[US] O5-7 Application

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Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:155919919
Discord name: MegaByte#0069
For how long have you played on CG SCP: I have been playing since March, and I have a total of 2 weeks, 1 day, and 17 hours of in-game time total. I had gotten a new pc so my time was reset to 6 days and 12 hours.
Age: 17
In what country are you located?: USA
Time zone: Mountain Standard Time (UST)
Character names
SCP Character Name: Ms. Halo
CI Character Name: Ms. Elios
Civilian name: Dr. Halo
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP USA
Do you have a mic?:
- Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
- SCP-096 | Executive Researcher | Site Advisor | Site Director

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
- I have 1 warn for micspam. I had accidentally played my soundboard when talking to someone and I received the warn.

What O5 role are you applying for, and why (give the specific O5 number):
- I am applying for O5-7 because I want to help the foundation in any way I can, and I feel as though I can be as helpful as possible if I became a member of the O5 Council.

What makes you the best candidate for the O5 Council?:
- I am usually on every day for at least 4 hours, and can always be available to assist both the council and the foundation as a whole. I also have experience as a major authority in the foundation, so I believe my skills would help improve both the foundation and the Overseer Council. I am dedicated to this server and the facility and I am willing to dedicate myself to great lengths to improve RP and the departments to allow them to run as efficiently as possible

What are the responsibilities of the O5 Council in RP?:
- The O5 Council is in charge of overseeing all operations in the site as well as managing Clearance Level 4 personnel. They also are in charge of making major decisions for The Foundation, as well as changing and maintaining policies that will affect all personnel in the site.

What are the responsibilities of the O5 Council out of RP (e.g. what applications do they handle?):
- They are to serve as examples of how to properly act in an RP scenario, and are also to manage applications for Departmental Leadership (Directors and Chiefs) and also the applications for Site Administration.

Please give some lore about your O5 character and what storylines they would be involved in: (This is an introduction to her employment in The SCP Foundation)
Alryia "Starlight" Halo had spent her life working for the United States Government as a Field Agent, with the duty of investigating the unexplained disappearances of citizens across the country. During her recent investigation, following a series of gruesome murders, with witnesses claiming to have no memory of what had happened, she had encountered a strange group of military personnel (being SCP Foundation Field Agents) around the destroyed building the murders were reported. When she had reported this back to her superiors, labeling them as "Unidentifiable persons interfering with a crime scene", she was ordered to attempt to force them off of the premises. After approaching them, she noticed them carry a metal crate with a strange logo on each side, with a label that had read "Chaos Insurgency Retrieved Anomaly CI-055". When she approached the group they were hostile, leveling their rifles and demanding to see her federal identification, to which she obliged. When she had moves closer however, the crate had emitted a loud beep, along with a voice that blurted out "Hostile Persons Detected. Activating Self-Defense Memory Wipe." Halo had tried to run away, however she was caught in a flash of light, along side the Foundation's Operatives.

- Halo had awoken in what appeared to be a medical ward, with several doctors surrounding her as well as unknown armed guards. She tried to move but was quickly halted by the leather straps that held her to the bed that they used to transport her here.

"W...Where am I...?" She muttered, barely being able to face the doctor she was speaking to.

"Site-717. You were found heavily injured following an ambush of Chaos Insurgency operatives alongside multiple members of our agents." The doctor said with a monotone voice, the cigarette in his mouth sprinkling ashes over his slightly tattered coat.
"You may not know what ANY of that means, but that's ok. Can you tell us your name?" He added, after blowing a puff of smoke away from Halo's face.

"I...I don't- I don't remember... I can't remember anything from that..."

"I see. We'll check on you soon." He said, before leaving the room and closing the metal door.

Halo had passed out in her bed, her brain clearly experiencing some form of damage. She had no idea what she had experienced with that crate. During her stasis, she felt the pierce of a needle enter her forearm, forcing her brain to become half-awake. Then, soon after, she felt the sudden feeling of clarity flood her mind. She could remember everything, the ambush by this "Chaos Insurgency", the gunfire that shred the Foundation Agents as they tried to kill them, her actually killing these Chaos Insurgency, and collapsing on the ground, to be found by more unknown personnel. The only thing she couldn't remember was what that crate had inside of it. She had awoken and sat up quickly, nearly ripping out the IV in her arm and startling the medical staff watching her vitals. The doctor with the cigarette had noticed this and slowly made his way next to the bed and set a chair down to sit.

"Halo!" She yelled as she shot up.

"Hm? What was that?" The man inquired, leaning forward as he put his cigarette out into a nearby ash tray.

"Uhm...Alryia...Alryia Halo...that's my name..."

The doctor sighed and leaned back.

"I see. It seems as though injecting you with "Panacea" was a good idea after all. Listen, I have a proposal for you."

She muttered, with her hand on her forehead.

"You performed exceptionally well during that ambush. Killed every god damn one of 'em. As such, I'd like to offer you a position as a researcher here. You have experience with that sort of labor, yes?" He replied, intertwining his fingers together as his leg started to bounce.

"I- how did you-" She tried to protest before he raised a hand.

"While you were out, we checked your ID. Apparently your code name in the local government is 'Starlight'?"

"Y-yes I...that's my code name...why?"

"No reason. But we specialize in containing and researching anomalous objects and entities that may arise. We work outside of any governmental jurisdiction so, you wouldn't have to worry about any law enforcement coming after you."

"I...what if I refuse?.." She asked, tilting her head.

"We wipe your memory, and transfer you to a hospital." He held out his hand. "Are you in?"

"I...I have nothing left outside of The Agency...so..."

She tried her best to left her arm and shake his hand.

"I'll do it...I'll join your weird, fucking- cryptid police force or whatever..."

The doctor smiled, and handed her a file containing a blue keycard, a new fresh ID, with a strange logo instead of a government logo, and a file with "SCP Foundation Employment Form".

"Don't worry about your affairs outside the site. Your identity is wiped from governmental databases. Welcome to The SCP Foundation, Agent Starlight." He coughed and briefly shook his head "Sorry- Jr Researcher Ms. Halo. Welcome to The SCP Foundation, Ms. Halo. M'name's Dr. Alten."

She shook his hand firmly and smiles with a tired look on her face, before passing out completely in her bed and hitting her pillow with a loud thud.

Man Manson

Civil Gamers Expert
May 17, 2021
- Great Experience as Administrative Personnel
- Friendly and Mature
- Engaged with roleplay/departments
- Active presence on site

Individual has been a part of site administration for ages at this point and has shown that they can be a mature, reasonable and involved individual with the day to day aspects of the site. They would be a perfect fit for the open O5 position. Because of the above, this application gets a huge +Support.


Well-known Member
May 17, 2022
- Great Experience as Administrative Personnel
- Friendly and Mature
- Engaged with roleplay/departments
- Active presence on site

Individual has been a part of site administration for ages at this point and has shown that they can be a mature, reasonable and involved individual with the day to day aspects of the site. They would be a perfect fit for the open O5 position. Because of the above, this application gets a huge +Support.


Active member
Mar 14, 2022
-"Raiden Here"
Hello Halo,
I know we haven't actually met and spoken to each other
but I have noticed your work as an assistant in the foundation
and personally, I think you are a good Candidate

Because of that, you have my Support
+Good Work
+Good Detail
+Great Experience

-Good Luck!


Well-known Member
Jun 13, 2022
+ Support
I have been around Ms. Halo for a long time now and I can only say good things. Shes dedicated, caring, a great leader, and has a true knowledge of the foundation. I believe she would be a perfect fit to the O5 council. Good luck Ms. Halo!


Well-known Member
Apr 13, 2022

From the Office of the ██████████████

Application Pending

Thank you for taking the time to apply for ████████. Unfortunately, the ███████ is not accepting applications at this time. This application will remain on my desk to be re-evaluated once applications are opened again.​


Well-known Member
Apr 13, 2022

From the Office of the ██████████████

Application Accepted

Thank you for your patience. The ███████ has decided that you are fit to hold the position of ████████. Please get in contact with ██-1 for more details.

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