[US] Sir Barry's O5-4 "The Caesar" Application

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Steam ID:
Discord name:
The Legate#6809
For how long have you played on CG SCP:
Nearly 1,750 hours in the span of 10 months
In what country are you located?:
Time zone:
Character name(s):
Sir Barry
Civilian name:
"James Grainger"
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):
Do you have a mic?:
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:

+ Current
- Internal Affairs Director (x2)
+ Previous
- Site Advisor
- Internal Affairs Ambassador (x3)
- Nu-7 SPC
- O-1 CPL
- Ethics Committee Assistant
- Ethics Committee Member (x2)
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
What O5 role are you applying for, and why (give the specific O5 number):

I am applying for whichever slot is open, and whichever position I am decided to be placed in. After thinking for a long time, I have decided that applying for O5 would be beneficial to myself, as learning and experiencing the other half of Site Command is something I have often teased. I dabbled in the Ethics Committee for a very long time, and Internal Affairs longer than that, and the Code of Conduct has never been particularly known to me. I am taking a large gamble on offering almost an entire year of my experience to the side of the Site Command coin I never particularly cared for. I hope within this position I can learn a lot more, and experience a whole new way to, not only play the game, but to interact with the community in its entirety.

What makes you the best candidate for the O5 Council?:

I have roughly 5-6 months of CL5 experience, which in itself requires leadership, activity, an understanding of the fundamentals of site and server rules, a basic grasp of politics, and a cumbersome amount of effort. Within my time as a leader, spanning from Internal Affairs Director, to Ethics Committee, to Site Advisor, I have proposed and passed many policies and authorized several subdivisions, all of which increase enjoyability and roleplay within the server. Within the amount of time I've spent in this community, I have met hundreds of valuable individuals, most of which I know personally by name. My numerous hours here, albeit strenuous, has given me such pride to be in this community; a feeling that I just can not get away from. I hope I can, one day, bring all of my skills, new and old, along with my enthusiasm to inspire and be inspired to the round table of the Council.

What are the responsibilities of the O5 Council in RP?:
The Council is the secret puppet masters of the site, quietly and efficiently executing their plans through Department Directors, Site Administration, and Alpha-1. The will of the Council is final, and everything, even down to the most minute detail, exists because they will it. O5 monitors and, well, Oversees day to day function of the site, and takes the necessary precautions to alter said functions if they are deemed deficient. Another primary responsibility granted to the Council is handling Code Blacks, and ██████████████ when deemed appropriate. Lesser tasks involve authorizing Advanced Armory, Mass terminations, and involving themselves in Groups of Interest if necessary.

What are the responsibilities of the O5 Council out of RP (e.g. what applications do they handle?):

The Overseer's handle a plethora of Out of Character responsibilities, too. Such responsibilities include voting and approving and/or denying Overseer Assistant applications, Appointing a Site Director, Updating policies, documents, sheets and forms, communicating with Server Leadership, and most importantly, creating exciting and exalted roleplay experiences.

Barry O'Cociner was born in Ireland on January 10th, ████ , and migrated to the United States early in his life. From a young age, Barry had been interested in investigations, idolizing people like Sherlock Holmes, and Fred from Scooby-Doo. After High school, Barry attended Ohio State University, and majored in Criminal Investigation, as well as Jazz Performance. Shortly after receiving his Major, he found a position in Local Law Enforcement, then not long after, was offered a job in the CIA. Barry participated in the Abu Omar case in 2003, which brought him to him to Egypt. After the abduction of the Cleric, the other members of the CIA tortured Abu for information, which shocked Barry into a sense of loss. Believing that what was done by his superiors was wrong, Barry dismissed himself and wandered the streets of Egypt. There, Barry was faced with SCP-1644, an anomalous obelisk that prevented humans from entering a radius of 47.16 meters from the center. Barry walked closely past it, then took a second to inspect the obelisk, before tying his shoe. He had thought nothing of it. As he walked away from the Obelisk, men in suits quickly appeared and surrounded him after he exited the radius. Barry couldn't remember anything after that point.

Internal Affairs:
Barry was recruited as a General Security Cadet, and was closely watched, as he has been shown to be immune to phycological anomalies.
Barry followed instructions and was soon qualified for the position of Internal Affairs Agent. When Barry had gotten to his new position, the department was quiet and lonesome. Director Layne "Sleepy" Grieves was in charge of the department, and shortly after Barry was promoted to Ambassador, Layne was soon promoted to Site Advisor, leaving Internal Affairs all alone. Barry met one of his best friends that day; Mr. Dalton. Dalton and his colleagues entrusted Barry with the fate of Internal Affairs, and he was promoted to Director after only 4 days. Barry held the position of Director for a month and a half. After building a whole new department, full of Agents, Ambassadors, and A Deputy Director, he was called by higher power to fill the role that was needed of him. When Barry left Internal Affairs, he left it to his most trusted coworkers: Mark Nagoa, Mr. Philly, "Liberator", Archie Bambozzini, Cheese Cooper, and Mickle. His expectations where met every time. There wasn't a better group of individuals to run a department.

The Ethics Committee
Barry was voted into the Ethics Committee, under the leadership of his friend, Mr. Dalton. Barry was assigned Internal Affairs and Medicine, and worked hard to maintain their clean and strong state. When the job finally was finally comfortable, Mr. Dalton was █████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████ [ERROR: TEXT REDACTED] █████████████████████████████████████ ████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████

MTF Experience
After serving as ██-█ ███ at Site-██ under a new name, "Caesar", Barry was recalled to Site-56 after the fallout had settled. Now having an interest in combat, Barry was recruited by MTF Nu-7, and served diligently until being ███████████████████████████████████████████ ████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████ Barry was once again working with his friends in the Committee, serving as Law Enforcement, just as he had at the beginning of his travels years prior.

Retirement & Return to IA
After Barry's second term in the Ethics Committee didn't work out as he had planned, he decided to retire. Much to his disbelief, he was allowed to leave the bunker he had become so accustomed to living in to travel the world. ███████████████████████████████████████████ ███████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████ After a long time away, Barry decided that he's at his best when he's working with Internal Affairs. Barry can take it easy and do the job he enjoys, while sitting contently and watching the Foundation change and grow, while offering his countless hours of experience and expertise to his people: new, and old.
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+ Support

Barry has extensive previous experience and has a strong will to make the server better in every way, although his activity may need improving in my eyes, I believe he is capable of holding this position.
Activity was poor for a bit because I wasn't able to be in my dorm for very long intervals. I made up that lost time by communicating with others and doing google doc work. I'm off of ROA and Summer is soon, so ill have a lot of time to play. Thank you!
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Activity was poor for a bit because I wasn't able to be in my dorm for very long intervals. I made up that lost time by communicating with others and doing google doc work. I'm off of ROA and Summer is soon, so ill have a lot of time to play. Thank you!
Sounds good to me then, I know if you get this, you’ll do some wonderful work.


Civil Gamers Expert
Jan 27, 2022
-support I don't think you would be fit at all. Nothing against you just don't think your what o5 needs right now.
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Well-known Member
Jul 13, 2022
While you have some experience, I've personally seen you leave the server a few times now. Not only this but some of the things I've witnessed you do as an ethics member just makes me view you as someone who's emotions control them and immature. This is not someone who should be leading the whole site.
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Reactions: Sir Barry and Chad
+Major Support
+CL5 experience

I hired Barry to become the IA director back when I was in Ethics, I gave him a shot and I don't regret any moment of it, Barry has always been taking part in making changes within the facility if not leading the charge himself. His passion for change went noticed when I became Ethics Director and getting him into the EC was probably the best thing I could have done for the foundation in my time of power. Barry has been my right-hand man for a lot of time in this foundation and has faced several enemies that are jealous of his work ethic and success. If you want an active roleplayer, change-maker, dedicated, and loyal friend Barry is the guy to go to. It would be a great disservice to the foundation if he wasn't added to the O5 council.

- Mr. Dalton
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Reactions: Sir Barry
While you have some experience, I've personally seen you leave the server a few times now. Not only this but some of the things I've witnessed you do as an ethics member just makes me view you as someone who's emotions control them and immature. This is not someone who should be leading the whole site.
Thank you for bringing this up.

I believe there is such thing as allowing oneself to put your emotions into something, as my emotions stem from my passion for this server. Emotion behind reason allows decisions and choices to have a new depth of care interwoven into them.

In regards to my resignation, I will not speak about it in public, but I experienced some serious issues within the Committee. These aren't petty disputes or emotion clouded judgment, there was genuine issues that exceeded the server and started to tread into my life. I was treated very poorly by individuals in the Committee that have long since departed. If you are interested, I have no issue discussing the whole unfiltered story with you.

Thank you!
+Huge Support
Where do I even begin with this individual?! After knowing Barry for almost a year he has continues to make this server fun and interesting. I work closely with Barry in the DIA, and he is the best Director and treats me with the utmost respect. I don't think there is anyone more deserving of this position than Barry. He has done so much for this server and continues to do so everyday. Additionally, Barry is active, wrote a great application, has CL5 experience and seems to be extremely qualified for this position. Good luck Barry!
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Reactions: Sir Barry
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