[US] TenTen Ethics Committee Member application

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Well-known Member
Apr 17, 2022
Steam ID:STEAM_0:1:218517273
Discord name:Juelz.#4152
For how long have you played on CG SCP: 4 months
In what country are you located?:USA
Time zone:EST
Character name(s):A-1 LTCOM>"The Gorgon"
Civilian name:"juelz"
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):SCPRP-USA
Do you have a mic?:yes i always did
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held: MTF A-1,CI-G,Ethics Committee assistant,Overseer Assistant.
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: I have a warn for mixing but i believe its expired.
What Ethics Committee role are you applying for, and why: I'm applying for Ethics Committee because I want to try something with a bigger responsibility and try to better the foundation. I take things seriously even if that is RP or in combat situations I'm also a well honest person trying to work hard to get in a bigger position.
What makes you the best candidate for the Ethics Committee?:
I am a former A-1 COM i've been trying to get good relationships with ethics. I worked along side with ethics with different operations and work with there MTF group O-1. I've also been trying to get relations between A-1 and O-1, I also helped the committee with a lot of stuff like helping them getting back a O-1 soldier that's captured, or assisting raids. I've been In A-1 for a while so i have good experience as a leader and combatant. I was also a overseer assistant for a while before i transferred to ethics assistant so i also have experience with helping site command with reports and other stuff like that.

What are the responsibilities of the Ethics Committee in RP?:
the responsibilities of the Ethics Committee is to see if certain departments are following ethical protocol or the code of ethics. They're allowed to grant and deny research tests if they wish or if they think if it's a bad idea or good. They also have access to any documentation level1+ to make sure everything is in order and prepared ready to be sent for examination. They also have a high authority when it comes to people and the rights are allowed to have when it comes to working in the foundation.
What are the responsibilities of the Ethics Committee out of RP (e.g. what applications do they handle?):
To watch over Director of Medicine, Director of Internal Affairs, and ethics assistants applications.
Please give some lore about your Ethics Committee character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Danny was born in the United States he was born and raised in ████████████ and stayed there for his entire life. Danny's dream was always to be in the military when he was younger. He told his mom his dream she thought he wanted to be a doctor or some sort but was surprised of what he wanted to be. Danny would become the first person in his family to enlist to any branch if he did so. Danny was young going to his freshman year of high school. His life was rough and was trying his best to get rid of his past problems he's been dealing with. Couple of years pass and Danny is finishing his year of high school and decides to follow his dream. Danny decides to go to the marines and enlists. He then goes to basics for recruitment training. Time has pass and Danny is now in the marines he then gets deployed to his first mission. He gets deployed to Somalia to capture a leader in a terroristic group that is terrorizing the people of Somalia. Danny was assigned a group and went to a different area to get information and find the group. Danny and his group was taking fire from the enemy from an unknown position. Danny was hit by a stray bullet to the stomach. Danny's group was getting hit by the enemy's arsenal some were dead and some were MIA. Danny was bleeding out badly no one to call or nowhere to go. Danny was found by men with heavy armor they came to him and helped him with his bleeding. He was later evacuated and put in medical. There was men that was in Danny's medical room and wanted to talk to him about offering him a job. Danny was suspicious about it. These men worked for a secret research facility. Danny accepted the job and the men gave him a date when to come and work. Months passed and Danny was ready to work. Since danny was in the marines he offered a job to General Security. Danny took a test to become a General Security member and passed. Danny was working at Site-██. Danny went to area called D-block full of prisoners that are used for tests. Danny's job was to make sure the prisoners are in check not doing anything to get them in trouble. Danny was starting to get PTSD and paranoia from the time he was deployed. He started calming himself down. He started getting used to the working at Site-██ Danny was hearing rumors of recruitment going from military groups. They are called E-11,NU-7. Danny wanted to try be recruited but wasn't able to for some odd reason. Danny worked hard and hard until he was able to join an MTF group. Danny at the time was working when he was approached by strange men with gas masks they were soldiers obviously. They didn't have any name tags or anything like that to show identity. A man in a suit came from behind and asked to danny to escort and guard him. Danny accepted and followed the man. Danny was suspicious and was high alert just incase something happened. Danny and the rest of the men walked to area called Entrance Zone that leads to a elevator that goes another floor called floor 3. Danny and then men went inside the elevator. Inside the elevator was complete silence no talking only elevator noises going up to the floor they are going to. Danny and the men walked to a long hallway that goes to different doors. There was one door that led to a office that was called ████████ Office. Danny was asked to come in the man in the black suit sat on a chair and looked at danny and started asking him questions. The man asked danny if he knows why he is here. Danny answered with no and the man was interested in recruiting danny into a classified MTF called █████. Danny knew nothing about this regiment. Danny in his mind thought they were a big deal. The man asked if he wanted to join the regiment danny didn't want to question the man why so instead he accepted. Danny was asked to do one thing. He was asked to kill one of strange man's men. Danny was nervous, shaking danny grabbed his gun and slowly aimed to soldiers head. Danny was hesitant and was threatened by the strange if he didn't kill him. Danny pulled the trigger and killed the soldier. Danny was hyperventilating because he killed someone the strange man put his hand on danny's shoulder and promised that one of his men would train him to be a good soldier and not hesitate to follow orders. Danny went through training and finished successfully. Danny was given a codename his codename that was he given was called "TenTen" Danny's first and last name and his date of birth and everything about him was redacted. Danny was PVT in █████. His job was to protect the ████████ he was nervous on his first day and didn't want to mess anything up. "TenTen" was starting to climb up ranks "TenTen" became a CO for the first time his job was to lead the enlisted and NCO's. His █████████r at the time was named █████ "predator" ██████. "Predator" was an excellent █████████ "tenten" looked up to him and would always get advice from him and ask questions. A month ago "Predator" was pronounced dead from an military operation that the ████████ council had ordered for him and the rest of █████ members to do. "TenTen" was upset but didn't want that to effect him. ████████ were having a meeting about who would take "predators" spot. They decided to have "TenTen" take his spot. "TenTen" accepted and promise to not let any of them down. "TenTen" was ready to lead a regiment. He remember his training and remember some advice he was given. Time's have passed "tenten" was working was called down somewhere men in black suits there was even another site command group called the Ethics Committee that wanted to offer "TenTen" to ethics. "TenTen" worked with both sides ████████ and the Ethics committee "TenTen" tried to to get █████ to have good relationship with ethics and worked with their MTF group. But still "TenTen" didn't know what offer to choose. "TenTen" applies for Ethics Assistant he never "TenTen has been in █████ for a while "TenTen" thinks it's time to try and work hard for a higher position and needs someone else who can take his spot and lead the regiment. When "TenTen" got accepted to be a ethics assistant he didn't what the first to do he then asks for any type of tasks or any assignments he can do. He was given a task to watch over D-block and look for any ethical violations. He was observing and watching d-class and GENSEC. "TenTen" being in d-block gave him memories of the times he was part of GENSEC he then grin a bit and gets a bit distracted from his work. He starts hear noises which sound yelling in d-block from the looks of it D-class were trying to riot, somehow they had weapons and things started to get serious. "TenTen" had got hurt but managed to get out with being shot dead and he knew that being a Ethics assistant will be a tough job.

Nico | Od1n

Active member
Mar 17, 2022
My man I don't want to be that guy... But I have seen you apply 4 times now (two for O5 and two for Ethics), and I must say you always seem to apply for O5 first. I will add this to futher my point, if you are denied in one of the two there is a bigger likelyhood you will be denied for the other. Furthermore, don't just apply somewhere else once you have been denied in one place...


Well-known Member
Apr 17, 2022
My man I don't want to be that guy... But I have seen you apply 4 times now (two for O5 and two for Ethics), and I must say you always seem to apply for O5 first. I will add this to futher my point, if you are denied in one of the two there is a bigger likelyhood you will be denied for the other. Furthermore, don't just apply somewhere else once you have been denied in one place...
That’s because O5 spots were full but okay ?
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Well-known Member
Mar 9, 2022
My man I don't want to be that guy... But I have seen you apply 4 times now (two for O5 and two for Ethics), and I must say you always seem to apply for O5 first. I will add this to futher my point, if you are denied in one of the two there is a bigger likelyhood you will be denied for the other. Furthermore, don't just apply somewhere else once you have been denied in one place...
I don’t agree with what your saying tbh I kinda respect him for applying for something he wants to be over and over but that’s just my opinion.

+A lot of lvl 4 experience
+Active ig/ts
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Nico | Od1n

Active member
Mar 17, 2022
I don’t agree with what your saying tbh I kinda respect him for applying for something he wants to be over and over but that’s just my opinion.

+A lot of lvl 4 experience
+Active ig/ts
It's about applying to the other same day or day after the first gets denied for whatever reason, it only shows they want that Lvl5 Keycard
To what happened recently, I think this man should be re-evaluated as I think a person that doesn't even put himself "Equally" with other players would possibly cause a power-tripping scenario more often if you gave him this position. A lot of cl4 experience could only show that this man understands how a clearance level 4 works, but I would say a lot more Assistants know how it works too. As for respect, maybe that's only when towards people that have more power than him or people that can help him get to a better position. Mature? Not sure about a person that ignores the presumption of innocence. Active? Every assistant appears to be active very often so I don't see the unique part about this.
You see from the action of him jumping around desperate to just obtain a higher status showing an obvious power grinding I don't understand what the "Try it out" supposed to work on a such an important role, connect the relationship between ISD and A1, but yet not mentioned the majority part of COE works directly on the common players. This makes me wonder if his intention of being an ECM to just benefit his own interest group for further future grind..?

Nico | Od1n

Active member
Mar 17, 2022
It shows I wanna do something higher I've been in A-1 for a long ass time so i thinks its time for me to do something different so what are u trying do? sabotage me? cause it aint working out buddy dont know what your problem im trying to work hard for this position so if your coming in here just to do this you can glady just F off dude
Thank you for your understanding and your show of maturity towards a different opinion. I wish you the best of luck.

I would say seek to become Site Administration first, since non-combative roles can be a hell of a different ride, just talking from experience. (I have been in A-1 twice, one of the first 10-15 people on both UK and USA servers, as well as Site Administration; and from those experiences it can be extremely different)
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Omar D Chad

Well-known Member
Jul 13, 2022
++ lot of experience with leadership
+ Support
+ knows how to handle situations
+ Respectful
+ Responsible member of the site
note: keep doing the good work TenTen.

"Omar" D Chad
Current: MTF O-1 CPT
EX: Dep Chief of GENSEC & CPT
Jun 12, 2022
TenTen is... a complicated person. He has done good things and bad things, but he doesn't play well with others. He caused an entire breach once by killing one person in a situation E11 had taken care of. He also is not very respectful to others and comes across as rude a lot, whether he means to a lot. If he acts better to others and doesn't just shoot anything he can, I'd say +support. It'd be great to see him as an ECM, but I don't think he is the best fit right now.


Active member
Mar 18, 2022

TenTen, you tend to be rude to me and other people at times. As an ECM, this is not to be expected and should be adjusted accordingly. This could be just me being biased from my experiences with you, but thats my $0.02

I believe you're fit for the position, but I would like for you to change your attitude on the server a little bit.

You have the requirements and I don't doubt that you'll be unable to do your job

Good luck on your application
Jan 30, 2022

I feel as if people are going to neg-rate somebody's application, they should be cognizant of their own faults first - how can he be criticized for the exact same issues others are still struggling with? We've had members of the 05 Council and Ethics who don't play well with others who have been given a chance to move up in recognition of their skillset, but TenTen is expected to be a paragon of virtue. Sometimes the most passionate and most capable may be abrasive at times or in certain situations, but we're all humans and we have our faults. The guy has nearly 5 months of A-1 experience, and I don't know of anybody else with that type of dedication or knowledge right now.
My man I don't want to be that guy... But I have seen you apply 4 times now (two for O5 and two for Ethics), and I must say you always seem to apply for O5 first. I will add this to futher my point, if you are denied in one of the two there is a bigger likelyhood you will be denied for the other. Furthermore, don't just apply somewhere else once you have been denied in one place...
The application process is open to everybody to apply past the two week waiting period. As opposed to giving up immediately after being denied from both, he's continued to persevere.
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But I have seen you apply 4 times now
If this individual keeps applying, then doesn't this alone show their dedication & willingness to want to become a CL5?
If one department obviously doesn't want them, I believe he can always try his luck on the other department.
Furthermore, I don't think its very charitable to never let them have chances to become a role they desire, just because they were denied.



Active member
Mar 18, 2022

I feel as if people are going to neg-rate somebody's application, they should be cognizant of their own faults first - how can he be criticized for the exact same issues others are still struggling with? We've had members of the 05 Council and Ethics who don't play well with others who have been given a chance to move up in recognition of their skillset, but TenTen is expected to be a paragon of virtue. Sometimes the most passionate and most capable may be abrasive at times or in certain situations, but we're all humans and we have our faults. The guy has nearly 8 months of A-1 experience, and I don't know of anybody else with that type of dedication or knowledge right now.

The application process is open to everybody to apply past the two week waiting period. As opposed to giving up immediately after being denied from both, he's continued to persevere.
8 months?


Active member
Mar 18, 2022
You're right, I'm misinformed on that point. However, 5 months is still a lifetime in a game community, and especially in a regiment like A-1. The post has been edited.
It's 4 months but yes, I understand where you're coming from

Nico | Od1n

Active member
Mar 17, 2022
I guess people don't read. If he was truly interested in Ethics he would apply to both at the same time, not right after one gets denied.
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Well-known Member
Jul 13, 2022
I don’t agree with what your saying tbh I kinda respect him for applying for something he wants to be over and over but that’s just my opinion.

+A lot of lvl 4 experience
+Active ig/ts
Couldn't have said it better TenTen is showing that he is dedicated for the position rather than just giving up he is not letting setbacks or distasteful comments dissuade his determination to strive for a higher position.
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