[US] Mitski's Gamemaster Application

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Original Steam login name (your accounts first ever name):​
For how long have you played on CG SCP-RP:​
Playtime at 28 days, but I am on more than half the week​
In what country are you located?:

Time zone:​

Foundation Name (include your regiment and rank if applicable):

Chaos name (include your rank):

Civilian name:​
MTF E-11 SPC "Mitski"

CI-D "Mitski" [AT-GEN]

"Creaser" of Jays​
Steam ID:

Discord ID (name#0000):​

Do you have a mic?:

What server are you applying for?:​


Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications:
- 096 twice, i stopped playing for a little, but I havent since without submitting an LOA
First 096 App

2nd: I still have the whitelist.
Second 096 App

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
- 4 Warnings but 1 got appealed.

1: Friday March 17th (15:19) 2023 [FailRP]
I cant fully remember what exactly I did but I believe it was before I knew it was FailRP.

2: Monday April 24th (21:50) 2023 [Toxicity/Mixing]
I was 076 on the UK server and i was trapped between a shield and a doorway where I could NOT move, I kept saying stop shooting because I called a sit and he wouldn't stop, and the shield broke and when I killed him I started being toxic. I do regret getting like that and I have not been toxic since.

3: [Hitbox Abuse] This was the one that was appealed
Hitbox Abuse

4: Thursday June 29th (10:47) 2023 [Minor Glitching {A}]
I was using chemicals because I run the Atlas chemical division of CI, we found out if the type blue and jugg drink immortal flesh immediately after being injected by aminocalciol, they would gain permanent +5 regeneration, me not knowing this was minor glitching but it is due to NULLing Type Blues decay this escalated to talking to SL and ended up giving me a minor glitch warning

Do you have any previous experience as a Gamemaster/Event Manager in a community?:​
No, this is my first time seriously playing a roleplay server but I do know how and love to roleplay.​

Do you have any previous experience with serious roleplay?:​
I've played multiple different games that have an RP aspect to it. Whether its serious RP games or more relaxed RP games.​

How many hours can you be on everyday?:​
typically 3-6+​

Why do you want to become a Gamemaster on our server?:​
I want to give more RP to players and encourage them to engage in the roleplay whether its a big big event or something like a coffee shop in the foundation just for fun. something to change the atmosphere from the normal gameplay.​

What do you think you would be able to help us with on the server? Why are you special over the other applicants?:​

I am very organized and detail orientated, if I made any events i would make sure they go as best as they can, my ADHD helps me very well with that because I can hyperfixate on things.​

Please List 3 small event ideas (Which would involve at least one side of the server):

The Cure
It is the researchers job to try and find a way to reverse the effects of 049-2. They may try using the "Doctor's Cure" chemical, or they may try and put 049-2 into 914 on every setting to see if there is a way to reverse the effects.

Dead Men Walking
All 3 GOI's have to work together figure out how to terminate or contain SCP 428 which was spotted in the middle of Pinewood in its dormant state. It will be difficult considering they cannot get too close or they get turned "killed"

Day on the Job
More D-Class RP, maybe every once in a while get a little team of like 4 d-class to be like "janitors" or something like a small job for the day for a small wage

Please List an Map change event idea (Involving both sides and the entire server):
In the case we lets say add a new SCP and the map has to change for the fact to add a new containment cell, we could get helicopters landing by pinewood in the open area and quickly extract the SCP from the heli and get it into foundation, and drag it through the entire foundation, Maybe we have to switch dimensions due to this one getting unstable and it breaking due to a messed up crosstest of two scp's and we have to create a new reality to be able to live, and that new reality comes with a new SCP

An Ethics member has been kidnapped by a rogue Foundation member, the suspect gives clues through stolen comms that they got off of the Ethics member. Each clue will get O-1 members closer to the target whether the target is somewhere on Floor 3 or HCZ it is O-1's job to do the best they can with the clues they get in a certain timeframe (10+ minutes or so) otherwise the Ethics member will be executed. There could be obstacles they have to get through such as a couple of people who are followers of the rogue Foundation member that try to take out O-1 on their way to save the Ethics Member.

A member of the 05 Council has been Class F'd by an unknown target, A-1 is completely unaware of the situation but as time passes the 05 member starts showing signs that they have possibly been brainwashed, it is A-1s job to figure out WHO tampered with the 05's mind and the reasoning behind it. As more time passes there is a possibility A-1 will be kidnapped one by one and Class F'd along with the 05 member. The event ends if A-1 find out and capture the target successfully, or if A-1 fail to capture the target and get they all get Class F'd.

Members of the Serpent's Hand make an appearance at the gate of the Foundation. They are giving Nu-7 a warning to hand over a list of SCP's provided on a document handed over to the Commander of Nu-7. They will disagree and refuse to give up SCP's, it is Nu-7's job to try and stop the Serpent's Hand from making their way into the Foundation by force to release the SCP's themselves. Due to the nature of Serpent's Hand, SCP's this ONE TIME are allowed to work with the Serpent's hand to get out of the foundation.

An unknown Keter level SCP has appeared in a random location in the Foundation due to a cross-test gone wrong, the cross-test created a wormhole in the Foundation that the SCP made it's way through and found itself at Site-65. The SCP is going to cause havoc and mayhem around the entire facility, breaking through every obstacle in its path. E-11 has to work with eachother to contain the SCP and send it back through the wormhole with as little causalities as possible.

The Engineer send's a letter to the Commander of CI stating they will be making an appearance in base, CI are required to intercept a Foundation convoy headed to GOC and capture SCP-1499 and exfil with it back to their base to hand over to the Engineer. The convoy will consist of DEA/Nu-7, atleast 2 transport vehicles or one transport and one LAV.

An Unknown KTE has mysteriously made its way into Pinewood. GOC has to capture the KTE before any other GOI does and they have to find out the reasoning of the KTE's appearance and decide what to do with it at that point.

Foundation Staff:
A mysterious humanoid entity called "The Quest Giver" is set in different areas of the foundation at different times in intervals of 5-10 minutes. Anyone can walk up to them and get a quest given to them according to their job, Chefs need to cook a certain food and return it to them, or Tech Expert's need to repair a certain number of doors and return to the quest giver.
Last edited:
May 25, 2022
Application Accepted

Hi @CJdaBoi ,

On behalf of the Game Master Team I like to thank you for making an application for the position of Trial Game Master, this is to let you know that you have been accepted to conduct the next step of the application process.
Please contact an me for your next step.

Kind Regard,
Event Team Supervisor Gregory
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