Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:26016611
Discord name: DasPookieBear
For how long have you played on CG SCP: 21 Days 6 hours 17 minutes
Age: *Cough* 33
In what country are you located?: USA
Time zone: -6 CST Though I have insomnia so I am on VERY late I typically only have 8 or so hours were I am not online and active. From the hours of 3AM to 11 or so.
Character name(s): Sarge
Civilian name: Sarge
What server are you applying for? : SCP-RP USA
Do you have a mic?: Always
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held: NU-7 on the UK server and Captain
Edit: Forgor Sergeant is also whitelisted.
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: 4 Warnings on record. 1 for Metagaming [A], the reason for this was I was unaware of how checking ID's worked. I looked at the ID and saw there was a different name than the one above their head. Killed them as a type blue
Second warning was for RDM, This was me killing someone in Larry's pocket dimension. 3 RDM again. executed a minge cadet, Admin at the time had issues with me + minge was his friend. Despite showing showing footage of the minge being a troll and killing a half dozen other faculty people I still got pinched. 4 for fail rp, again another minge issue. This one was a guard, Combat cuffed him when he broke fear RP
Why are you applying for Security Captain?: People want me back, I wish to be back. Viggo wants captains with experience and I have a lot of it. I'm ready to jump back in and start assisting the facility in the best way I know how, and that's being the most badass Captain I can be.
What makes you suitable for Security Captain?: I was captain before, And a damned good one. I know what I am doing and lead by example. Always have. Plus its Sarge, and Sarge was the best captain. With my experience both IRL and in game there is very little that comes as a surprise to me. I spent almost all my time on Captain back when I had it. That and it will give me reason to donate for Pac again, to get my damned uniform back.
What are the responsibilities of the Security Captain in RP?: Training those under me to succeed. This includes from cadet to sergeant and encompasses some E11 and Nu-7. Showing them the correct and proper way to hold ones self and leading by example to show it is possible to follow rules set in place and have an enjoyable experience. AS well as training them to succeed in their own whitelisting endeavors. Whether that's pointing your good officers towards a new department or even preparing them to one day maybe join the ranks of the left or right arm. In fact some of those I saw and trained as cadets months ago are CURRENTLY A1 and O1 Which makes me impossibly proud
You are also responsible for MANY other things as a whitelisted combat CL4 including but not limited to taking control of facility staff during CI raids, SCP breaches and info leaks. Escorting during code black before diving back into the facility and making sure bulkheads remained closed when not open to allow combatants through.
Please give some lore about your Security Captain character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Copying lore from before, if it aint broke dont fix it.
Sarge has been in every war America has ever fought, foreign and domestic. Any time another name has been given to him it changes in records across the world back to "Sarge" He refuses ranks that do not lead him to his designated Sergeant or other rank that includes Sergeant in the name. He has in many interviews described seeing God. He states that god offers him a promotion but he always turns it down and is sent back to the mortal plane. He recounts often about his time in Vietnam, Where he states he lost both his legs. Research into this brings up evidence of one "Sarge" Stepping on a landmine. He also claims SCP-912 is the one who picked him up and ran him out of harms way. This of course seems impossible as 912 was discovered as a 90's L.A. SWAT uniform. But as sarge says. "Back then!? He was a mean green fightin machine!" When asked to further explain Sarge makes note that 912 -was- USMC issued Jungle BDU's.
He has a great affinity for SCP's often seen talking with them about their various doings. Most often seen speaking with 2295 and 912. But has also been caught talking to 049 and 7722. Sarge should by all intents and purposes be treated as a safe class SCP. He is effectively immortal but can only take the damage of a regular human body. He is a master negotiator, and excellent marksman. He has never taken a wife claiming that the glorious war is all he needs. He is a born leader. Quite literally being born on the same day as his home nation and thrust himself into war. Taking combat leadership roles.
As far as the story lines I would like to get involved with this time. I would like to help out newer captains. We have a lot of them, Many are very green. We need them blue. I'll be spending my time going over new material I may have missed in my time retired. Re reading the code of ethics, gensec, and HW handbooks to ensure I teach my officers the correct way.
Discord name: DasPookieBear
For how long have you played on CG SCP: 21 Days 6 hours 17 minutes
Age: *Cough* 33
In what country are you located?: USA
Time zone: -6 CST Though I have insomnia so I am on VERY late I typically only have 8 or so hours were I am not online and active. From the hours of 3AM to 11 or so.
Character name(s): Sarge
Civilian name: Sarge
What server are you applying for? : SCP-RP USA
Do you have a mic?: Always
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held: NU-7 on the UK server and Captain
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: 4 Warnings on record. 1 for Metagaming [A], the reason for this was I was unaware of how checking ID's worked. I looked at the ID and saw there was a different name than the one above their head. Killed them as a type blue
Why are you applying for Security Captain?: People want me back, I wish to be back. Viggo wants captains with experience and I have a lot of it. I'm ready to jump back in and start assisting the facility in the best way I know how, and that's being the most badass Captain I can be.
What makes you suitable for Security Captain?: I was captain before, And a damned good one. I know what I am doing and lead by example. Always have. Plus its Sarge, and Sarge was the best captain. With my experience both IRL and in game there is very little that comes as a surprise to me. I spent almost all my time on Captain back when I had it. That and it will give me reason to donate for Pac again, to get my damned uniform back.
What are the responsibilities of the Security Captain in RP?: Training those under me to succeed. This includes from cadet to sergeant and encompasses some E11 and Nu-7. Showing them the correct and proper way to hold ones self and leading by example to show it is possible to follow rules set in place and have an enjoyable experience. AS well as training them to succeed in their own whitelisting endeavors. Whether that's pointing your good officers towards a new department or even preparing them to one day maybe join the ranks of the left or right arm. In fact some of those I saw and trained as cadets months ago are CURRENTLY A1 and O1 Which makes me impossibly proud
You are also responsible for MANY other things as a whitelisted combat CL4 including but not limited to taking control of facility staff during CI raids, SCP breaches and info leaks. Escorting during code black before diving back into the facility and making sure bulkheads remained closed when not open to allow combatants through.
Please give some lore about your Security Captain character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Copying lore from before, if it aint broke dont fix it.
Sarge has been in every war America has ever fought, foreign and domestic. Any time another name has been given to him it changes in records across the world back to "Sarge" He refuses ranks that do not lead him to his designated Sergeant or other rank that includes Sergeant in the name. He has in many interviews described seeing God. He states that god offers him a promotion but he always turns it down and is sent back to the mortal plane. He recounts often about his time in Vietnam, Where he states he lost both his legs. Research into this brings up evidence of one "Sarge" Stepping on a landmine. He also claims SCP-912 is the one who picked him up and ran him out of harms way. This of course seems impossible as 912 was discovered as a 90's L.A. SWAT uniform. But as sarge says. "Back then!? He was a mean green fightin machine!" When asked to further explain Sarge makes note that 912 -was- USMC issued Jungle BDU's.
He has a great affinity for SCP's often seen talking with them about their various doings. Most often seen speaking with 2295 and 912. But has also been caught talking to 049 and 7722. Sarge should by all intents and purposes be treated as a safe class SCP. He is effectively immortal but can only take the damage of a regular human body. He is a master negotiator, and excellent marksman. He has never taken a wife claiming that the glorious war is all he needs. He is a born leader. Quite literally being born on the same day as his home nation and thrust himself into war. Taking combat leadership roles.
As far as the story lines I would like to get involved with this time. I would like to help out newer captains. We have a lot of them, Many are very green. We need them blue. I'll be spending my time going over new material I may have missed in my time retired. Re reading the code of ethics, gensec, and HW handbooks to ensure I teach my officers the correct way.
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