[USA] Adam "Red" Renkov's Ambassador Application


Well-known Member
Jun 28, 2024
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:127479675
Discord name: ChillBreeze
For how long have you played on CG SCP: 45~ hours
Age: 23
In what country are you located?: USA
Time zone: EST
Character name(s): Adam "Red" Renkov
Civilian name: Adam "Red" Renkov
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP USA
Do you have a mic?: Yes I do.
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held: I have held none so far, Ambassador would be my first and I am looking forward to it.
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: No, I have not.
Why are you applying for Internal Affairs Ambassador?: I have played as an IA Operative pretty much as soon as I got on the server, I did a few hours as D-Class, then I donated to get the Operative role because It seemed like something I would like, and I have played it ever since. I would also like to have a more hands on approach to shaping IA, I think the department is pretty good already, but I want to make it even better, and I think that the role of Ambassador is a good start to achieving that. I also wish to see all IA Agents and Operatives thrive in the roles throughout the Foundation, and the role of Ambassador would put me in a position to coach new Members and ensure they thrive as a Agents of Internal Affairs.
What makes you suitable for Internal Affairs Ambassador?: I think that my time served as an Operative within the IA department has given me a familiarity with the Rules and Regulations of the foundation as a whole, as well as with the policies and procedures of Internal Affairs. Rules and Regulations aren't everything however, you must also have a good attitude towards others, whether they be your lessers, equals, or higher ups, everyone should be treated with the same due regard. I have also spent some time with a few of the current Ambassadors as well as with the Director of Internal Affairs himself, and have familiarized myself with them.
How many documents have you written? What makes a document good?: I have personally written 7-10 arrest reports as well as an investigation report that was assigned to me by the then Ambassador Strekel "Sentinel" Kosnykov. A good document should be structed, detailed, concise and informative, no lines wasted and no relevant information omitted.
What are the responsibilities of the Internal Affairs Ambassador in RP?: to ensure that agents and operative are doing their jobs and following the rules and regulations, as well as handing the training of new Agents and Operatives, conducting investigations and gathering evidence. Ambassadors must be the gold standard for all IA as they are the ones who set the precedent for the Agents and Operatives, they should seek to ensure that the Rules and Regulations are being enforced and followed appropriately.
Please give some lore about your Internal Affairs Ambassador character and what storylines they would be involved in: Adam thought that he would never make it this far, he had just assumed he would remain within the confines of the rank of file of the foundation, waiting in anxiety for another alarm to sound; another breach, another riot, another chance to lose everything. Now he finds himself on the cusp of responsibility for more than just himself, up until now, all he had to do what what everyone else told him, and make sure that the rules were followed. he often wanders the gray and cold halls of the foundation, pondering all the events that led to this moment, he still can't believe it, even though he's living it. All the breaches, all the raids, every close call, and yet, here he stands. Adam realizes that he is staring into nothing and snaps back to reality, remembering that he is supposed to be on his way to Heavy Containment to observe a test, he's seen it time and time again, but IA must be present, and right now, that would be him. He calls the elevator to heavy containment, the sound of it still gives him an unsettling sense of dread, although MTF are all around and he has means to protect himself, he would still rather not go down there. The elevator reaches the bottom, he steps out, "ID" says the E-11 standing before him, he checks his pockets, fumbling to find the ID card, but swiftly presents a shiny new ID card to the E-11 "Ambassador Adam "Red " Renkov" it reads "I'm here to observe a test" the E-11 nods and waves him in. Walking through the bulkheads and into the depths of HCZ sends chills down his spine, but he must go on, for IA and for the Foundation, for above all else, the Foundation comes first.
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Active member
Jul 30, 2024
I think you should check out some approved Ambassador applications and update yours, its lacking alot of information and just a nice colour difference with formatting
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