[US] Tyler 'Mr. Durden' Dorkin's Site Advisor Application

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Tyler Dorkin

Well-known Member
Nov 8, 2024
Steam identification number: My steam identification number is STEAM_0:0:96644501.

Discord name: My current discord name is turtlespurples with the former discord name being turtlespurples#3261.

For how long you have played on CG SCP: Approximately 10 months, soon to be a year. In-game, over six days within the past month according to "/time" with over 8 hours of which being "away from keyboard" time.

Age: I am currently Twenty-one years old.

In what country are you located: I live in the United States of America.

Time zone: I currently live in the Pacific Standard Time zone (PST).

Character name(s): My current character names are Tyler 'Mr. Durden' Dorkin for the Foundation and Tyler 'Turtle' Dorkin for the Chaos Insurgency.

Civilian name: My current civilian name is 'Spy' Durden.

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): I am applying for only the SCP-RP USA server.

Do you have a microphone: Yes, I do with a backup microphone as well.

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held: All given positions I have ever held and/or currently hold are:
CI Alpha, CI Beta, CI Strike Team, CI Medic, and Internal Affairs Agent (Held).
Overseer Assistant, General Security Sergeant, Senior Doctor, and Internal Security Agent (Holding).

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why: I have received two bans in the past.
One ban was when I was brand new on the server, I left to avoid roleplay while being arrested by several MTF members as I did not understand why I was being arrested after several explanations.
The second ban for was given for failure to roleplay after I disguised as one staff member inside a sit room after given a verbal warning by a second staff member in the same sit room.

I have received five failures to roleplay warnings and one random death match warning.
I do not recall the random death match warning nor two of the failure to roleplay warnings. However, I do recall that one of the failures to roleplay warnings was due to a mass credit giving as a Junior Researcher in which I was told after that by a staff member that it is considered a form of XP farming which is exploitative.
The second failure to roleplay warning I recall is when I was letting D-Class personnel into the outer D-Block area as a chef.
Lastly, the last failure to roleplay warning which was in November of 2024 was due to me terminating a general security cadet that was within heavy containment zone after being told repeatedly more than five total times by multiple clearance level 4 personnel to leave heavy containment zone. He refused continuously, after approximately ten minutes and being held to fear roleplay via several combative personnel I wrongfully decided to terminate him once he chose to deliberately body-block a door with a firearm out.

I do understand the punishments I have received and regret making these mistakes as it caused troubles and negativity from/to other players who were not expecting such scenes/problems during their roleplay experience.
Both the staff and players on this server are usually highly understanding as well as very forgiving so I do believe the punishments I have received are more than appropriate and just.

Why are you applying for Site Advisor: I am applying for Site Advisor because I have not yet had any senior position experience yet and I believe Site Advisor is an excellent senior position to gain senior experience. This position also allowed me to be a part of the administrative department which would give me a further in-depth knowledge/understanding of the entirety of Site-65 across all departments/regiments. This position has been held by people I dearly enjoy roleplaying with such as current Site Advisor Kennedy Wilson, former Site Advisor Coke 'Bishop' whom now is a current Site Manager, and current Site Advisor Asmodeus 'King' which I mention as I believe an essential part in applying to any clearance level 4+ position requires knowledge of the potential coworkers/boss(s) one may be faced with.
Lastly, I am also applying for Site Advisor to put myself in a different challenging position than Overseer Assistant as I have been made aware that there are different difficulties one must overcome.

What makes you suitable for Site Administration: The qualities and skillset I provide for Site Administration are multiple.
For one, I have demonstrated both on Senior Researcher and Overseer Assistant that I am more than capable of the creation of high quality and informative documents that are not dragged out with nonsense verbiage nor desecrated by the usage of ChatGPT. I truly enjoy creating such documents, although they are time consuming, and I have a passion for utilizing my creativity and methodical thought process to create fun roleplay environments.
Secondly, I possess currently an active position under Foundation Command as an Overseer Assistant which I am blessed of as it allowed me to gain an in-depth understanding of how to properly conduct oneself and manage professionalism even under very stressful and tense situations that frequently arise.
Lastly, I am someone who plays frequently and attempts to execute given orders sooner rather than later. I believe the orders of those above us come first in priority.

What are the responsibilities of Site Administration in RP: The responsibilities of Site Administration within roleplay are to manage the site as a whole both on the individual level such as individual Foundation personnel, individuals of external organizations such as MC&D/UNGOC personnel, and the site on the greater level when it comes to the insurance that the Code of Ethics, Code of Conduct, and Legal Codex are being properly enforced by personnel of the Internal Security Department. This also goes for the Department of External Affairs where it is critical for Site Administration to ensure that the image of the Foundation is not damaged, and that the secrecy of the Foundation is maintained.
Also, Site Administration must heavily work with each department/regiment to ensure no major issues arise via preventative maintenance, but also so that any issues that do arise are addressed accordingly and fixed within an appropriate window of time. Somethings that may come to mind with that thought are severe info breaches, cross-testing going wrong compromising either a part or the entirety of a site, D-Class personnel causing severe riots to the point at which advance action is heavily considered, and the management of policies/treaties so the site is operating at all times with the best interest at mind being the Foundation's core principal of "Secure, Contain, Protect".
Finally, Site Advisors are to understand the structure of leadership within Site Administration. Where Site Directors lead a site, Site Managers ensure that the site is following the direction that the Site Director deems it so. While Site Advisors, advise designated departments in changes/alterations within their respective departments to ensure that the direction of the Site by the orders of the Site Director are being well established and maintained. Knowing this power structure allows for smooth operations which is a responsibility Site Administration must demonstrate on a daily basis as they are the head of the Site. Where the head leans, its body follows.

Please give some lore about your Site Administration character and what storylines they would be involved in: Open the message below.




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From: Site Director Nathan 'Jeager'

To: Site Administration of Site-65

CC: Department Leaders of Site-65

Subject: The Welcoming of a New Site Advisor

Dear Senior Site-65 Personnel,

I am welcomed to bring to your attention a new Site Advisor, Tyler 'Mr. Durden' Dorkin. As some of you may recognize, he is one of our many Overseer Assistants who have been designated to Site-65. Mr. Durden brought to my attention that he is more than capable of working two jobs under the Foundation without compromising the quality and quantity of work for either of the job positions due to a strange case of insomnia. With that being said, he will still be working as an Overseer Assistant, but due to a split personality disorder he possesses he will be essentially a different person during his hours as a Site Advisor which is why the Overseer Council has declared this opportunity a positive one for Site-65.

Mr. Durden's assigned departments has not been designated quite yet, but I will give a further debriefing once that decision has been finalized by me. Mr. Durden has expressed a great attitude in helping our beloved Site-65, especially during these times of difficulties as we continue to face the struggles of constant SCP breaches and still are actively working to improve our relations with the United Nation's Global Occult Coalition. I was given a verbal plan by Mr. Durden during the questionnaire portion of his interview for Site Advisor which involved an idea of in-depth analyzing of containment chambers, locations of cameras, and installments of microphones and permanent checkpoint/security structures to advance our site due to the increased quantities of incidents involving intruders/fake personnel on site this year. The installation of a biometric clearance level 3 keycard scanner at SCP-096, permanent reality anchors with a power switch connected into the containment chambers of SCP-TYPE-GREENs, and giving the elevator from Personnel Wing to Entrance Zone finally some usage by unlocking it for Foundation personnel usage with a clearance level 3 or 4 keycard scanner as a means of a "reserved" elevator.

There are also plans Mr. Durden has mentioned to me about working with other Site Advisors and Site Managers to help orchestrate with Department Leaders at enforcement of my plans for this site which involve having departments work more closely together in synchronicity and unison. With that in mind, issues departments have with each other will also be addressed directly person to person so protocols that may be now outdated will be updated and so that issues with the increasing quantity of problematic personnel such as unionizers will be hopefully decreasing at a meaningful rate to improve the stability of the workforce here at Site-65. It was also stated by Mr. Durden that this would also involve the decrease quantity of personnel being terminated in open areas as this site has developed a negative reputation from the Overseer Council about blood stains on carpets, bullet holes across walls and floors in Light Containment Zone, and a constant strong scent of highly acidic cleaning chemicals across the entire site after Entrance Zone/Lobby.

Mr. Durden was chosen for this position as he has been a part of this site ever since he started working under the Foundation. He has witnessed the original SCP-096's termination personally during his time working as a Senior Researcher. He has personally terminated one SCP-TYPE-BLUE D-Class personnel who was disguised via SCP-914 misusage. He established that SCP-7722 is capable of being used as a V.I.P escort/guard. He even has assisted our former Site Director with a order to decide on which Site Advisor would be most eligible for a Site Manager position if an opening in the future were to be made. I believe I have made myself clear as it is not necessary to list every little detail to send my message clearly.

I wish for you all to hopefully gain some level of a positive connection with our new Site Advisor so that we may continue to advance our operations here at Site-65. Any concerns you may have please do not reply to this email, rather directly message me so I may address and resolve any questions and/or concerns you may have about this decision. Report any problematic or exceedingly good findings you witness from Mr. Durden to me directly during his trial period.

Let's evolve,
Site Director Nathan 'Jeager'


Trial Game Master
Trial Game Master
Jul 11, 2024
A message has been received from the Site-65 Administrative Department
The Site Administration Verdict Report
REGARDING: Tyler's Site Advisor Application


Hello Tyler, First, I would like to thank you for taking the time to apply for a position in Site-65's Administrative Department. Unfortunately, Site Administration has decided to DENY your application. Feel free to reach out to any member of Site Administration if you have any questions regarding your denial. You may re-apply in two weeks.
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