[US] Wertz's Executive Researcher Application

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Wise Monke

Active member
Jun 27, 2023
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:484524190

Discord name: dummins

For how long have you played on CG SCP: Since March 22 2023

Age: 21

In what country are you located?: US

Time zone: PST

Character name(s): Wertz

Civilian name: Larry Lamb

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP USA

Do you have a mic?:
- Yes

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
- None

Why are you applying for Executive Researcher?

- I have been an Sr. Researcher for awhile now, conducting many different tests on many different SCPS. I feel researcher is an overlooked role and not many people find enjoyment playing as a researcher. I want to show people how fun playing as a researcher can be, the idea of thinking of unique ways to test and cross test SCP's. Everyday I'm always thinking of new tests I can conduct, I want to show people that there is more than just doing 5 second meaningless tests that result in D-Class deaths. Ways I plan on doing this is hosting lectures on ways to teach new researchers how to perform their job well and how to write excellent documents. I have a deep fascination for SCP's and a desire to actively conduct research and explore new ways to perform tests. I'm applying for Executive because it would allow me to perform all types of different tests and experiments. I want to gain more knowledge and look into all kinds of different tests, seeing if something works with something else, or how a SCP reacts to this thing. I love writing documents and I always strive to get that excellent rating. I was taught well on how to conduct good research and how to write documents, I want to pass that knowledge down to other researchers. I get so much enjoyment out of creating RP for all players I include in my test, D-Class, Doctors, Gensec, SCPS, and any higher up Foundation members that spectate my tests. I believe researchers are VITIAL for role playing because without researchers, it restricts 90% of roleplay for everyone.

What makes you suitable for Executive Researcher?:

- I have been playing on this server for awhile now and I have not lost interest in playing. I love role playing as a researcher and teaching new researchers how to perform good tests and making excellent documents. I think of myself as very helpful and kind, I always strive to help a researcher with any problem they have. I also have lots of knowledge on SCP's, in my free time when I'm not playing SCP I'll watch videos on SCP's and learn how they function. I'm always trying to gain more knowledge and thinking of ways to help people. I also have great leadership skills, I am a corporal in the U.S Army (irl) and have been through the NCO Academy which teaches you the basics of being a leader. I have multiple privates under me and I use my leadership skills to teach and mentor them on how to be better versions of themself. I am always asking questions from my executives and higher ups, always seeking more knowledge and ways to better myself as a researcher. I feel that I specialize in cross testing, I am always thinking of new ways to cross test SCP's creating new RP for everyone.

How many excellent-graded documents have you written? What makes a document excellent?

- I've written 13 excellent documents. An excellent document has many factors that which include an Index, AIM, SCP Details, Methodology, Participants, Hypothesis, Results/Findings, Conclusion. If you follow these factors it really helps the person reading it understand the study you are trying to run. It also factors on how you write it, having good grammar and providing plenty of information. Presentation is also important for writing excellent documents, how you format your document having a Cover page and index helps immensely with your document.

What are the responsibilities of the
Executive Researcher in RP?:

- Grading Documents
- Having Leadership Skills
- Having Communication Skills
- Conducting CL4 testing
- Escorting CL3 personnel into CL4 places
- Hosting lectures for research personnel
- Teaching and mentoring lower research personnel

Please give some lore about your Executive Researcher character and what storylines they would be involved in:

Sr. Researcher Wertz, is a seasoned researcher at the SCP Foundation, specializing in the study of anomalous phenomena and entities. He holds a Ph.D. in Parapsychology and has been a dedicated member of the Foundation for over a decade. Sr. Researcher Wertz is known for his exceptional analytical skills, keen eye for detail, and his unyielding commitment to the Foundation's mission. In his mid-30s, Researcher Wertz received an unexpected visit from an agent of the SCP Foundation who offered him a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to work for an organization that delved into the paranormal in a scientific and secretive manner. Intrigued by the prospect of studying real anomalies and gaining access to information that few even knew existed, Wertz accepted the offer and began his journey as a researcher at Site-██. Researcher Wertz quickly proved himself as a valuable asset to the Foundation. His ability to approach anomalous objects and entities with a blend of scientific rigor and open-mindedness set him apart from many of his peers. Over the years, he successfully contained and researched various Safe and Euclid class SCPs, earning him numerous commendations and promotions. Eventually, Wertz's insightful contributions and leadership qualities earned him the position of Senior Researcher. In this role, he oversees multiple research teams and plays a crucial part in the decision-making process for containment procedures, exploration missions, and collaboration with other Foundation sites.
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May 24, 2023

One of the most driven Researchers I've seen in a while. Has made constantly unique tests and does an excellent job in responding to feedback. Would be an excellent pick for the Executive Research Team.
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Active member
Dec 23, 2022
Detroit, Michigan
Incoming Message: Research Directorate of Site-65


Greetings, Wertz!

I would first like to thank you for taking the time to apply for the position of Executive Researcher within the Site-65 Research Department. Your time is greatly appreciated.

Upon review, your application has been elevated to an interview!

Please email (Discord message) Dpt. Director Darby (thegypsybard) or Dpt. Director Kiryu (.kurgerbing) to receive your interview!​


Active member
Dec 23, 2022
Detroit, Michigan
Incoming Message: Research Directorate of Site-65


Greetings, Wertz!

I would first like to thank you for taking the time to apply for the position of Executive Researcher within the Site-65 Research Department. Your time is greatly appreciated!

Upon review, your application has been accepted!

Please email (Discord message) Dpt. Director Darby (thegypsybard) or Dpt. Director Kiryu (.kurgerbing) to receive your training/onboarding.

You may contact your local RAISA Officer (server staff) for your credentials. (whitelist)​
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