[US] Silence's Admin App.

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Original Steam login name (your accounts first ever name):

Muselk (I think although I am not definite)

How many hours of playtime do you have? (vtime_menu in console):

1 week and 1 day (I have way more althought vtime is bugged)


15 currently, soon to be 16

In what country are you located?:


Time zone:


Foundation Name (include your regiment and rank if applicable):

Edward "Nutty" Willson NA

Chaos name (include your rank):

Nick "Nickolas" Anne CI-B

Civilian name:


Steam ID:


Do you have a mic?:


What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):


Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications:

Yes it is

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:

I have received warning mostly in the past when I had not been educated enough on the rules and one or two 3-4 days ago for simple minor mistakes on my part, as of now I have received one minor warning for hit box abuse but it was a simple mistake when I was caught jumping and I usually do that whenever I'm in a first person shooter, so I am sorry for that mistake that will not happen in the future to come. I have also received 3 other warnings which are not active and are in the past due to me being uneducated with the rules and being generally careless, which has changed drastically over the few weeks playing this server.

Do you have any previous experience as a staff member in a community?:

Yes I have, I have been a senior moderator for a server and a trial moderator for another server

Do you have any previous experience with serious roleplay?:

Yes, I have played many of those servers.

How many hours can you be on everyday?:

As many as humanely possible, so 6-8 hours

Why do you want to become a moderator for our server?:

I enjoy the community and want to help more people as I really enjoy being apart of and working with other members of the community and that I want to also get more in touch with more of the community and also to give back some to the community. I want to try and improve the community and to be more apart of the community, and to be seen on as more than just a player and more as a helping hand that can help players with whatever staff things they need. I also want to be of more use to the community than just being a normal player and help people and others.

What do you think you would be able to help us with on the server?

I would be able to help the server on numerous things and with numerous people, I can help by taking more sits, being more active, and being much more helpful to the community. I can also double down on punishments and try my hardest to get through sits as quickly and as formally as I can so that both sides can benefit without having to waste any more of their rp time within an another place. I can also be a helpful hand with other admins and potentially help other newer admins that apply as time goes by, and I could be a good leader for those kinds of admins in later times.

Why are you special over the other applicants?:

I try to deal with everyone in such a way as to be as equal and fair as any judge over a ruling case, I would also try to be as formal and nice as I could be to try and deal with scenarios as which could help and benefit both sides instead of damaging each side in ensuing arguments or other such things. I try to be as understanding as possible for others predicaments and try to be a person who can judge everyone fairly and not have any bias towards any person or group. I try to be as fair over any person and try and judge only fairly, and with no bias whatsoever. I try to be as active as I can and take as many sits as I can to improve and foster the community, I will also try to be as active with the players as I am with them inside of sits and other issues.
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Active member
Jun 29, 2022
-/+ Support

-/+ Haven't really interacted with you much

+ I believe you have good rule knowledge
- App is kinda bare minimum

You've definitely got a shot at it, don't give up!
You do have decent rule knowledge
Most of my interactions with you have been through sits and I must say that you make a lot of reports that aren't valid.
Your application is weak.
To be fair, many of my sits are somewhat valid although sometimes I use it on invalid cases, in which I am sorry you feel that I am being informal in any way, and or I did those as jokes but I am sorry for the lack of formality on my part.

I tried to make my application as quick and to the point as possible and I don't intend for it to be weak as I actually intend on being an admin and not just for the privileges given to me. If it was weak in any way then it may be on my behalf for making it straight to the point, and if I should have added any more details please tell me!

Additionally, If I have any recent warns I am very sorry for them and would never intend to do anything like those warns entail as an admin, I would try my best to take myself as serious as I could being an admin. I will try my hardest to try and better myself as an admin if I were ever accepted and I would try to be the most hard working admin as well.

I hope that if I had behaved abominably or non genuine to any staff member, that I am sorry for my unprofessional ism and for the warnings I had gotten due to these I am very genuinely sorry for any of my past behaviour.
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-/+ Neutral leaning toward +Support

+Active player
+Fair rules knowledge
+Previous Experience

-/+Neutral interactions
-Short Application
-Poorly formatted application
-Previous Warns
-Mentioned other servers

You seem to be a well spoken and more reformed character who wishes to truly help the server out. Now one thing I’ll touch on is you are not suppose to mention other servers by name when making your application. I also feel like you could edit and expand some of your responses. (I know you said you wanted to be straight and to the point and I do personally respect it.) I’ve seen and interacted with you in game a few times and you do seem like a great guy.
-/+ Neutral leaning toward +Support

+Active player
+Fair rules knowledge
+Previous Experience

-/+Neutral interactions
-Short Application
-Poorly formatted application
-Previous Warns
-Mentioned other servers

You seem to be a well spoken and more reformed character who wishes to truly help the server out. Now one thing I’ll touch on is you are not suppose to mention other servers by name when making your application. I also feel like you could edit and expand some of your responses. (I know you said you wanted to be straight and to the point and I do personally respect it.) I’ve seen and interacted with you in game a few times and you do seem like a great guy.
Understandable, I do try to make my application as good as possible however if it wasn't up to par that's on my fault, I gave as much as I could think of the time and it may not be my best work but I honestly tried to put some hard work into it. I do have previous warns which I had explained and some of my recent ones were because of honest and absolute mistakes on my part that I would never do if I were to be on the admin team, I have mentioned other servers only for which I was part of staff if I had mentioned it elsewhere I am sorry for the mix up and confusion, I will edit out parts of servers so it is less confusing, I can try and re edit my post and clear up some more things so it isn't so bare bones. Currently I have fixed most of my issues you have said before and I'd like for you to take another look and rate it again if you could. I do understand I have some shortcomings although I'd like just to have at least one shot to be an admin on this server since I rarely play any other gmod servers than this and I genuinely adore the community, I'd just hope that you take a moment to review again and understand that I'm trying my hardest to be an admin even if it doesn't seem that way.
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Well-known Member
Mar 9, 2022
Application Accepted

Hi @Edward Will ,

Thanks for taking the time to make a moderator application.

Congratulations on having your application accepted, please join the Interview Waiting Room in TeamSpeak and put "Waiting for Interview" in your name so we can proceed with the next stage of the process.​
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