[US] Nolan 'Sprite' Dark Special Agent Application


Feb 4, 2025
California, US
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:460722115

Discord name:

For how long have you played on CG SCP:
Played for a couple of months last early summer, had a several month long hiatus, and then relapsed in December. Currently have around 450h in server total.


In what country are you located?:
The United States of America

Time zone:

Character name(s):

Nolan 'Sprite' Dark
Chaos Insurgency: 'Starry' Sky
UNGOC: Simon 'Cola' Dark

Civilian name:
Benthony Gomez

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):
US Server

Do you have a mic?:
Yes, I use it constantly.

What are your total levels?:

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:

E-11 SPC
Nu-7 SGT [IS]

CI-A (Current)
UNGOC SPC (Current)
GSD SGT (Current)
External Affairs Senior Agent (Current)
Combat Medic (Current)
ISD (Current)

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
1741599628915.pngHow long have you been a Senior Agent for?

Almost 3 weeks since my last re-whitelist, but before my summer/fall hiatus I used to be a Senior Agent as well so I don't really know the total time.

Why are you applying for Special Agent?

I've been on the server for a long time, and I had decided I go without having pursued leadership of any one department or GOI until having tried all of them for a decent amount of time. I genuinely enjoy RP on DEA, and the whole idea of the DEA and what they do in general. I want to expand both my capability within as well as my contribution to the DEA (with the little time I can be on during the active hours, RIP to us PST guys). On top of the rest of that, I also want to start entering a leadership position and work to start making my mark on the server, and I believe the DEA is the best way to begin.

What makes you suitable for Special Agent?:

With a great chunk of my time here being in SOP, CI, and GOC, I have a strong understanding of the surface and the RP that happens in that area. I have a great understanding of the rules of both the server and the site. I've also been an agent within the Department of External Affairs for quite a bit, and have gained reliable knowledge of the basic duties of the DEA, enough to teach junior members the ropes. I'm a versatile asset which can mold into any sort of role fairly quickly, and can adapt to new RP situations easily. I can also help with the night shift as a PST guy.

How many documents have you written? What makes a document good?:

I've not written many documents, maybe 6-8, due to my time in the Medical Department and ISD. However, that is enough for me to be able to say what makes a document good. What is possibly above all else in importance (other than content, of course) is having a good presentation and organization. A document can span many pages, and having things like an index and a title page can go a long way in giving these documents the step up they need. Depending on the kind of document as well, a conclusion can go a long way to remind people of what they just read, or if a senior needs a quick tl;dr or a sitrep.

What are the responsibilities of the Special Agent in RP?:

-Protecting the site against hostile GOIs and intruders, by upholding the site's security standards and swiftly responding to Code 1's.
-Monitoring the surface and hostile GOIs for information and activity which puts the Site's security at risk, and dealing with these issues when they arise.
-Teaching new agents the ropes of the DEA, by hosting trainings and correcting mistakes with punishments if necessary.
-Giving tryouts to agents for a shot at Senior Agent.
-Conduct Infiltrations on hostile GOIs, and in the lack of proper leadership, authorize raids and infiltrations.
-Negotiate with hostile GOIs in the event that Foundation hostages are taken.
-Conduct missions in which a higher level of delicacy or lower room for error is present.

Please give some lore about your Special Agent character and what storylines they would be involved in:

Nolan Dark was born into a large and wealthy family. His family were criminals. That was the entire family business. Deals with the cartel, money laundering, drug handling. They did it all. Encompassed the whole spectrum. Every crime that made money was being streamlined and perfected by the Dark family. Any crime you could consider organized, was all run by the Dark family in his hometown of [REDACTED].

Nolan was trained from a young age to be a criminal. Trained in the art of survival. Lockpicking before he could ride a bike, marksmanship before even being able to drive. Kids his age were playing at the park while he was learning how tunnel systems operate and how to evade the law. When they went to school learning their math and english, he went to his family's laundering and production locations, learning how they operated, and how to run one in the absence of other family. He was taught how to reverse drug overdoses, how to patch up hollowpoint wounds, how to reattach limbs, and harvest and replace organs. He was taught how to appear where he wanted, and disappear when he needed.

While his family enjoyed crime, Nolan didn't commit crime to be criminal, he did it for the money. At least, thats what he told himself all this time. He never understood why things HAD to be the way they were. He only knew the true nature behind criminal work. His family never knew loyalty, as every criminal had a price. Because his name was Dark, he basically had gotten whatever he wanted, as long as he continued the family business. At the same time, his name was a curse. An inevitable destiny that would follow him. When he was born, his occupation was already sealed.

Unfortunately for crime, it turned out his family's associates also had a price. And they were bought. In a government sting operation which should have and basically did completely dismantle the Dark family's business, he did what he did best. He saw his chance and survived. Instead of just running away from the government, like criminals are so fond of, he decided to take a risk and cut a deal. Instead of just evidence, he gave his investigating agency something a lot more. It was his skills. Nolan wasn't just a lackey in the criminal world. He was a master cipher of the knowledge within said world. He knew his old associate's to a tee, and could attest to the near perfect comprehension of the criminal world. Despite the fact that his name was Dark, they let him on as an informant.

Nolan wasn't going to stay a dog in a cage, however. If he was going, he was going to go all the way. He worked himself constantly to acquire respect from his new associates, starting to gain reputation among them as "the good criminal" and "the master turncoat." He became an asset to the very agency that turned around his life. Despite the unorthodox nature of his recruitment, he was eventually picked up by the FBI, where he would do numerous jobs undercover against vip's and internal terrorist cells. Becoming an FBI intelligence agent, he actually liked his job. It was something he didn't have to do for just money.

At the height of his career, now FBI Agent Nolan Dark was just doing his job. He found himself on an extremely deep cover mission investigating a smuggling ring. What was odd was that this ring, to the extent of FBI knowledge, was "something extremely high value." In the weeks before that, the individuals who had sent him on the mission suspected heavy weapons or super high value contraband.

Nolan soon realized that what they had been smuggling wasn't just illegal; it was downright impossible. In his cover, he had found himself access into an auction of these "impossible" goods. A mirror which had a sentient reflection, a music box which played songs that didn't exist, a glass jar which whispered to you. Nolan is way in over his head. Where he stood, there was an auctioner who had a mortally injured man next to him. He was showing off his "God's Blood" pills which could instantly bring full vitality and cure all ailments and injury. After administering the pill to the dying man, he nearly instantly sat upright, looking as if he had just woken up from a nice nap. He was just fine. He even stretched, as if he wasn't on his deathbed 25 seconds beforehand. After showing off a briefcase of several more of these, Nolan realized that this kind of thing is much too powerful to not do anything about in that moment. So he acted. He sabatoged the auction, stole the briefcase, and escaped. On his way to deliver such powerful substance to his base, he was intercepted by unknown individuals who moved like shadows and acted quickly to restrain him and administer tranquilizer.

They didn't just take the substance, they took Nolan as well. He woke up in an interrogation room. This wasn't his first rodeo, he knew what questions and threats to expect in a room like this. Or so he thought. They only asked him one question: "How did you manage to infiltrate an anomalous underground trade network that we’ve been monitoring for years, without detection?" This entire time, Nolan had been operating in their world. Rather than amnesticizing him like they would most others, they gave him a choice instead. Work for them, and help them contain the impossible, or be deemed a potential security risk, and be removed from the planet.

He only really had one choice.​
Jul 30, 2022
Hello @Sprite

In regards to your Special Agent Application, after discussion, we have decided to ACCEPT your Application.

Please contact me (RotaryGT) over Discord or TeamSpeak to begin your orientation.

Welcome Special Agent,

- Dpt. Director Rui "Rudy" Mercer