[US] Peebus Overseer Assistant Application

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Jul 28, 2022
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:634949053
Discord name: FamilyKirby
For how long have you played on CG SCP: about 300 hours
Age: 15
In what country are you located?: U.S.A
Time zone: NA East
Character name(s): "Peebus"
Civilian name: Gakster
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP-USA
Do you have a mic?:
- Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
- MTF E-11 SPC
Security Captain

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
- 1 warning for minor glitching. I was exploiting a glitch with the flare gun as a D-class to get infinite flares.
What makes you the best candidate for Overseer Assistant?:
- I am not only a great leader, but also an even better friend. I have lots of experience on this server as many roles.
- As E-11 I have been a great help with breaches, while also being very helpful at the checkpoint. I have always been the main guard whenever I am there, assisting in almost every test that comes through. Anyone who seems less informed, I will always help, never punish. I almost always take charge whenever there isn't anyone else to. I have helped turn E-11 from "Hall Monitors" into a much more respected Mobile Task Force.

-As Security Captain, I have always been the one to take charge. I am always the one who sets the radio frequency, and I regularly use comms to speak with everyone. On almost every code 2 there is, I am the one who takes charge in leading the Gensec team. There are almost no sweeps that have gone wrong when I have taken charge. I enjoy helping out new cadets, and seeing them become strong individuals. I will always take time out of my day to help out newer people who need it.

I can be very helpful in many situations as an Assistant Overseer. I can either be a Strong leader, who can take charge when needed. Or I can be a helpful friend to newer people who need it. I can be a great addition to the team.

What are the responsibilities of Overseer Assistants in RP?:
- The responsibilities of the Overseer Assistant in RP is to help make the Overseer’s job easier, by helping/assisting with their everyday lives. As an Overseer Assistant, you are supposed to follow every order given by the council. They are also responsible for making sure the Overseer’s rules and regulations are followed strictly throughout the facility. Specifically departments assigned to you by the council, and making sure everything is up to code. If anything is wrong, you are then to take action.

Please give some lore about your Overseer Assistant character and what storylines they would be involved in:

June 11th, 2009. Sergeant “Peebus” was in the Green Beret Force. He and his buddies had a new mission, to gain intel on a hostile facility in northern Canada. It was supposed to be a simple mission, get in, grab some documents, get out. There were some rumors about this place. Monsters of unimaginable horrors, and unforetold creatures. But “Peebus” and his men were ready for anything to happen. They’ve been training for years to get to this point. They are officially the best of the best. The 1% of the 1%. As they are flying in, the facility starts coming over the horizon, barely visible through the snow. All they can hear are the chopper blades whirring, the snowflakes blinding their vision. They can feel the cold air rushing through the open doors. None of them are nervous. They are ready for anything.


Suddenly, a large rocket struck the helicopter, directly on the tail. This sends everyone rapidly down towards the ground, spinning faster and faster. As “Peebus” woke, he saw all of his friends around him, mangled and torn to shreds from the crash. He luckily survived, but with many cuts and bruises. As he was lying there, he slowly looks up to see a humanoid entity that is just a suit of riot armor, aiming a gun at him.
“Don’t move,” it says. It cuffs “Peebus” and brings him into the facility blindfolded. After what seems to be an eternity, the strange anomalous figure unblindfolds him and reveals that he is in some sort of medical center.

“Where am I?” questioned Peebus. The figure just stared at him and gave no response. Suddenly, a man in a black suit came into the room. Many armed guards followed beehind.
“Welcome to the foundation sir. It is a pleasure to have you here. Today, you have been given a new life. Here at the foundation, we will heal you up in no time.” As the man in the black suit says this, multiple doctors come into the room and pull out field kits and start attending to his wounds.

After a little while, the man in the black suit comes back. “How are you feeling? Are you ready to join us?” asked the man in the black suit. Before “Peebus” could speak, the man in the black suit took “Peebus” out of the medical center and showed him around the facility. “Peebus” hasn’t seen anything like this in his years of training.
“You will now be a security cadet, a part of the Gensec team” exclaimed the man in the black suit. Scared, “Peebus” accepted this request, knowing he has no power in this situation, and did not want to cause more trouble in the situation..

Over time though, “Peebus” grew fondly of the foundation. He went up the ranks, even becoming a Gensec Captain, and an E-11 operative. He has made many friends, and has been a great help throughout the entire facility, being a great teacher and mentor to newer, lesser experienced people. Eventually, the man in the black suit came back to “Peebus” and pulled him aside. This time though, the man in the black suit did not have any guards with him. He finally revealed his true identity.

“I am an overseer. Me and six others run and oversee this entire facility, and I want you to be my assistant. Your combat experience, and your loyalty to the foundation are perfect for the role” He explained.

“Peebus” was ecstatic, as this was his dream role.
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Well-known Member
Aug 13, 2022
-Peebus is one of the best most active and enthusiastic players on this server, he has countless hours, all which are spent in importance. Not a single one was wasted. He acts very mature and always excelled at his task at hand. He led the gensec very well as a security captain and was one of the best e-11 i’ve ever seen. He is a perfect candidate for this position and there is nobody you should trust more than peebus. He’s never unjust and always keeps everyone in line. He’s also very attentive to his higher ups, this is why peebus would be the best 05 assistant you can possibly imagine


Active member
Sep 23, 2022
No shot
Every single time I have encountered this pee bus, it has been nothing but negativity and plain dilusion. Any issue= everyone elses fault.

Very Active though.
Better than most.

Brian <3

Well-known Member
May 15, 2022
-Peebus is one of the best most active and enthusiastic players on this server, he has countless hours, all which are spent in importance. Not a single one was wasted. He acts very mature and always excelled at his task at hand. He led the gensec very well as a security captain and was one of the best e-11 i’ve ever seen. He is a perfect candidate for this position and there is nobody you should trust more than peebus. He’s never unjust and always keeps everyone in line. He’s also very attentive to his higher ups, this is why peebus would be the best 05 assistant you can possibly imagine


Well-known Member
Apr 13, 2022

From the Office of the ██████████████

Application Accepted

Thank you for taking the time to apply for ████████ Assistant. The ███████ is in agreement that you are suited for the position. Please get in contact with us for further details.​
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