Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:525691612
Discord name: skoinksskoobs
For how long have you played on CG SCP: 1 year 6 months
Age: 18
In what country are you located?: USA
Time zone: CST
Character name(s): Tyrone 'Skoobz' Tiggle, Alexander Montgomery, Genesis, Quandarious Scatpack, Quandarious Hellcat, Felix 'Fentanyl'
Civilian name: Alexander Montgomery
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): USA
Do you have a mic?:
- Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
Ethics Committee Chairman - Held
Ethics Committee Vice Chairman - Held
Ethics Committee Member - Held
Site Manager - Held
Site Advisor - Held
Ethics Committee Assistant x2 - Held
Overseer Assistant - Held
Omega-1 Captain - Held
Omega-1 Lance Corporal - Held
ISD Investigator - Held
CI-C BCOM / R&D Director - Held
External Affairs Special Agent - Held
External Affairs Senior Agent - Held
Epsilon-11 Command Sergeant - Held
Epsilon-11 Specialist - Held
CI-G - Held
CI-B - Held
CI-D / R&D Senior CO- Held
Executive Researcher - Former Legacy - Held
Site Director - Holding
ISD Inspector - Holding
UNGOC SPC - Holding
SCP-096 - Holding
SCP-22415 - Holding
CI-A - Holding
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
1x MRDM ban, 1X FailRP warn both expired
What O5 role are you applying for, and why (give the specific O5 number):
I am applying for the position of O5-4, as it has been a secondary goal of mine after achieving the rank of Site Director. Another reason for my application is my belief that, as O5-4, I could create new and unique RP from a broader perspective. I have already developed substantial RP through my roles in Site Administration and the Ethics Committee, and I believe this new perspective would allow me to build on that experience and further enrich the RP I create.
Similar to my previous application, one of my goals is to help build a more cohesive Foundation Command, where Ethics and O5 work together to implement changes that benefit RP rather than engaging in unnecessary internal conflicts. I would also like to use this position to further support the Research Department in its progress. While Barry has been doing an outstanding job improving Research, I believe my experience could be beneficial in assisting the current Directors.
What makes you the best candidate for the O5 Council?:
I believe I am the best candidate for the position, not only due to my experience but also my high activity level. Currently, I have around 7 days and 20 hours of vtime, and I believe my consistent activity would greatly enhance the RP I could create as a council member. My high activity allows me ample opportunity to interact with players across all departments, enabling me to spot potential improvements and gather ideas to enrich RP for each department. Additionally, my activity lets me engage with the various forms of RP that others create throughout the facility, whether it’s through a simple conversation or by granting permissions for testing on a Clearance 4 SCP.
My experience further demonstrates that I am well-equipped for the role of O5-4. I have held positions in both Foundation Command and Site Administration and have shown the ability to develop new and unique RP. During my time as Ethics Committee Chairman, I organized a series of termination trials with assistance from the UNGOC, which included SCP-457, SCP-682, and SCP-049. I also conducted additional tests outside of these trials, such as an SCP-7722/SCP-079 cross-test to explore whether SCP-079 could be influenced by religion.
In addition to these events, I have launched numerous projects, including but not limited to Project Pestilence, Project Training, Project Mentality, Project Quantum Entanglement, Project The Traitors, Project Stolen Goods, Project Fix It, Operation Chamber Cleaner, Operation The Cure, Project Anti-Depressants, Project Wellness Checks, Project The Cure II, and Project Insanity. These joint projects from my time as Site Administration demonstrate my ability to collaborate and plan events with other Site Administration members to enhance RP for the player base.
In addition to my experience and activity, I would like to highlight the team I have assembled for Site Administration. All current members of Site Administration are highly active, not only within the game but also in the Site Administration chats, where we actively discuss and implement changes. This dedicated team has been pushing out critical updates at an impressive rate. Recent changes include updates to the Site Access Guidelines following the Entrance Zone Rework, the construction of a new UNGOC Embassy, adjustments to the Advanced Armory for ISD, and more.
Additionally, during my time as Ethics Committee Chairman, I created large-scale RP for the site by reworking and reinstating the D-Class work program. Originally developed by Site Advisor James A. Mapper, the program was later reworked by me after it had been discontinued. This initiative provided RP opportunities for D-Class outside of testing and encouraged them to engage in activities other than rioting or targeting General Security and Researchers. When reintroducing the D-Class work program, I added several new permits, including the SCP Chamber Cleaner and Chemist permits, along with a revision to the D-Class Informant permit.
Furthermore, my roles as Ethics Committee Chairman and Site Director demonstrate my experience both working collaboratively within a team, like O5, and leading teams effectively. Similarly, my experience as an Omega-1 Captain highlights my ability to coordinate with Alpha-1 and lead them in managing conflicts when necessary. (I understand that O5 does not typically micromanage Alpha-1; this is simply for example purposes.)
Even if I were to transition to O5, the current Site Administration team is well-equipped to continue thriving and implementing effective changes independently.
What are the responsibilities of the O5 council in RP?:
Appointment of the Site Director
Appointment of the Director of Research
Appointment of the Alpha-1 Commander
Appointment of Overseer Assistants
Providing orders to both Alpha-1 and Overseer Assistants
Detonation of the Alpha Warhead
Authorization of Class 5 - Class 5 Cross tests
Voting on new Council Members
Authorization of Advanced Armory
Authorization of KOS past airlock
Authorizing raids on the Chaos Insurgency or the UNGOC
What are the responsibilities of the O5 Council out of RP (e.g. what applications do they handle?):
Certain Demotion appeals
Maintaining the Code of Conduct
Please give some lore about your O5 character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Discord name: skoinksskoobs
For how long have you played on CG SCP: 1 year 6 months
Age: 18
In what country are you located?: USA
Time zone: CST
Character name(s): Tyrone 'Skoobz' Tiggle, Alexander Montgomery, Genesis, Quandarious Scatpack, Quandarious Hellcat, Felix 'Fentanyl'
Civilian name: Alexander Montgomery
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): USA
Do you have a mic?:
- Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
Ethics Committee Chairman - Held
Ethics Committee Vice Chairman - Held
Ethics Committee Member - Held
Site Manager - Held
Site Advisor - Held
Ethics Committee Assistant x2 - Held
Overseer Assistant - Held
Omega-1 Captain - Held
Omega-1 Lance Corporal - Held
ISD Investigator - Held
CI-C BCOM / R&D Director - Held
External Affairs Special Agent - Held
External Affairs Senior Agent - Held
Epsilon-11 Command Sergeant - Held
Epsilon-11 Specialist - Held
CI-G - Held
CI-B - Held
CI-D / R&D Senior CO- Held
Executive Researcher - Former Legacy - Held
Site Director - Holding
ISD Inspector - Holding
UNGOC SPC - Holding
SCP-096 - Holding
SCP-22415 - Holding
CI-A - Holding
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
1x MRDM ban, 1X FailRP warn both expired
What O5 role are you applying for, and why (give the specific O5 number):
I am applying for the position of O5-4, as it has been a secondary goal of mine after achieving the rank of Site Director. Another reason for my application is my belief that, as O5-4, I could create new and unique RP from a broader perspective. I have already developed substantial RP through my roles in Site Administration and the Ethics Committee, and I believe this new perspective would allow me to build on that experience and further enrich the RP I create.
Similar to my previous application, one of my goals is to help build a more cohesive Foundation Command, where Ethics and O5 work together to implement changes that benefit RP rather than engaging in unnecessary internal conflicts. I would also like to use this position to further support the Research Department in its progress. While Barry has been doing an outstanding job improving Research, I believe my experience could be beneficial in assisting the current Directors.
What makes you the best candidate for the O5 Council?:
I believe I am the best candidate for the position, not only due to my experience but also my high activity level. Currently, I have around 7 days and 20 hours of vtime, and I believe my consistent activity would greatly enhance the RP I could create as a council member. My high activity allows me ample opportunity to interact with players across all departments, enabling me to spot potential improvements and gather ideas to enrich RP for each department. Additionally, my activity lets me engage with the various forms of RP that others create throughout the facility, whether it’s through a simple conversation or by granting permissions for testing on a Clearance 4 SCP.
My experience further demonstrates that I am well-equipped for the role of O5-4. I have held positions in both Foundation Command and Site Administration and have shown the ability to develop new and unique RP. During my time as Ethics Committee Chairman, I organized a series of termination trials with assistance from the UNGOC, which included SCP-457, SCP-682, and SCP-049. I also conducted additional tests outside of these trials, such as an SCP-7722/SCP-079 cross-test to explore whether SCP-079 could be influenced by religion.
In addition to these events, I have launched numerous projects, including but not limited to Project Pestilence, Project Training, Project Mentality, Project Quantum Entanglement, Project The Traitors, Project Stolen Goods, Project Fix It, Operation Chamber Cleaner, Operation The Cure, Project Anti-Depressants, Project Wellness Checks, Project The Cure II, and Project Insanity. These joint projects from my time as Site Administration demonstrate my ability to collaborate and plan events with other Site Administration members to enhance RP for the player base.
In addition to my experience and activity, I would like to highlight the team I have assembled for Site Administration. All current members of Site Administration are highly active, not only within the game but also in the Site Administration chats, where we actively discuss and implement changes. This dedicated team has been pushing out critical updates at an impressive rate. Recent changes include updates to the Site Access Guidelines following the Entrance Zone Rework, the construction of a new UNGOC Embassy, adjustments to the Advanced Armory for ISD, and more.
Additionally, during my time as Ethics Committee Chairman, I created large-scale RP for the site by reworking and reinstating the D-Class work program. Originally developed by Site Advisor James A. Mapper, the program was later reworked by me after it had been discontinued. This initiative provided RP opportunities for D-Class outside of testing and encouraged them to engage in activities other than rioting or targeting General Security and Researchers. When reintroducing the D-Class work program, I added several new permits, including the SCP Chamber Cleaner and Chemist permits, along with a revision to the D-Class Informant permit.
Furthermore, my roles as Ethics Committee Chairman and Site Director demonstrate my experience both working collaboratively within a team, like O5, and leading teams effectively. Similarly, my experience as an Omega-1 Captain highlights my ability to coordinate with Alpha-1 and lead them in managing conflicts when necessary. (I understand that O5 does not typically micromanage Alpha-1; this is simply for example purposes.)
Even if I were to transition to O5, the current Site Administration team is well-equipped to continue thriving and implementing effective changes independently.
What are the responsibilities of the O5 council in RP?:
Appointment of the Site Director
Appointment of the Director of Research
Appointment of the Alpha-1 Commander
Appointment of Overseer Assistants
Providing orders to both Alpha-1 and Overseer Assistants
Detonation of the Alpha Warhead
Authorization of Class 5 - Class 5 Cross tests
Voting on new Council Members
Authorization of Advanced Armory
Authorization of KOS past airlock
Authorizing raids on the Chaos Insurgency or the UNGOC
What are the responsibilities of the O5 Council out of RP (e.g. what applications do they handle?):
Certain Demotion appeals
Maintaining the Code of Conduct
Please give some lore about your O5 character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Alexander Montgomery's Lore
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