[USA] 4th Asmodeus Site Admin Application - 4th time the charm

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Jun 8, 2024
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:150626263

Discord name: Asmodeus

For how long have you played on CG SCP: Since the 15th of May 2024

Age: 19

In what country are you located?: The Glorious Republic of Singapore

Time zone: GMT+8 (SGT)

Character name(s): Asmodeus "King"

Civilian name: Harith Mikail

What server are you applying for? : SCP-RP USA

Do you have a mic?: Yes and TeamSpeak

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
Ethics Assistant - Held
Overseer Assistant - Holding
GOC SPC - Held
MTF Nu7 LCP - Held

MTF E11 SGT - Holding
IA Ambassador - Held
Game Master - Holding
SCP-096 - Holding
SCP-22415 - Holding

CI-A - Held
Security Containment Unit - Holding

Security Response Unit - Holding
ISD Inspector - Holding
ISD Investigator - Holding
ISD Commissioner - Holding

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:

XP Farming: I received a 1-day ban and a warning for the same incident. This happened when I was still relatively new, and we had just finished fighting back a massive Code Black with Gensec's help. While playing as a scientist, I started crediting everyone as I had seen others do in the past. I did not realize it was a mistake, and I accepted the punishment without argument when the admin informed me. I learned from it and never let it happen again. Other than that, this has been my only warning so far.

Why are you applying for Site Advisor?

I am applying for the position of Site Advisor for the fourth time by encouragement of the current Site Administration due to my specialties in aiding and organizing events as well as helping players advance their ideas to the higherups. I am eager as seen by my consistent want to apply for site admin to aid the various departments on site in their duties as well as ensuring that all the voices of the foundation are heard and are not mistreated simply due to their status. I am also eager to work in an administrative position with ISD helping smooth out some of the more senior conflicts of interests with the new department as well as with GSD and E11 with their various complaints of site security.

I am confident in my abilities and expertise in administration. My activity, constantly dedicating hours of my time every day to playing and enjoying the server, has prepared me for this role. I as a ISD Commissioner have led multiple successful investigations into various departments of which I am not at liberty to say due to their sensitive nature but my award given to me by the dpt director for my contributions to site affairs should speak volumes to my capability in administering and aiding projects as well as investigations around the site. I was also a key player in the IA-ISD transition with the investigative handbook currently used by the department being written by me. Ive also been instrumental in previous projects such as the revamp of the Foundation Justice System as well as the revitalization of the Court System on site with me actively encouraging personnel to take the BAR exam in order to sue various personnel as is their right.

What are the responsibilities of Site Administration in RP?:

1. Ensuring Foundation Personnel Adherence to LC, CoE, CoC
2. Enforcing Disciplinary Action on Department Leaders
3. Approving Tests and Signing Off on SCP Samplings
4. Authing Sweeps of D-block/Mass Terminations if things get messy
5. Authing Raids of GOIs When Needed
6. Assisting with RP for Departments and Foundation in General
7. Attending and Hosting Meetings
8. Approving D-Class Work Permits and Signing Off on Them
9. Assisting with Department Policy Changes
10. Watching Over the various Departments
11. Allowing GOIs to Help if Needed during a breach
12. Authing AA when needed

Please give some lore about your Site Administration character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Accessing Dr Nighthalls Personnel File...


Well-known Member
Jun 19, 2024
A message has been received from the Site-65 Administrative Department
The Site Administration Verdict Report
REGARDING: Asmodeus's Site Advisor Application


Hello Asmodeus, first, I would like to thank you for submitting your application to become a Site Advisor. Second, I am pleased to announce that your application has been pushed to an interview. Don't hesitate to contact any Site Administration member to move forward with your application process. Good Luck.
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