[US] Recker's DoIA Application

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Head Moderator
Head Moderator
SCP-RP Staff
Event Team
Nov 26, 2022
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:70404419

Discord Name: reckerxf

For how long have you played on CG SCP: Since November of 2022

Age: 24

In what country are you located?: US

Timezone: Eastern Time

Character Name(s): "Recker"

Civilian Name: Damon Hunt

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP USA

Do you have a mic?: Yes

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
  • Clearance 4
    • Internal Affairs Ambassador [Holding]
    • Ethics Committee Assistant [Holding]
    • Security Captain [Holding]
    • MTF Omega-1 Captain [Held]
  • Clearance 3
    • MTF Nu-7 SGT [Held]

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: Yes, I have 4 warnings. 2 for ERP, 1 RDM, and 1 FailRP.

Why are you applying for Director of Internal Affairs?:
I am applying for the Director of Internal Affairs as I'd like to continue serving my department by using my experience, leadership skills, and innovation to move the department forward and ensure that the operational status of Internal Affairs is always above expectations.

Historically, Internal Affairs has been in a rough spot with communication, coordination, and relationships with other departments. As a Director of Internal Affairs, I want to bridge the gap between us and other departments, and want to establish better working relationships. In having a better relationship with other departments, things such as concerns or even outside ideas can be brought to Ambassadors or the Directors of Internal Affairs. Sometimes it takes an outside look to realize something is wrong, or finding something that could be improved.

In being someone who has an innovative mindset, I'd also like to be in a position within Internal Affairs where the department can accelerate forward by implementation of suggestions and ideas by Ambassadors and Agents, and generally reforming our department to allow us to do our jobs better, and work with others better. So far I've been able to help jumpstart Virtuous, taking feedback from Site Command and other departments to reform our selection and training process as well as start a suggestions thread for Ambassadors where we've been able to achieve numerous department changes based solely off of Ambassador feedback. This feedback gathering and communication that I've established during my time in running Virtuous and as an Ambassador is something I want to expand on even more if I were to become a Director.

Lastly, as someone who has quite literally made their entire career here in Civil Networks about Ethics, becoming an Internal Affairs Director would be an amazing feat and I would ensure that the department I govern feels the same way. No stone would be left unturned.

What makes you suitable for Director of Internal Affairs?:
What makes me suitable for Director of Internal Affairs is my extensive experience, my personal qualities, and my accomplishments since acquiring Ambassador. All of these are enveloped into the embodiment of pure potential. Are you ready to see where Internal Affairs can be taken?

The experience I have under my belt is extensive, but would suit Internal Affairs very well. During my time in the community, I've been able to learn the ways of many CL4 positions from Ethics Assistant, to Omega-1 Captain, to even Security Captain; and Internal Affairs Ambassador, of course, in which I have over 4 months of total experience! Through these roles held, I've been able to build strong relationships working with Members of the Ethics Committee, meeting goals and creating projects, and even working with other groups such as Site Administration. These working relationships have allowed me to get my feet wet in terms of having a sense of familiarity with both groups and the ways they operate, and have more exposure to what is expected of various roles. This history of positive rapport is something that allows me to not only stand out as a candidate for the Director of Internal Affairs, but also allows me to bring our department to the forefront of innovation, professionalism, and integrity. Aside from my relationships made during my time in previous and current roles, my experience will allow me to continue to hold our department to a very high standard - not allowing foolishness, and embodying professionalism. Putting relationships and methods of leadership aside, the time I've had in all of my roles has really "built my bones" sort of speak, where I've been able to learn the work-arounds of being not a good leader, but a great leader. Learning when to use discretion, when to use assertiveness, and when to just be a listening ear. All of these have significantly helped me in my various successes already, and I cannot wait to see what my experience can do for Internal Affairs.

I have several qualities that I truly pride myself on. Integrity, compassion, and someone who doesn't mind helping others. These three qualities are not only good for myself, but they're good for the people around me and in this case, the entire department. My first pride is integrity. I try my best to have a solid character of integrity; or doing the right thing even when no one is looking. This character trait ensures what you see is what you get, and there will be no low-balls, turn-arounds, or any deceit. What you're looking at is the real deal. My second pride is compassion. I am deeply understanding to situations that may happen with others whether it be in real life, on the server, or etc. In being compassionate, my last pride ties in lending a helping hand. I am not one to let people struggle alone, and will struggle with them if necessary. For the sake of this application - as I didn't mention it until now, myself and a DEA Department Director sat with a Jr. Researcher in Research Wing and gave him links to policies, etc. to help him finish the research exam (while obviously not giving him answers). That is the type of leader I want to be, someone who will help people who aren't even in their own department, regardless if that department is at odds of my own. I praise Director "Shark" for helping me help the Jr. Researcher, and I hope that can continue in the future should any similar scenario arise. After all, senior CL4 is one of the most trusted and looked up to people on the site and at the end of the day, we're all on the same team. I have full confidence that my actions as a DoIA will reflect that.

Finally, I believe I'm suitable for DoIA as my history and extracirricular activities as an Ambassador have allowed me to bring the department forward even in my current role, with fixing and setting up new google sheets, creating Virtuous Section 2 (and the old Virtuous) and the new revitalized tryouts, and last but not least, speaking with other department leaders and site command to understand issues they see within our subdivision. Through this large amount of outreach I've done in the past few weeks, I've been able to establish even more working relationships with people I did not have before. This includes building a positive rapport with Epsilon-11, DEA, and even O5. All three groups have been at odds to Virtuous until I approached them, and explained a willingness to make Virtuous work for the better of the site. There's only so many eyes Internal Affairs has into Virtuous, especially Section 2, so the more insight we can receive, the more efficiently we can operate. And the more that are looking at it, the better we can become. Aside from Virtuous, however, I've been able to make little changes for the better of Internal Affairs including setting up a fixed exam cooldown in order to avoid confusing people, and even removing the "wanted board" from interrogation which has caused a huge spike in crime on site. After lowing it, it's actually lowered slightly! I'm more than ready to bring ideas like this on a larger scale to the department, and to guide our department down a road of success. No more will other departments be misinformed, no more will our department be misrepresented, and no more will anyone on site feel that they cannot communicate any issues, concerns, or suggestions to us directly. The new era for Internal Affairs starts now.

What are the responsibilities of the Director of Internal Affairs in RP?:
- Authorizing investigations into other departments.
- Being a judge for High Court of Internal Affairs tribunals.
- Selecting and training new Ambassadors.
- Creating and reforming department policy.
- Working cooperatively with others to ensure the department is the best it can be.
- Relaying investigation reports to the Ethics Committee as well as working with them on official investigations.
- Enforcing the FLC, COE, and COC on Jr. AND Sr. CL4 members when applicable either by tribunal or arrest (for the most heinous crimes).
- Approving department blacklists.
- Holding department meetings.

Please give some lore about your Director of Internal Affairs character and what storylines they would be involved in:
// Lore is from Ambassdor application and continued //
James Kato was born on July 2nd, 1995 in the city of Bethesda, Maryland. While growing up, James took a strong interest in criminal justice. His favorite shows including Law & Order, as well as NCIS. He was always described as someone who had a creative vision for everything, and a strong desire to be someone bigger than himself.

2013: James graduates Bethesda High School as class Valedictorian. He then attends the US Service Academy at West Point under a full scholarship for Criminal Justice. During his time there, he got the opportunity to shadow the Inspector General of the Department of Defense, a privilege he obtained by winning an essay contest.

2017: James graduates West Point and is commissioned as a 2nd Lieutenant in the US Army JAG Corps. The JAG Corps is the "law firm" of the United States Army and focuses on representing army officials in courtroom settings, as well as providing legal advice to senior army officials. James's career in the beginning was extremely slow, but was just about to ramp up.

2022: During James's short time in the JAG corps, he took on an unsuspecting case. Brigadier General Musgrove was being tried with murder after an email sent to the Chinese Army's Chief of Staff was found to be the cause of his death. Much of the information was sealed, but since James was on the defense, he was privy to it. It was found that SCP-7528, prior to its containment, hopped into a PDF file of policies the US Army was establishing to increase relations with the People's Liberation Army of China. It is unknown how SCP-7528 went into the file, but it must've been after James uploaded it as an attachment.

James was approached by Mobile Task Force Kappa-10 ("Skynet") and Mobile Task Force Iota-10 ("Damn Feds") where he was offered a position in the Foundation's Internal Affairs Department, so long as he completes his JAG assignment and assists with the anomaly investigation. Both Mobile Task Forces were quite impressed that James was not only able to unveil a false narrative against a high ranking Army official, but uncover an anomaly at that. James had significant trouble sleeping after finding out about the anomaly, and the fact that he was now under the watchful eye of two Mobile Task Forces. One word, and he's done for. Why didn't they just use amnestics on him? They saw the value. Later on, James uncovered that he downloaded a mandated update from a person in his IT department prior to sending the email and relayed such information to both Mobile Task Forces. His JAG case was complete. MTF Iota-10 assisted James with clearing the Brigadier General's name, and James was brought to an undisclosed location where his new career started. During his orientation, he was instructed to drink a rather weird smelling concoction and he forgot all about Kappa-10 and Iota-10, as well as SCP-7528 - but he did not forget about how he won the JAG case - as fuzzy as that is, and won an employment contract with this new place called the SCP Foundation.

2023 Part 1: James eventually got Ambassador - but it quickly wore out. Day in and day out. The constant pleading to not be arrested. The constant tomfoolery that the Code of Ethics clearly goes against. The constant blatant disregard for human life. It got to him. He visited the medical bay several times a week, venting and letting out anger at the Medical Department's psychiatrists. Previous to this, he learned that one of his friends in the Foundation had passed. Unfortunately for him, grieving isn't really an option in this facility. There's bigger tasks at hand, but he simply couldn't take it. The constant work stress, and the loss of his friend made him almost lose it. Eventually, he decided to reconsider his position and step down to slow life down a bit and not worry about the little things. He was able to continue going to see the psychiatrists to deal with his loss, and eventually, got motivated to start going again. As James likes to say, "When you go down the only thing you can do is get right back up!".

2023 Part 2: James was brought back into an Ambassador position and immediately began right where he left off months prior. Starting to feel in Cloud 9 with Internal Affairs, James noticed an unfortunate recurrence of events every time shortly after he woke up. Time and time again, like clockwork, James had to defend his life as the men in orange suits sprinted out of D-Block, shanks and guns in hand. "Where in the hell do they keep coming from?" he wondered. "Where is the sweep?!" he wondered again. This time was enough. He brought his concerns one morning immediately to Site Administration and some other Security Captains he's seen around site. Unfortunately for Recker, it seems this problem won't be fixed unless volunteers step up to help. Recker decided then and there he was tired of being ran at with shanks while he stands there in a $2,500 Dolce & Gabbana suit (Disclaimer: paid with a bonus check for making Ambassador). He decided that someone needs to take the mantle during those times, and he wants a vest to do it. One day he headed over to the Security Chief's Office, sealed an envelope with an application inside, and slipped it under the door. He's heard of other department supervisors helping in multiple departments, but nervously, he prayed as he remains unsure if he'd make the cut.

2024: Life was going good for James. He was an Ambassador, a part time Security Captain to help out with D-Block. One day, James noticed a posting on the Ambassador's corkboard for the position of Director of Internal Affairs. This has to be his moment, the moment his career has been leading up to. A position where a larger difference across the Site could be made. That night, he begins filling out the application, with his fingers AND toes crossed. Regardless of whether or not he obtains the position, he's determined to show the Site who James Kato is.
Last edited:
Jul 28, 2023


From my experience, Recker has been doing a stellar job both in internal affairs and as assistant. I regularly hear good remarks about his work from his peers, and he has expressed a great willingness and want to take on the role of Director of Internal Affairs. In multiple instances he’s taken a “facts of the situation” approach and encouraged and worked on several improvements to Internal Affairs.

tl;dr: give this man the job he deserves it
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Edwin Richtofen

Well-known Member
Jan 27, 2024

All my interactions with Recker have been extremally positive. He's a good man and if he's the Director of Internal Affairs then there's hope for the USA server. Good luck man.
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