[US] Recker's Ethics Chairman App

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Senior Game Master
Senior Game Master
Nov 26, 2022

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:70404419

Discord Name: reckerxf

For how long have you played on CG SCP: Since November of 2022

Age: 24

In what country are you located?: United States

Timezone: EST

Character Name(s): Mr. Recker

Civilian Name: Damon Hunt

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): USA

Do you have a mic?: Yes

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:

Currently only holding Ethics Committee Member and Internal Affairs Ambassador.
  • Level 5
    • Ethics Committee Member
  • Level 4
    • Site Manager
    • Site Advisor
    • Director of Internal Affairs
    • MTF Omega-1 Captain
    • Ethics Committee Assistant-Coordinator
    • Internal Affairs Ambassador
    • Security Captain
    • DEA Special Agent
    • CI Delta (Medical Division CO)
  • Level 3
    • MTF Nu-7 Sergeant
    • CI Alpha, Beta, Gamma

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:

2 ERP, 1 RDM, and 1 FailRP warn. My last warning is from over 7 months ago. My ERP warns are from when I first joined the server, for participating in discussion not suitable for the server; unaccustomed to the vast age range the server has at that time.

What Ethics Committee role are you applying for, and why:

I am applying for the position of Ethics Committee Chairman. The reason I am applying for Chairman is to provide continued stability and revitalization to the Ethics Committee and Mobile Task Force Omega-1. This will be accomplished through several self-set goals I have for myself, and these goals will also be emphasized within the Ethics Committee and Omega-1 Regimental Command.

During my time in the community, the Ethics Committee has undergone mistreatment by lots of people both internally and externally. My first goal as a Chairman will be to continue to ensure the Committee secures the trust of the community to operate without malice, bias, or most notably, toxicity. This will be accomplished through frequent Ethics Committee meetings as well as meetings with Omega-1 Regimental Command to establish a defined list of expectations for everyone and to hear everyone out on their concerns and suggestions they may have whether it be a concern about an arising problem, or a suggestion to create more roleplay for a section of the site. The absolute first thing I will do should I get selected is set up these meetings.

My second goal as Ethics Chairman is to completely overhaul a large amount of things involving the Committee, continuing part of the work that Chairman Pavish has started; making the Ethics Committee more conduct and professionalism focused as opposed to involving ourselves in things such as GOI affairs, or the likes. The Ethics Committee will be the body of justice for Site Command, and will continue to work efficiently with Internal Affairs, Site Administration, and Site Command to handle all issues of conflict, misconduct, and unprofessionalism. Additionally, my plan to revitalize the documentation that the Committee provides will continue - with the D-Class work program being slated for a rework as well as some joint projects with the O5 Council being planned. Overall, you can expect the Committee to be at the top of its game.

My third goal as Ethics Chairman is to give more opportunities for roleplay to the community and the Ethics-managed departments such as Internal Affairs and MTF Omega-1. These roleplay projects include but are not limited to giving Omega-1 more abilities to aid the Committee by being the eyes and ears through decrees and orders, imploring Committee Members to create more orders for Omega-1 such as covert operations or operations involving the Code of Ethics and its enforcement, and to even create roleplay for Civilians - which I will not spoil my plans for, as that is a surprise.

During my tenure as Ethics Committee Member I've absolutely loved my role in this community. I've been able to foster authentic roleplay for multiple groups of people while holding the title of Senior Gamemaster, which is an added benefit, and I've also been able to start my plans to do the grunt work that no one else really wants to do. The painstaking work of recreating documentation. In doing this, I feel that I am actively contributing to the community long-term, and am also assisting current members with being able to correctly interpret documentation such as the Code of Ethics, by simplifying policies and making them easier to read and interpret. Overall, an Ethics Chairman is a position that someone should actively love being in, and a position where someone needs to be ambitious. Ethics and Omega-1 are hungry for ambitious leadership, and I am confident that I can give that to them. Thank you for taking the time to read my application, and I hope that should I be selected, I can continue to secure the trust of you and your peers to oversee the SCP Foundation's Ethics Committee.

What makes you the best candidate for the Ethics Committee?:

What makes me the best candidate for Ethics Committee Chairman is my experience within the community, as well as my ambitious leadership style. This leadership style has seen Ethics start to overhaul things that haven't had makeovers in a very long time, such as the Code of Ethics. During my longevity in the community, I've dedicated countless hours to improving the areas I've overseen. Some of my works include:

  • Overhaul of the Ethics Roster. Most former Ethics Members, Ethics Assistants, and Ethics Assistant Coordinators have been inserted into a database for easy referencing of information such as SteamID and Discord Username. This roster, unlike others, is extremely easy to use and learn - even in the future past my time.
  • Overhaul of the Code of Ethics. Reworded and recategorized several policies to make the COE more streamlined and easy to interpret by readers as well as changing the document format to be more consistent with Site Administration+ documentation. This overhaul will be released very soon.
  • Recreated the Assistant requirement tracking system, which currently utilizes a form Assistants fill out to automatically score departments each month on their level of department lead activity, how people follow the code of ethics, how people enforce the code of ethics, and the bias of decisions in the department. When I was appointed to ECM, there was no set system in place for ECAs. With this change, I also created the Subcommittee system as a way to easily categorize people into groups of departments while making it somewhat lore-accurate to how the Ethics Committee functions with multiple subcommittees on specific areas, such as research and containment.
  • Reworking of the Foundation Justice System. Made the document more appealing, made the rights of defendants more visible in the new "Defendants Bill of Rights", added a section for trial motions, and other countless changes.
  • The creation of a Groups of Interest Report that Site Administration can fill out every month on intelligence gathered by SOP on GOIs, known information on them, our current faction's relationship with them, and such.
  • Rewrote the Internal Affairs Handbook. Similar to the COE, I reformatted the entire document as well as adjusted policies.
  • Made the current Internal Affairs Hub. Previous to my creation of such a roster system, Internal Affairs only had one tab to list Ambassadors and it was rather sloppy. This new system added a strike log, rank log, the blacklist, and such - aligning Internal Affairs to be as front facing as other departments.

With a proven track record for success, you can be assured that I will be a Chairman who will not be afraid to take charge of a situation, lead with ambition, and someone who will also maintain open communication with all they work with. In my leadership, I will continue to serve with pride and integrity, and will continue to ensure that every decision I bring to the Site Command table will be for the benefit of everyone.

What are the responsibilities of the Ethics Committee in RP?:

  • Conducting tribunals on high ranking individuals.
  • Working with O5 to complete joint projects and goals for the entire Foundation.
  • Investigating instances of corruption within the various departments and regiments in the Foundation.
  • Authorizing Advanced Armory as needed for breaches.
  • Calling ERT through the ERT phone as needed.
  • Maintaining the Code of Ethics.
  • Overseeing the D-Class Work Program.
  • Managing the group of Ethics Assistants, assigning orders to them, and ensuring that they are being active in their roles.
  • Overseeing Internal Affairs to ensure that the Legal Codex, Code of Ethics, and Code of Conduct is properly enforced and assigning investigations as needed.
  • Assigning Omega-1 orders and partaking in discussions when requested or if necessary.
  • Reviewing tests and approving policies that are in the purview of the Code of Ethics.
  • Participating in High Tribunals as the judge in charge should it not be delegated to the Chief Overseer. [Chairman Only]

What are the responsibilities of the Ethics Committee out of RP (e.g. what applications do they handle?):

  • Handling level 2 demotion appeals.
  • Reviewing IA Director applications.
  • Reviewing ECA applications.
  • Decide on ECM appointments [Chairman Only].
  • Making the final decision on Committee votes [Chairman Only].

Please give some lore about your Ethics Committee character and what storylines they would be involved in:


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Jay "Corvid"

Trial Game Master
Trial Game Master
Jun 5, 2024
+Major support.
I don't think anyone can argue with Recker's great RP and Site experience.
His CL4 and Cl5 time gives great confidence on the actions He'll take as chairman and I believe is currently the only viable option for a chairman onsite. The documentation he's written, the actions he has taken as an ECM and everything inbetween shows how he acts and the maturity and honesty it shows in said position.
That is to say, he is very well equipped and versed in his knowledge, his RP and expertise, Recker currently is the only member of site I think most people would be comfortable becoming Chairman due to the lack of ECM's and people with correct experience.

I wish Recker luck in his duties and wish him luck as chairman in his eventual promotion.
Though he wont need it.
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Active member
Jul 27, 2024

He's done amazing things for the committee. Rewriting the Assistant Handbook and the CoE makes him unilaterally qualified for this position.
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