[US] O5-3 "The Tsar"

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Well-known Member
May 17, 2022
Steam ID:

Discord name:

For how long have you played on CG SCP:
Since May 2022, 30+ days of playtime.


In what country are you located?:

Time zone:

Character name(s):
Lech ‘Penumbra’ Dabrowski & Daniel ‘Umbra’ Kruger

Civilian name:
Dorion Chloros

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):

Do you have a mic?:

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
Site Director, Site Manager, Site Advisor , B-1 Special Agent , Beta-1 CPT , Nu-7 CPL , Intelligence Ambassador, DEA Senior Agent, GOC SGT , CI-A x3 & SCP-096.

Have you received any kicks/bans/warnings? and why?:
One RDM Warn From January 2023, Shot a Cadet that was inside of B-1 Bunks. One expired warning from August 2022 for FailRP, I used AA on somebody as a D-Class, at the time I was unaware this was against the rules. I also have one ban and warning from August 2022 for LTARP, I left after being arrested by an IA agent.

What O5 role are you applying for, and why (give the specific O5 number):
O5-3, “The Tsar”. I am applying for this position because I wish to more efficiently expand roleplay among the player base, as well as to advance my career on the server and take on the role and responsibilities of a Site Command position.

What makes you the best candidate for the O5 Council?:
There are a couple of factors that make me the best candidate for O5, those factors being, my experience, my skill set, my professionalism and my activity. Starting with my experience, I have been in a Site Administration position since February 3rd, so for about 3 and a half months. Throughout my time as Site Administration, I have obtained a vast amount of experience, ranging anywhere from being an in-game leader to dealing with complaints brought up to me. These situations I have been a part of have drastically helped me to gain crucial experience that I used and still use in my day-to-day as Site Administration, and will most definitely continue to use if I do obtain this position. Secondly, my skill set complements this position intensively. My adaptability skills allow me to adapt to last-minute changes and or decisions. My communication is another skill that will massively assist me in a Site Command position, communication is arguably one of the most important skills for somebody in a leadership position to have. I have been almost constantly using my communication skills during my time as Site Administration and it is something that has helped me almost every step of the way. Another skill that I have that will dramatically assist me if I get this role is my problem-solving abilities. It is a skill that is crucial for Site Administration and is used by me pretty much every day when I have to fix issue(s) that are happening around the site. Thirdly, my professionalism is one of my most focused skills. While in a Site Director, or Site Administration position in general, you are almost constantly approached with issues people are having, people wanting to have a meeting, or people seeking orders. During these situations, I constantly uphold my professionalism, and ensure I am always friendly when talking with people to seem as approachable as possible. Lastly, my activity is pretty good. I get on the server pretty much everyday, and if i'm not on one day, i'm on the next. When I am online I typically play for about 2 hours, but if needed can be on for multiple hours at a time.

What are the responsibilities of the O5 Council in RP?:
- Oversee Performance of the entire Site, and step in when necessary (i.e. Giving Orders During A Breach, Dealing With A Mass Info breach, Etc.)
- Implement and Update Site-Wide Policies/Changes, including the Code of Conduct.
- Watch over Overseer assistants, and assign them tasks.
- Utilize and give orders to Alpha-1
- Detonate the Alpha Warhead to reset RP when necessary.
- Call Site Wide Evacuations / Code Blacks.

What are the responsibilities of the O5 Council out of RP (e.g. what applications do they handle?):
- Create roleplay for the server’s player base.
- Vote on Overseer Assistant applications.
- Vote on Director of External Affairs applications.
- Designate an Alpha-1 Commander when the position is empty.
- Vote on Site Director applications.

Please give some lore about your O5 character and what storylines they would be involved in:
“The Tsar”, otherwise known as Lech Dabrowski, was born into a small family, in rural Poland, it was just him, his mother, Maria and his father, Andrzej. His father operated as a Field Agent in Site-120, while his mother was a researcher that specialized in Thaumatology. Lech was oblivious to the horrors that his parents worked for. It was just a few weeks after Lech’s 17th Birthday, he was waiting for his parents to return home from work, as he often did, but they never returned. His parents were involved in Incident-27. This incident was caused by SCP-6072, who was able to manifest inside of the site, causing mass panic and disruption inside of the site. Sadly, Lech’s parents were killed during this containment breach.

Lech spent the next 5 years researching, studying, doing anything to figure out what happened to his parents. This attracted the attention of Foundation, they took him into custody, and interrogated him. Seeing as he was the son of two highly successful personnel, Lech was offered a position inside of the
Research Division, following in his mothers footsteps. Lech was determined to make it in the foundation. He tried time and time again to have success in the Research Division, but to no avail. After 3 years, Lech transferred to the Security Division for the site.

Lech quickly established himself as one of the best agents in the Foundation, always bringing back positive results from his undercover missions. His success did not go unnoticed, He Joined
Mobile Task Force Beta-1 and excelled even further than before. Lech’s continuous success caught the attention of the Site-65 Director, Mr. ██████. Days later, Lech was approached with an offer to progress his career as a Site Advisor, but he would have to transfer Sites to Site-65 located in Canada. Lech hastily accepted this offer granted to him and pursued his career in Site Administration.

He got summoned to the directors office a few months into his job as site administration. He was informed upon arrival that due to his efforts and dedication to the Site, he would be promoted to
Site Manager. Lech was thrilled and remained a committed member of his team. Then, one day, his former Director was discovered dead and mauled in his office. Lech was aware of what needed to be done; he would adopt the role of his old superior and take over as Site Director of Site-65.

Lech would soon receive a visit from the
Overseer Council, offering him a position among their ranks. In return, everybody that he has grown close to, will forget who he was, with all information about him scrubbed from the SCiPNET, and any documents with his signature destroyed; He would soon accept this deal. Lech would officially be announced dead on 5/15/2023. From this point onward, he would only be known as “The Tsar”.


Civil Gamers Expert
Jan 27, 2022
+support I feel as though penumbra is the best applicant for this position. He does great working helping out a lot of departments and is very active too definitely deserves o5.


I’ve talked to Penumbra numerous times on-site and they are easy to work with and talk to. Penumbra has also been able to adapt to becoming the SD extremely fast. Penumbra seemed to fit like a glove into the position of SD and does a great job as a SD, showcasing his exceptional work ethic. Additionally, Penumbra is active, has created a great application and has a lot of past experience making him a great fit for 05. Good luck Penumbra.
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