[US] Security Captain Application

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Aug 23, 2022
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:173998973
Discord name: @Zystro
For how long have you played on CG SCP: 548 Hours
In what country are you located?: U.S.A
Time zone: EST
Character name(s): James "J" Hans
Civilian name: "Mark"
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP USA
Do you have a mic?: Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held: MTF E-11, C.I Alpha, C.I Beta.
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: 1 For NLR (Don't remember), 1 For ERP ( I was new to the server and made an inappropriate comment about SCP-999), 8 For FailRP (I was still somewhat new to all of the rules and not up to date with changes, except 2 of them, 2 of them were from me being sleep deprived and making bad choices), 2 For RDM, 3 For Toxicity (Every toxicity warn I've gotten has been when I stay up later than I should), 1 For Job abuse (Sleep deprived rage made me change to a chef and murder someone) And 1 For FearRP (I don't remember this one)
Why are you applying for Security Captain?: I'd like to be able to help GENSEC more than I already do.
What makes you suitable for Security Captain?: I do a fairly good job at being an RRT Sergeant, It's usually the only GENSEC Position I will be when it is available.
I give clear orders that are usually not that hard to follow and am very good at weeding out foul players.
What are the responsibilities of the Security Captain in RP?: To assist in overseeing the entirety of the security department. In other words, The GENSEC Captain is there to make sure all GENSEC Personnel are following our department rules and not breaking the Code of Ethics, Along with ensuring the department follows the chain of command. (This is usually what I see other Captains doing, Either this or being quite goofy and not doing their job.)
Please give some lore about your Security Captain character and what storylines they would be involved in: James Hans, A ordinary member of General Security or GENSEC as people usually call it. James has spent many days dealing with Class-D Rioting and not being cooperative making his job very annoying, however the Chief of Security themselves has seen the work James has put in, the struggle of watching his fellow comrades beaten, stabbed, shot or even just made into dust. James has seen it all and what better kind of promotion than the promotion to a Captain. James finally able to command people to do smart tactics and not get their head taken off at the airlock window.. still odd how often that happens.. Anyway, James now has 1 more thing to work for, and that thing is the promotion to a Chief
(I'm not very good at coming up with lore, don't judge me)
May 27, 2023
-very kind
-seen quite a bit by me
-Captain material in my opinion

-app was a bit short
Overall a good candidate for captain and shows the maturity and management skills needed for GENSEC captain
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