most important. As mentioned prior, I have had Senior CL-4 experience, owed to my time as Site Director of Site-56. In this role, I was responsible for the operations of the Site, and upholding the demands which the Overseer Council and Ethics Committee had laid forth. It was very often in which I found myself meeting with Overseers, for a variety of reasons. As such, I have been granted the necessary knowledge and first-hand experience necessary for the Overseer Assistant position. As a result of all of these factors, I am the best candidate for the role as an Overseer Assistant.

What are the responsibilities of Overseer Assistants in RP?:
Overseer Assistants are the middle-men for the Overseer Council. They are tasked with being where the Overseers cannot, acting as liaisons for Council members. They are trusted to undertake various tasks assigned to them by the Overseers. Overseer Assistants are also responsible for upholding and enforcing the Code of Conduct, and the will of the Overseer Council. On a day-to-day basis, Overseer Assistants will be conducting reports on Foundation Affairs to inform the Overseers on matters that are in their interests, or otherwise require their intervention. This may involve a variety of topics, including (but not limited to) Internal Affairs, the productivity of certain departments, or the recent actions of local Groups of Interest.

Please give some lore about your Overseer Assistant character and what storylines they would be involved in:

1:04 AM, 2/██/20██

As the late night draws further
in the Research Offices of Site-56, a baggy-eyed Executive Researcher logs off of his terminal, the last one at the office. As he stands from his desk, the lights suddenly cut!

“Fucking outages, been happening all d-”
The Executive Researcher, exhausted, wasn’t paying much attention to the rumble and vibrations of the floor beneath his feet. It happened in but a moment, with a gag in his mouth and a bag over his head. The chaos was over as soon as it began, so quickly that Kyle took a moment to realize he wasn’t on his feet anymore.

1:27 AM, 2/██/20██

Kyle Ringer, a veteran of the Foundation, was no stranger to the rumors.
People taken in the night, silenced by the shadows themselves. It couldn’t happen to him, no… not to Kyle Ringer it couldn’t. Could it? Such anxieties had been the only thing occupying his attention in the last 25 minutes. His mind raced, just as his heart did. Despite being stationary on a bench, or perhaps a chair for the last 15 minutes, the nervous rush of blood throughout his body made him want to jump up and run, despite being physically restrained from doing so. Being removed from the chaotic transit to wherever he remains now, however, eventually calms him down.

1:33 AM, 2/██/20██

A bright flash of light
burned into Ringer’s mind as the bag had been stripped of his face, and the slobber-soaked gag was thrown to the wayside. Ringer recoils from the sudden introduction of light, and is slow to adjust his eyes to the sight. An office, an organized mess of paper piles, packed inboxes, and manila folders. The small space is further cramped by a parade of uniformed operatives, wearing the patch of the Internal Security Department.

A door behind him slides open,
and the distinct sound of fine leather shoes can be heard. An older man, wearing a two-piece suit and an unimpressed expression enters Ringer’s field of view, and sits down at the desk in front of him. The man, sporting silver-gray hair and a moderate beard nods to the operatives still occupying the room, having made way for the man’s entrance. A new wave of frustration and anguish fills Ringer’s head as an operative draws a six-inch serrated blade. As the operative moves behind him, Ringer winces. His bindings are cut loose, falling to the ground with an inconsequential thud.

“We apologize for the scare, Doctor.”
He shuffles through his desk, swiftly pulling out a manila folder, and opening it up after giving a prompt lick to his thumb. He mumbles aloud. “Kyle Ringer… Research Department…” The man winces, mumbling “Operation Snatch N’ Rag…” Ringer looks down to the folder, remembering the field op which put him out of action as a Field Technician, grounding him permanently within Site-56. Kyle’s ears perk up from the next mumble. “Candidate… Okay, Mister Ringer, right? Uhhh... usual spiel... brass tacks, yaddah-yaddah.” Ringer is caught off guard by the nonchalant nature of the man, granting that he’s likely just as tired as he is. The man nods once more to the operatives, and they file out of the room soon after.

“Let’s get into it.”

He says, paying all of his attention to the folder in front of him. “My peers say that you would be good working up here. From a brief look at your file, I don’t see what gives. Maybe some practical joke on the one Overseer who couldn’t attend the council that night. It just had to be me.” The Overseer smiled, looking at Ringer. “Are you familiar with the Overseer Assistants, Mister Ringer?” A brief, nervous nod continues the conversation. “Good, less orientation. You’re working on Floor 3 now. You know what that means.” Ringer had become even more awestruck by the mention. “We’ll issue you your suit and office shortly. Congratulations, Assistant.”

A former Field Researcher, who lost the position after an ambush left him mortally wounded, Kyle Ringer will work well in story-lines involving GoIs, as he spent much of his career interacting with (or dodging the bullets of) these Groups of Interest. His former experience as an Executive Researcher also gives him more opportunity for roleplay during events relating to SCPs, or research in general.
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Active member
Oct 23, 2022
+ Support

+ Very active in both E-11 + Exec. Researcher roles
+ Approachable, easy to talk to
+ Willing to take initiative with projects

Kyle has done amazing as Executive, and will do amazing as an OA!

Man Manson

Civil Gamers Expert
May 17, 2021
SCP Foundation.png

Records and Information Security Administration

From the Office of ████████

Regarding ████████ Assistant Applicant - Kyle Ringer

Application Denied
Thank you for taking the time to apply for the position of ████████ Assistant

After much deliberation, your application has been denied at this time. We have gone with two other candidates at this time. You may reapply again in two weeks.​
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