[US] O5-5 "The Priest"

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OOC Information

Steam ID:

Discord name:

For how long have you played on CG SCP:
Just over 4 months since joining and over 2 weeks active playtime


In what country are you located?:

Time zone:
AEST (10+ GST)

Character name(s):
Rev. Doofster Runner - Current Foundation Character
Muhammad "The Vile" Runner - Current Chaos Insurgency Character

Civilian name:
Alexander "The Rockstar" Runner - Current Civilian Character

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):


Application Info

Do you have a mic?:
- Yes I have a microphone

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
- Intelligence Ambassador - Previous Position
- Intelligence Director - Previously Held
- CI Beta - Currently Held
- Overseer's Assistant - Previously Held
- Site Advisor - Currently Held
- Ethics Assistant - Currently Held

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
- I have received no warnings/kicks/bans to my knowledge (no player access to warn history). Any warns/kicks would be without my knowledge

What O5 role are you applying for, and why (give the specific O5 number):
- O5-5

What makes you the best candidate for the O5 Council?:

At this point in my career at Site-56, I have been everywhere. Originally serving in D-Block, doing a stint in Research and Security, before moving to Intelligence, the place I stayed for a month and a half of my time on site. During my Intelligence career, I progressed rapidly from a new Agent, to the Director within 2 weeks, and remained the director for a month. During my time as a Director I worked as both an Overseers Assistant and Ethics Assistant too, working with both sides, in an attempt to discover my place throughout the Foundation.

After some time I believe it best for me to leave Intelligence, as I had done all I could, and wish for a new fresh pair of eyes to come in and fix what I couldn't, or wouldn't. Since then I have joined the Site Administration as a Site-Advisor, working in overseeing Intelligence and Internal Affairs.

Through my short time in Site Administration, I came to the realization that desk work wasn't for me. This is why I am here, showing my readiness to step forward and take a seat with the Council. I believe that my work there would be more beneficial then keeping track of what IA and Intel is doing (which I was doing for Ethics regardless but with less paperwork).

I believe my time zone also allows for me to be an O5 that can be present during later nights, which is normally leaving the site exclusively run by the Ethics Committee. I wish to be the voice of the O5 present during the later hours, and to help bring forward progression towards Site-56 and their new work with the newer factions in Pinewood.

I have been it all, and I have nearly done it all. I am here applying to take my final career step.

As 'The Priest' of Site-56.

What are the responsibilities of the O5 Council in RP?:

The O5 Council is the head of the Foundation, nothing gets through without their knowledge and approval. Their job is to run the Foundation and keep the Departments, Administration, and MTF organised, efficient, and clear of their goals. Each member oversees a part of the Foundation and makes sure that they're following the goals, rules, and professionalism required for an efficient and effective work environment that allows for the goals of the Foundation to be forwarded towards true success.

What are the responsibilities of the O5 Council out of RP (e.g. what applications do they handle?):

The O5 Council deal with the Applications of; Intelligence Directors, Overseers Assistants, Site Directors, Site Advisors, Research Directors and Chief of Security directly. They jointly deal with the applications of Internal Affairs Directors with the Ethics Committee.


LOGIN: ████████
PASSWORD: ██████████

"Slow ass machines..."

WELCOME BACK: Mr. ██████████



FILE RECIEVED: Rev. ████ Peter ████​

Name: █████ Peter █████
Sex: Male
Age: 20
Height: 6'1"
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Nationality: Australian
Reason for Incarceration:
- 4 Counts of Murder of a State Officer
- 2 Counts of Murder of a Federal Officer
- 7 Counts of Armed Robbery
- 126 Counts of Illegal Weapons Manufacturing
- 82 Counts of Illegal Weapon Distribution

- 45 Counts of Harming Non-Hostile Civilians in War
- 1 Count of Chemical Warfare

Mr ██████ was born in 2001 to Peter and Cathy █████ in Newcastle, New South Wales, Australia on the 08/03 at 0313. Mr █████ was found to be a troublemaker child, but seemingly had no severe punishments given out. His school reported him as a bright, if lazy, student, who wasted his intelligence, instead choosing to pursue hobbies like cryptology. Mr █████ parents filed for divorce in 2009, causing a severe drop in academic grades, and an increase in his behavioural issues. At the age of 14, Mr █████ received his first criminal record for starting an "illegal betting ring" at his school, requiring him to cease the operation and pay a fine of $400 AUD. Mr ████ behaviour improved after the criminal incident and graduated high school at the age of 17, shortly thereafter enlisting into the Royal Australian Navy as a Cryptologic Officer. Commissioned as a Lieutenant, Mr █████ went off to operate in peacekeeping missions of the coast of Saudi Arabia. After 8 months of service, Mr ████ led Operation "Trigger Happy", a joint operation with the UN to eliminate a high ranking Taliban officer, which Mr ████ deduced was hiding in a small town off the coast. Before approval, Mr █████ got word that the target was leaving the town, and wanting to avoid this opportunity, Mr ████ ordered the bombardment of the area, including the use of White Phorsourace by the Saudi Arabian Troops assisting in the operation. After the bombardment settled, radio communications came in that Mr ████ information was wrong, and he had attacked the wrong target, causing a large number of civilian casualties, as well as authorized the use of an illegal weapon of war. Mr ████ was ordered back to Australia, but when arrived, Mr ████ was nowhere to be found, later being confirmed to have abandoned ship off the coast of the Northern Territory of Australia and now in hiding.

2 Months after his disappearance, word in Queensland reached the Australian Federal Police of a man fitting the description the UN had given them, of a weapons dealer and local musician who ran and operated a smuggling and manufacturing ring of illegal firearms out of a small town, south west of Newcastle. Further reports came in from the Queensland State Police that the weapons ring was led by Mr █████ and his two brothers, █████ and █████. After a month long investigation, the Australian Federal Police, along with the Queensland State Police, successfully led a sting operation at a local bar where Mr ████ was found playing a show. Australian Federal Agents captured Mr █████, but his brothers █████ and █████ managed to escape.

Mr ██████ was extradited to the UN International Court of Justice to undergo trial for his crimes while in the Royal Australian Navy, as well as for his Federal crimes by the Australian High Court, who wanted to try him remotely.

Addendum 1.1:
Mr ██████ was found guilty of all crimes presented to the UN Security Council, and has been given the death penalty. His execution date is to be determined at a later date, for now he will be incarcerated in the Metropolitan Correctional Centre, and is to remain in Solitary Confinement until his execution date is confirmed.

Addendum 1.2:
Mr ██████ was admitted to the medical ward of the Metropolitan Correctional Centre due to self inflicted damage to his eyes in an attempt to be released from solitary confinement. Doctors were able to save his eyesight for now, but they believe it will be unlikely to heal, and degrade over time.

Addendum 1.3:
Mr ██████ has been executed, all remains were burnt and his ashes given to ████████████ for storage. All documentation is to be destroyed under order of ██████.

"Access Audio Files"


PLAYING - audiofile1.mp3

"Wakey wakey Mr ██████"

The sound of rattling chains can be heard, as metal loops scrape against a metal table.

"What the... Who the fuck are you?!"

"I'm the man who just might save your life, so I'd listen well if I was you"

The tapping of finger nails on a metal table can be heard as the metal chain scrapes harder against the table

"I don't care who the fuck you are! UN, Federal Police, my fucking mother, I don't care! So let me out of these fucking chains before we have a problem you suited prick"

A small chuckle is heard as the tapping on the table stops, footsteps are heard

"I'm none of those things you said, in fact, I'm much worse, so quiet down for a second and let me tell you how you can get out of here alive. Ok?"

The chains stop scrapping and a deep breathes are heard as the person in chains exhales in exhaustion

"Good... Now I work with a very special group, that take scum like you, and let them turn their lives around."

"So you're a suit who wants to rehabilitate me? Yea I'm sure the UN really wants that after they just said I'm guilty and going to be shot in a short time."

"My boy, we don't answer to the UN, they answer to us. So are you interested?"

A scoff is heard

"Sure pal, fucking inspire me on how I'm gonna live"

audiofile1,mp3 CORRUPTED

"God damn... open D-Class file"



D-1402 FILE​

Name: D-1402
Sex: Male
Age: 21
Height: 6'1"
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Nationality: Australian
Reason for Incarceration:

Brought from UN International Court of Justice to serve 2 months as D-Class personnel at Site-56

Medical Report:
D-1402 shows serious psychological damage and is likely to be a troublemaker to Foundation staff. Seems to have an addiction to morphine however which could be used to leverage good behaviour from him.

Future reports of D-1402 should be taken after each test or physical confrontations to see if his mental state worsens.

D-1402 has shown to be not as physically hostile as we initially predicted, he has shown to have a gift of manipulation and coercion of his fellow D-Class personnel. Risks of riots being conducted by the persons should be noted as his silver tongue could lead to such an issue should he feel the need to start one.

D-1402 has exhibited a keen interest in SCP-049 after interaction with him during the latest 049 breach. 049 was seemingly talked down by D-1402 and assisted in getting the anomaly successfully re-contained by MTF personal. D-1402 seemingly has done this in an attempt to shorten his sentence as he stated in his medical check after this breach.

At the request of ██████, D-1402 files are to be destroyed, with medical files only being saved to a Clearance Level 4+. D-1402 shall be transferred to the Intelligence Department under the care of Department Deputy Director Jules.

"Open Foundation Employment File"



Name: Rev. Doofster Runner
Sex: Male
Age: 21
Height: 6'1"
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Nationality: Australian
Department: Site Administration
Clearance Level: 4

- Intelligence Agent
- Intelligence Ambassador
- Intelligence Director
- ███████ Assistant
- Ethics Assistant
- Site Advisor

Rev. Doofster Runner is currently one of a few Site Advisors at Site-56, also assisting the Ethics Committee, for both jobs he overseers Intelligence and Internal Affairs. Rev. Doofster Runner has shown dedicated to the Foundation and Site-56 since his employment.

- Operation Trainee
Successful Operation that led to the capturing of a DELCOM of the Chaos Insurgency, as well as the town of Pinewood ceasing co-operation with the Chaos Insurgency

- Silver Tongue
Successfully talked down SCP-682 and SCP-049 on multiple occasions, making deals with them to coerce them back into containment in exchange for items deemed worth sacrificing to stop a continued Code 5

- Documentation
Incredibly work in documentation for the Intelligence Department, Ethics Committee and the ██ Council

- Operation Lone Ranger
Worked along side ██ MTF Unit with approval from the Ethics Committee, in capturing or killing a Ranger who was found to have accessed Foundation files and extracted them to the Pinewood Rangers Database. The Ranger was successfully killed my ██ MTF Unit and the Ranger Database was rerouted for all future content to be sent to the Intelligence Department of Site-56 to allow for pre-emptive strikes against the Rangers if further data is found to be stolen. All data stolen was recaptured and wiped from Ranger databases.

- Doctorate
During his time working in the Foundation, Doofster has earned his Medical Doctorate in Psychology, Doctorate of Religious Studies, as well as finished his Musical Theory Doctorate, making him one of the few Intelligence based personal with multiple doctorates.

- The Anomalous CHEF
Successfully found and placated a Foundation Personal who was found to be an unstable SCP with the ability to rebirth himself from thin air once his previous brain had been killed. The SCP has been deemed safe enough by ████-6 to remain as part of the Culinary team of Site-56 under the care of Rev. Doofster Runner

- The Man of Faith
Now, Rev. Doofster Runner, throughout his time at Site-56, has seemed to form an interest in SCP-7722, leading him to become a registered Reverend under the Canadian Bibles and Churches Seminary. He has used his new faith and title to attempt to raise morale at Site-56 by beginning the following; weekly church sermons, counselling for those struggling mentally or spiritually, conversational bible studies with SCP-7722 and Foundation personal. It is unusual to say the least in a place of science, but his faith and passion in his speeches has shown to increase personal morale. The Ethics Committee at the time has deemed his sermons to be beneficial to Site Personals morale, and has been permitted to do these sermons with an understanding to keep it in line with what is acceptable at the Foundation.

"Shut down"

The man looks up from the PC, placing his hand under his chin in consideration, before turning to an conference room of suited individuals

"So everyone, do we think hes shown enough dedication to be entrusted with joining us?​
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Sir Barry

Active member
Jul 20, 2022
++++Enormous Support
Doof has been here since I got here and has climbed the ladder with me from the start. We've been great friends since the day I was made Director of Internal Affairs. Doof's vast knowledge of how things work on this server is phenomenal, and his RP skills are unique and unmatched. I would love to see him finally reach his goal. I believe he is absolutely ready for this position.

Best of L
uck Doof !
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Well-known Member
Jun 13, 2022

+ Support

I think Doofster would make a perfect fit! Doof, you have done nothing but prove yourself to me and I wholeheartedly support you in this. Good luck friend!


Well-known Member
Apr 13, 2022

From the Office of the ██████████████

Application Accepted

Thank you for taking the time to apply for ████████. The ███████ is in agreement that you are suited for the position. Please get in contact with ██-1 for further details.​
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