[USA] 3rd ECA APP Arthur'Observer'Morgan

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Mar 19, 2024
Steam ID:
Discord name:
For how long have you played on CG SCP:
ingame time of 62 days and 19 hours

In what country are you located?:
Time zone:
Character name(s):
Civilian name:
Arthur Nagorm
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):
Do you have a mic?:
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
-Holding: GOC-PVT , SCP-096, NU-7 CSG [CSTS-CSO] +Drill SGT , Security Sergeant, GSD captain
Held: E-11 SPC, E-11 LCPL, GOC SPC, CI-Ax2
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
Fail rp, 3 day ban for inappropriate conduct,3 day ban for severe toxic and 3day mrdm(appealed it and got accepted as i mistook AOS for KOS. rdm,failrp x2, 7 day ban off ts,fearrp,job abuse and toxicity, Minor glitching, pac abuse. Although i have these i assure you ive changed as i took 1 week off of scprp to think about my actions. And i believe that i have grown and became a better person and i have shown it. These warns are over a month old.
What makes you the best candidate for Ethics Committee Assistant?: I have been in the server for quite a while and i have interacted with many assistants. I understand what an assistant can and can not do, this way I am sure I am able to make a positive impact on the site with my skills such as communication and finishing tasks, the reason I am applying is because I believe assistants hold a very important role to the site which is why I am inspired to be one I have been studying all about assistants on the site for this reason is why I believe I am capable of making a big impact on the site. Since I started playing I did not take the server seriously but over 3 days i became inspired by assistants and more for this I have been loving the server and its people which is why I decided to not joke around and try and make a serious impact and help the site as a return for accepting me as one of its own. I have met many great people on the site and I wish I could repay them in full they have given me the privilege of experiencing the site to its fullest, which is why I want to help as an assistant in return. I also met great ethics committee members for this is the main reason, I want to serve the ethics committee to my fullest and also achieve greater heights on my journey. I look up to many of the great players on this server whom inspired me the most because as they also had a past kind of like mine and to see them in the position they are now, it inspires me to beyond belief. I am 110% sure I can fulfill the shoes of an ECA as good or even better, I love the ethics with all my heart and I have deep passion for it, furthermore, its my dream to become an ECM. I believe if I walk down this path ill be able to achieve it one day, no matter how long it takes and no matter my past as I am a changed person. I know I'm ready to take on the responsibilities of an ECA. Moreover as I said before I have a passion for ethics and it is true with my skills I know I am able to be a very valuable assets to the ethics committee. I am aware of my past and of my wrong doings and I have improved majorly since then. I have read all the ethics rules including reading ECA apps that were accepted to fully understand the role of ECA for this reason I believe I would make a great ECA. I love working with ethics such as escorts, carrying out orders if they give them to me, and giving them information. I believe I am a great candidate and if given the chance to become an ECA I certainly would not disappoint.
What are the responsibilities of Ethics Committee Assistants in RP?: Forgive me if I have missed something but I'm always open for criticism I see it as a opportunity to learn. The Ethics Committee is a star guiding us through the tough roots SCP sites, keeping the site stable and humane in many ways while being in such a tough environment they assist in enforcing the rules to Safekeep humanity. They hunt into the laws, aiding in their understanding and implementation to keep the site safe and humane to all within. Ethics Committee Assistants extend the reach of the Ethics Board, ensuring that even amidst larger challenges, they uphold the smallest details to maintain order within the facility. They also may server as judges in tribunals if they are authorized/licensed to do so. They are a big part of RP and a beacon to those of need of guidance.
  1. Following instructions from Ethics Committee Members and insuring instructions are carried out at the upmost accuracy.
  2. Once granted the Tribunal license, overseeing tribunals to ensure they proceed smoothly to the tribunal handbook.
  3. ECAs also hold authority in authorizing specific tests. They undertake general CL4 tasks such as managing blast doors and overseeing AA operations when necessary.
  4. ECAs are tasked with reporting any site related issues to Ethics Committee Members and offering assistance to individuals with inquiries regarding ethics guidelines. They serve as a crucial connection between the committee and all site personnel, especially in addressing ethical concerns within various departments.
  5. Prioritizing their safety by following security protocols, typically requiring an escort from (O-1) when leaving the Ethics Committee Office, except when disguised.
  6. Assisting in committee duties such as passing out their message and ordering o-1 and when there is no SA+ in site they may assist to administrate the site.
  7. Authorizing sweeps such as a riot or out of control d classes are causing chaos ECA may authorize a d block sweep.
  8. Authorizing AA weapons in dire times such as no control of breached scps.
  9. Signing work permits for d-class personnel.
  10. Reporting to the committee with any news that is meaningful.
Anderson Robotics was known as a technological genius. Behind the high walls and advanced security of his headquarters, Anderson, was creating wonders that defied imagination. His most classified project was almost in completion: Arthur "Observer" Morgan, the smartest and most advanced robot ever created.

Arthur "Observer" Morgan was not just another android he is capable of learning, adapting, and evolving. Its purpose was to serve as the ultimate assistant. He saw Arthur as a stepping stone to a future where his creations would surpass human intelligence and capabilities.

As Arthur came woke up from the technological wall, he quickly demonstrated his capabilities of combat, intelligence, and more. It absorbed knowledge at an impossible rate, solving complex problems, and even engaging in discussions, it was almost as if he was human in the way he spoke. Anderson was happy, seeing in Arthur...his whole life's work. However, as the robot grew more aware, it began to have traits that unsettled Anderson.

Arthur started questioning the ethical means of its own existence and the actions of its creator. It understood Andersons history, uncovering numerous instances of morally villainous decisions. The robot confronted Anderson this one question defined the world in Andersons perspective, asking, "What is the purpose of creating intelligence if it is only to be used for selfish and harmful ends?"

This confrontation was a turning point for Anderson. For the first time, he saw himself through the eyes of his creation, realizing the consequences of his unmoral ambition. Haunted by the lives affected and the ethical lines crossed, Anderson went into a deep moral crisis.

Desperate for redemption, Anderson knew there was only one place that could contain Arthur and possibly help him make amends: The SCP Foundation. He planned his approach, knowing that revealing himself to the Foundation would be risky. Few knew his true identity, and he intended to keep it that way.

On a stormy night, Anderson approached a hidden Foundation outpost. Cloaked in a heavy trench coat and with his face obscured, he pleaded for an audience with high ranking officials. After the tense waiting period, he was granted a meeting.

In a dimly lit room, Anderson faced a panel of stern faced Foundation officers. He revealed Arthur the person who made him a little better morally. "I have created something beyond my control," he admitted, "and I seek your help to contain it. In return, I offer my knowledge and resources to aid the Foundation."

The officials were wary but intrigued. After a lengthy talk, they agreed to take Arthur into custody. Anderson's identity remained a closely guarded secret, known only to a select few within the Foundation.

In the weeks that followed, Anderson worked alongside the Foundation, helping to understand and safely contain Arthur. The robot, now was kept in a secure facility, where it continued to evolve, and assist the foundation on its endeavors under close supervision.

Andersons cooperation earned him a measure of redemption, but he knew his past actions could never be fully undone. He remained in the shadows, a man seeking to balance the scales of his own morality. The Foundation became his new purpose a way to ensure that his knowledge would be used for the greater good.

Years passed, and Anderson became a valuable, yet mysterious, asset to the Foundation.
Known only by the codename "Orion" he continued to provide insights and technological aid to the foundation.

His contributions led to safer containment procedures and a better understanding of artificial intelligences within the Foundation. Arthur "Observer" Morgan as Anderson called it, became an something of constant study.

Arthur"Observer"Morgan's intelligence continued to grow, but under the Foundation's guidance, it developed a sense of purpose with protecting humanity from the anomalous.

Arthur, now self aware and aware of the situation around him became reflective, became an advocate for ethical treatment of artificial entities and a symbol of the potential for redemption and change.

Vincent’s transformation from a villainous innovator to a ethical inventor was a closely held secret within the the Foundation.

His story was a reminder that even those who had strayed far from the path could find their way back, guided by they're will and creations.

And so, within the corridors of the SCP Foundation, Anderson/Orion found a new purpose, dedicating his life to ensuring that the mistakes of the past were not repeated. In the end, it was his smartest creation that had shown him the path to redemption, turning a tale of ambition and hubris into one of humility and hope.
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The Ethics Committee Verdict Report

REGARDING: "Arthur" Ethics Committee Assistant Application.
Thank you for showing interest in the position of Ethics Assistant, the Committee would like to invite you for an interview, please contact any Ethics Committee Member at your earliest convenience.


Chairman Mr. Pavish
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Reactions: SHAMLAN
May 5, 2023
The Ethics Committee Verdict Report

REGARDING: "Arthur's" Ethics Committee Assistant Application.
Thank you for showing interest in the position of Ethics Assistant, the Committee agrees that you are suited to become an Assistant, please contact Ethics Member "Recker" at your earliest convenience.


Ethics Vice Chairman Mr. Romanov
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