[US] Loviatar's Site Advisor Application

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Staff of the week!
Staff of the Week
Head Moderator
SCP-RP Staff
Resources Team
Oct 7, 2023
Steam ID:

Discord name:

For how long have you played on CG SCP:
Around 5 - 6 months now


In what country are you located?:

Time zone:

Character name(s):
Foundation: Loviatar | Chaos: Nightmares

Civilian name:

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):

Do you have a mic?:
Yes I do
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
CI - B Nightmares, Executive Researcher, Overseer Assistant

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
Yes Ban evasion back in 2023 but since then nothing

Why are you applying for Site Advisor?
The reason I am applying for site advisor is for a few reasons. The first is to help out the foundation more. As OSA I try my best to help where I can by doing orders that are assigned to me and to enforce the code of conduct. Out of character I help where I can by staff as I want to help the server as a whole. As Site Advisor I can do to help the foundation as a whole within character. As site advisor I can help the server in and out of character by assisting the site manager and site director. The second reason is to move up the ranks. Right now I play on my OSA the most since I see that job is the one I can help out the most. Enforcing the code of conduct and helping with questions, permits, signatures, etc. Getting site advisor will allow me to do that and much more with assisting the multiple regiments on the server and give help wherever I am needed.

What makes you suitable for Site Administration?:
At the moment I have held 2 CL4 positions for a few months now. As an executive researcher and an OSA this has given me more leadership experience than I already have. Working with 05 this has given me more insight into how Sr CL4's work and will help if I get the position. I have played multiple RP servers and in those I have reached positions equivalent to this. I was in charge of working with multiple regiments under me and to ensure that they were doing what they were assigned. I was in charge of working on documents and to ensure they were up to date with active server policies and server rules. With my experience on other server and my experience in current Jr CL4 positions I think this will assist me greatly. On top of that I believe I have great patience. As staff and executive researcher you must have good patience before dealing with a situation. I believe that this will help me as well if I get site advisor to not jump into rash decisions and to think about things thoroughly before making an action. Finally is my ability to learn quickly. Having multiple position's requires me to adapt quickly and learn so I can work on my role efficiently. I believe that if I get this position I will be able to adapt to it just as quickly as I have with my other roles.

What are the responsibilities of Site Administration in RP?:
The duty of Site Administration is to help the site as a whole. Positions like Captain or Exec researcher is to maintain over the regiment you are in to better it. Site admin's job is to help the site as a whole. You are do to check up on departments and regiments within the site to make sure they are running smoothly. You as well will be expected to help the site manager and site director with any tasks they give you. You should carry these tasks out and report back to them with as much information you can. You will be expected to write documents and to approve tests for the research department. You have the ability to authorize AA in the case of a mass breach. Overall you are expected to be a heavy role play position and to make sure the site runs well. With my experience on other servers and with the current CL4 spots I hold, I think I will be able to handle any role play that is brought to me.

Please give some lore about your Site Administration character and what storylines they would be involved in:
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Verification successful, welcome: #######
Personnel file of : Overseer Assistant Loviatar
[Data has been redacted to protect the researchers identity]
Civillian name : [Redacted]
Date of birth: 8/2/ [Redacted]
Place of birth: United States of America, [Redacted]

Occupation: Assistant to the 05 council
Status: [Alive]
Place of occupation: Site - [Redacted]

Background: Foundation employee Loviatar has been serving the foundation for many years now. He joined the foundation in the summer of [Redacted]. Loviatar joined the foundation initially as a researcher, he was designated to Site - [Redacted]. Loviatar worked there for a few years until the incident of 7/23/[Redacted] when the site was lost to multiple SCP breaches. He was recovered by A-1 and brought to 05 - [Redacted]. Loviatar would accept the offer to join as an assistant and would work under them. He would carry out many orders that were given to him and he would carry them out without hesitation. Loviatar would continue as an assistant for more years until the 05 council decided it was time to move him up and to better position within the foundation so he can put his skills to more use.

Incident report of 5/5/ [Redacted]

Assistant Loviatar is sitting at his desk at Site - [Redacted]. He is sent an email to his site computer by 05 - [Redacted].

05 -[Redacted]: "Greeting's assistant, I have a new order for you. You will be flown out of the USA and taken up to Canada. You will be taken to Site - [Redacted] and there I want you to inspect the site and give me a report of what is going on there. I expect you to give me a detailed report once you are done. I am expecting great things from you Loviatar. We will be in touch later".
Loviatar is then taken away from Site - [Redcated] via plane transport. The flight lasts for 2 hours before they land at Site - [Redacted]. Loviatar is taken inside and brought to the Site Administration's office. He is brought to the office of Site Director [Redacted]. Loviatar sits down once he is thoroughly searched

Director [Redacted]: "Hello Assistant I hope your travels here were pleasant. Now you are brought here to examin the site and to report back your findings. However that is not the real reason. In actuality you were brought here to become this sites next Site Advisor. You will find all of the information outlined here"

Site Director [Redacted] gives Loviatar a file outlining his new job as well what is to be expected.

Assistant Loviatar: Wow this is not what I expected. This is a lot to take in all at once, but I am happy to help here if that is what the 05 wants from me.
Director [Redacted]: So you accept this position?
Assistant Loviatar: Of course, I will begin my duties right away.
Director [Redacted]: Perfect, we have already sent your belongings to your new living quarters and I do believe you have an email to get to.
Assistant Loviatar: Of course, I will contact you if I have any questions
Loviatar makes his way to his new living quarters and signs into his email to see an email sent by 05 - [Redacted]. Loviatar opens the email and reads it.
05 - [Redacted]: "Hello Loviatar. If you are reading this then you have accepted the role as Site Advisor. As I said to you before you left Site - [Redacted] I do expect great things from you. The council has noticed your dedication and we decided to grant you this position. If you continue your good work you will definately move up there. This however will mark your journey as my assistant to an end. I will still be keeping in touch with you to make sure that your transition to your new role goes smoothly. Until then please assist Site Director [Redacted] and ensure that the site runs without any problems. We will talk soon. - 05 - [Redacted].

Loviatar closes the email and prepares himself for his new position as Site Advisor.

Last edited:
May 30, 2023
From: @Skyfire1355
To: @Loviatar

Subject: Site Advisor Application Verdict

Hello Loviatar,

Thank you for showing your interest and taking your time to submit an application for the position of Site Advisor. After deliberation, Site Administration has deemed you not suitable for the position of Site Advisor at this time. Unfortunately, your application is to be denied.

Should you have any inquires please reach out to me at my email (@Skyfire1355).

You may reapply in two weeks.

Best Regards,

Site Director "Skyfire"

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