[USA] A.R.A.'s ██ Assistant Application

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Well-known Member
Sep 30, 2022
[Out of Character Information]

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:533415593

Discord Name: Lumin#7818

For how long have you played on CG SCP: Four months total

Age: 21

In what country are you located?: The U.S.A.

Time zone: Eastern Standard Time

Character name(s): A.R.A.

Civilian name: A.R.A.
[Being a Robot, A.R.A. has never personally experienced normal Human civilian life]

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP U.S.A.

Do you have a mic?: Yes
[I use a voice changer for A.R.A. on-site, Clownfish]

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:

-HH-3 CSG [Prior Held]

-Executive Researcher [Prior Held]
-Director of Research [Prior Held]

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:

The only punishment that I have received on the server was from former Ethics Member Mr. Z, which was a job ban from Research due to me being on the surface during a Code Black when a nuke wasn't going off. Besides this, I have not received any kicks, bans, or warnings during my time at Site-56.

What makes you the best candidate for Overseer Assistant?:
-I have worked extensively with the O5 Council during my time both as an Executive Researcher and as a Director of Research over the past months. I have gotten myself familiarized with most of the current members of the council, primarily -5 and -2 due to their positions with helping manage Research. By extension, this has helped me understand what some of the operations the Overseer Council must undergo, mostly in relation to managing the Foundation, as well as the departments within it.

-I uphold a professional and straightforward attitude when conducting any business matters. Making sure a clear means of communication is established was a huge aspect of maintaining proper order within the Research Department, and treating situations with the appropriate amount of efficiency and respect is what led to us accomplishing so much within the department. I also uphold a friendly and approachable demeanor that makes it easy for those around me to speak with me about any concerns or suggestions they may have, which has proven to be an incredible asset as a leader.

-I am immensely dedicated to my work here at the Foundation. During my prime, I would write near daily status reports on everything that I had accomplished and witnessed within the Foundation for three months straight, the most recent of which can be found
here [Now with an Index!]. When I am passionate about something, I make sure to do what I can to shape it out to be the best way it can be.

-Due to my experience with holding CL4 positions, I have acquired great management skills. During my prime, we had established multiple successful Research Divisions, which acted as their own sub-departments within Research. I've worked alongside other Department Leads, Site Administration, Site Command and the Executives to help better the Research Department. As a result, I've grown very used to communicating with others and properly managing an entire department here at Site-56 with the help of others.

-My ultimate goal within the Foundation is to make sure that we are running as efficiently as possible, with as many voices being heard. This was a primary reason as to why I initially wished to work with Site Administration, and I believe that having the ability to work directly with the Council in order to assist them with making sure the Foundation is in the best state it can would help accomplish this goal.

What are the responsibilities of Overseer Assistants in RP?:
-You are an extremely important line that connects the O5 Council to the rest of the Foundation. The Council, despite their power, cannot be everywhere at once. With the help of Assistants, the Council is able to make sure that the Foundation is running up to their standards. With Assistants, they are able to keep eyes on all Foundation activity without having to potentially compromise their identities or health.

-You are to take any orders that may be given to you by the Council, which can range wildly depending on the specific scenario and what actions are needed to be taken. Some general tasks include reviewing the health of the site you are tasked to help manage / watch over, establishing diplomatic connections between important Personnel and the Council, and making sure that sensitive information is handled properly.

-You are expected to act professionally and respectfully at all times when you carry out your day-to-day duties. You are expected to be a rational, dedicated member of the Foundation that serves as a direct representative of the Council and it's best interests, even in high-stress environments or scenarios.

-On top of being active and readily available for whenever the Council needs your assistance for any activities within the Foundation as a whole, you are to report any of your findings when you are carrying out your duties to the Council. You must report back to them with anything that would be of their concern, so it may be properly addressed and dealt with.

Please give some lore about your Overseer Assistant character and what storylines they would be involved in:

Time went by.

It wasn't too long ago that A.R.A. had stepped down from their position as Director of Research at Site-56. They felt confident with everything that had been done, and a vacation was deserved after so much time, no?

So, some more time went by.

It felt nice being "retired", not having to worry about what the next big scandal might be or keep track of several things at once.
But, there was something missing.

Maybe it was a sense of purpose?

They enjoyed being busy and helping others within the Research Department through the months. It always kept them on their toes, but it was highly rewarding.

The only problem was, there wasn't much to go back to with Research.

The Department been left in very capable hands, and there wasn't too much to note within the Department outside of what he and @Jinngle had gotten down with the interviews conducted by the Board of Education.

Site Administration seemed to be doing fine as well, with the new Directors and Advisors in charge.

So, A.R.A. ended up thinking back to their original aspirations beyond Research.

Maybe there's another way to help the Foundation beyond Site Administration.

"I wonder what the ███████ has been up to recently..."
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Crow Kalashnikov

Well-known Member
Oct 2, 2022
+Support I think that he will do great in this role! Honestly Overqualified, Make sure to hire this one.
Jul 19, 2022

From the Office of the ██████████████

Application Accepted

Thank you for taking the time to apply for ████████ Assistant. After Careful deliberation, we see you fit for the position.
Please contact one of us to get set up.
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