[USA] Aiden Corvus Site Director Application

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Steam ID:

Discord name:

For how long have you played on CG SCP:
2 and a half years


In what country are you located?:
United States

Time zone:

Character name(s):
Aiden Corvus

Civilian name:

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):

Do you have a mic?:

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
O5-4 "The Ambassador" [First generation of O5 in the USA server assigned by Ventz, can be confirmed by Yeke]
Site Manager [Current]
Site Advisor [x2]

Chief of Security [x1]
Epsilon-11 Major [x1]
Epsilon-11 Captain [x1]

Security Captain [x2]
Internal Affairs Ambassador [x1]
Executive Researcher [x1]
Beta-1 SGT [x1]
Nu-7 CPL [x1]
A-1 SGT [x1]
C.I Gamma [x1]
G.O.C LCPL [x2]

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
I have no active warnings on my record and haven't for months or longer. I have one ban from over a year ago which was appealed and straightened out.

Why are you applying for Site Director?
I'm applying for Site Director because I believe it's the next step I should take in order to expand my capabilities on providing a high quality experience for others and strengthening the Administration team to make it the best it can ever be. For several months as both an Advisor and Manager, I've done everything in my power to provide a higher quality of roleplay and fairness within the community-- from encouraging a more speedy process in our internal voting system to creating or amending site/departmental policies to better support roleplay and community growth.
I now want to become a Site Director to expand my capabilities and take it a step even further to do what I can as a Director to truly foster a great roleplay experience for everyone else. I want to become a positive face for the Administration and for the community, and ensure that Site Administration is and continues to be an entity players can look up to both in and out of character-- to rely on us and know we will do our best to serve the playerbase to make this community the best it can be without prejudice or discrimination. I want to make sure that we strive more for in-character roleplay, higher standards, and ensure that everybody has an opportunity to have fun and enjoy themselves here. Becoming a Site Director is the step I believe I must take in order to truly reach this vision of having a unified community and encourage better and more fun roleplay, and maintaining our current administration to remain at a high standard of fairness, roleplay, and unification.

What makes you suitable for Site Director over Site Advisor?:
I believe I'm more suitable for Site Director because of my experience both within Site Administration and in other leadership positions within the community. In Site Administration, I am currently the longest running member of the team and have been part of the recruitment process for every other member currently within the Administration. I've done my best to contribute in fostering the currently administration members and providing important feedback on most of their applications or interviews to form this team into what it is today-- a team to be proud of that works well together with efficiency, speed, and fairness with high intentions.

I've also made other significant forms of contribution within the community over the past two and a half years that I've been part of it, since December of 2021. Older contributions I've made consist of fostering the first Security Rework (Introducing a modeler to the community and providing the structure that brought in Riot Teams and additional ranks while reworking the visual aspect of security, which set the Foundation for the server for the next year or two) which led to me becoming the Chief of Security at the time. From there I was also directly assigned to be part of the first generation of the O5 Council in the USA server due to my contributions, being a member of the USA start-up team and being given several roles alongside it to help with the growth of the community, such as Executive Researcher and Security Captain. With this I also made the majority of the original or current documentation within the community, such as all of E-11s documents, the A-1 Handbook and Interrogation Guide, the O-1 Handbook, most of Security's documentation, Nu-7s handbook, etc.

In more recent times, the past year or so, I've continued to do my best to make positive contributions and impacts within the community. Since I started I've been an advocate for a higher standard of roleplay, wanting to focus on player enjoyment, safety and roleplay over stuff such as google form requirements or vtime, having worked with the Community Manager to abolish vtime requirements within E-11 which then followed throughout the server. Other contributions and changes I made include many changes in E-11, such as; Reworking all of their documentation, introducing the SCP Maintenance and Merit system, creating the original Guardians and being the main spearhead for the development of Frontrunners, helping creating the Pathfinders division, creating countless policies to benefit the site and Epsilon-11, and likely more that I simply cannot remember. In Site Administration, I've helped manage the recruitment of most of the current team. I've also done things such as; Introducing the Classified Information guide alongside all of O5 and Ethics, being the spearhead of changing the ideology of demotions and appeals to ensure a high quality CL4 staff, being a big part of managing E-11 during its administrative crisis several months ago to ensure its growth is healthy and narrowly avoiding a complete purge of the command team, being the spearhead of organizing the removal of M.T.F chemistry and bodyguard divisions in an effort to foster more roleplay for the servers core department and better organization throughout the community as a whole, directly manage the relations between us and G.O.C both IC and OOC in an effort to encourage roleplay and friendly OOC relations as much as possible despite any IC tensions, providing feedback and votes on the recruitment of the E-11 Commanders, Nu7 Commanders, Medical Directors, Chief of Security, Director of External Affairs and Site Administration as well as conducting several of their interviews with detailed transcripts.

Overall, I have a lot of experience that I want to share and put forward into the Site Director role to make and maintain a fun and enjoyable environment for everybody.

What are the responsibilities of Site Administration in RP?:
Site Administration does the following;
1. Assignment of Department Leaders (Excluding I.A, Research, A-1, and O-1)
2. Management of all departments, excluding those listed above, to ensure they are running efficiently. Will also include the management of those department leaders to ensure they are making active contributions to their department and are operating fairly and with the enjoyment of players in mind.
3. Day-to-day management of facility operations, such as ensuring proper protocols are followed during crisis, activating emergency systems to prevent SCP escapes, working with departments to ensure everything runs smoothly, and communicating with G.O.Is when need be with the D.E.A.
4. Being a public and positive figure for the facility, allowing people to come to you for questions and concerns that others may not have the answer to.
5. Initiating roleplay that includes at least one, typically more, departments. Such as Research Projects or S.O.P operations. This may also include site-wide meetings, parties, etc.
6. Ensuring that the Legal Codex, CoE and CoC are followed and enforced to an acceptable standard
7. Maintaining consistent communication with department leaders, specifically to the leader that a member of Administration is assigned to.

Please give some lore about your Site Administration character and what storylines they would be involved in:
"Dash, I got a visual on a target abeam. You copy?"

Corvus was in the middle of a deployment, which wasn't too unusual, but this operation briefing seemed to indicate a higher level of violence than what Corvus is used to dealing with. As a fighter jet pilot, it's not often he had to directly fight an enemy. But it seemed like it was going to be inevitable during this operation. Apparently, an unmarked P.M.C began to engage with a U.S F.O.B a couple hours earlier. Corvus is here to provide air support and better identify the situation.

"Copy, Vulture. Yea I see it. It's a Charlie Foxtrot down there. I count at least six turreted Humvee's, no mark. We're clear to engage."

Vulture circles around the targets and makes a strafing run, successfully hitting four, as Dash manages to take out one. Vulture didn't particularly enjoy the idea of killing other people, being someone who's experienced loss in the past. It's not a feeling he wants to hand over to anyone else's family, despite whoever they may be. But it's something he had to do, and he knew it. If he wanted to be part of protecting his home and his brothers/sisters that he's worked with in the military for the past two years, killing was going to be necessary. The most he could do was make it quick, and there's often no better way to do that than with a 25mm cannon that'll make you forget you ever lived anyways once it hits you.

"Sh-.. Mayday, mayday, I'm hit, something got my right wing!... I'm hitting the silk, there's no way to make a controlled landing in this condition. Dash, do you have anything?"

As Corvus's plane suddenly goes down with no warning, he tries everything to get even a minimal amount of control back of the aircraft. It fails, as he continues to spiral and his right wing lights up, burning.

"Negative, what hit you? I'm... not getting anything! Just... hurry and get out of there, we'll get an Angel your way ASAP. We'll keep your cover."

As Dash flies overhead, Corvus ejects himself. He watches his jet spiral down towards the light-brown plains below, heading right next to the targets he just took out moments earlier. As he gains control over his body and flattens himself, he tries to regain his composure while his heart races. Corvus deploys his parachute, watching as Dash and two other USAF jets flies towards the horizon and circle back behind him. Corvus looks down as he hears a large bang, watching his burning jet crash to the edge of a forest and explode into a magnificent yet terrifying view. He looks down at his feet, realizing he's about to crash himself directly into a tree.


The only sound Corvus can manage to create as the booming sound of racing jet engines flies above him. He opens his eyes, realizing he must have briefly passed out and hit the tree. His body screams in pain while he looks around, realizing he's near the edge of a forest in the middle of hostile territory. He takes off his helmet and mask, tossing it aside onto the soft grass next to him. He struggles as he stands upright, using the tree behind him for support. As he regains his composure and scans his surroundings, he hears a thud. It sounded close, but then it stopped. He figured it must've been his head, considering he just fell from 8,000 feet into a tree. His only goal now is to survive and wait for a rescue chopper to arrive. For that, he'd need to actually find an open area for them to know he's even alive. He begins taking several steps forward, hoping that his legs will eventually carry him to the plains and not deeper into the forest.

Five minutes have passed, atleast he thinks. Time isn't going the way he feels it should right now. He finds a soldier laying against a tree, his body destroyed, definitely dead. His chest is roughly sliced open with a large hole, his leg is... somewhere else. He was wearing an unmarked, dark green uniform with a GP-5 gasmask. This is the unmarked P.M.C he's been fighting. During the briefing, they figured they were of Russian origin due to the gas mask, but who knows. Next to the dead soldier is an R5 RGP rifle, and an M1911 in his leg holster. Corvus takes the weapons and proceeds forward, not wanting to inspect the gruesome scene further.

Ten more minutes have passed. Corvus still feels unsure if he's going the right direction. Considering how close he dropped to the plains, it's safe to assume he's gone deeper into the forest for the past 15 minutes. As he turns to go back the direction he came, he hears a thud. The same thud he heard earlier, but this time, it didn't stop. Corvus raised his rifle as he scanned his environment.

Thud... Thud... Thud... Thud...

It sounded as if it was a large creature, walking slowly. But with how long the thuds were, while it felt organic, it sounds like it must weigh 50,000 pounds at least. That shouldn't be possible, every land animal that weighs that much went extinct centuries ago. The thudding got a bit quicker, then stopped. Corvus kept scanning his environment, then noticed a strange, distorted effect to the east. He looked closer as the distortion slowly began to transform into a physical being- a large, vaguely reptile-like creature that looms over him with sharp, messy teeth.

"You should have died during that crash."

A deep, guttural voice vibrated throughout the forest, coming from the creature. Corvus, shocked and in fear, had no idea what to do or say. Was this creature talking to him? What is it? Why is it here, did it destroy his jet? How? Can it fly? Questions raced through his mind. However, within just seconds of the deep voice ending its statement, the large creature quickly lunged forward and opened its jaws. Corvus, out of instinct, jumped to the side and got on his back as the creatures jaws snapped shut, causing a loud crack sound. He raised his rifle and began to magdump every round he had into the lizard. He fired for a few seconds, then...


He was out of ammo. He forgot to take magazines from the soldier, or maybe just didn't figure he would need more than one. The giant creature, despite being shot with the entire mag, showed no reaction. It raised its... claw? And swiped towards Corvus. He jumps back, but not quick enough. The creature tore his right leg apart with a massive, deep gash. Blood spurted out of his leg as his femur is snapped. Corvus screams in unbearable pain as he takes out the M1911 and shoots the creature again. But, it still did not react. The creature placed its "hand" ontop of Corvus, rendering him immobile and causing him greater pain. The creature didn't bother talking again, it simply opened its jaws and..


A loud cracking sound came from behind the creature in the forest. It quickly turned its head and, for a brief moment, reduced the pressure and grip it had on Corvus's body. Corvus immediately used every last bit of his power and boosted himself from under the creatures grip using his left leg and quickly crawled away. The creature snapped its attention back to Corvus as he crawled behind a tree, facing unbearable pain. With ridiculous speed, the creature lunged towards Corvus, snapped the tree he used as cover immediately. The creature locked its vision back onto him, and prepared for a final lunge. Corvus had no where to go.

He then heard the sound of a jet flying above him. Corvus grabbed his leg tightly, waiting for his end. Suddenly, the creature was covered in fire and smoke. Four missiles just struck the creature. It shrieked in anger as it turned invisible and jumped into the air again, just to crash back down with another explosion moments later. Corvus hears several footsteps beside him and a helicopter engine roaring above, coming closer. This was followed by more explosions, gunfire, and irritable shrieks from the beast. Corvus then passed out from the exhaustion and pain.

"What ... the ....? Do ... know ... he ...?"

Corvus hears a faint voice of a man. He can't understand much. His mind can barely register what's happening as it barely wakes up from his pass-out, his body screaming in pain.

"No. As far as .... ...., he died .... the ejection of .... F-35."

Another voice of a woman replies. It barely become clearer as Corvus becomes more conscious. His eyes still heavy as stones, his body refuses to do more than lay motionless.

"Thank you, Zieglar. And how is his leg doing? He'll need that for this next step."

The mans voice speaks again. He starts to hear the voices more clearly as his body starts to twitch, waking up from its coma.

"It'll be fully functional after some Physical Therapy, it should only take a couple weeks for him to get full autonomy of his leg back. I was able to recover it without the use of our prosthetics, so he shouldn't notice a difference."

The woman's voice, who he can only presume is "Zieglar", replies to the man again. Corvus begins to open his eyes, groaning in pain and confusion.

"Oh, you're awake. This is fantastic timing actually. It's nice how things just work out sometimes, wouldn't you agree, Sergeant?"

The man looks towards Corvus as he speaks. He can't bring himself to use his energy to reply. He tries to open his mouth and support himself up, but is quickly interrupted.

"Don't use any of your energy, it was just some rhetorical humor on my end. Lay down and relax, you're safe here. And yes, if you didn't hear already, your leg will be fine. It was injured pretty gruesomely by one of the creatures we're meant to protect humanity from. I'm Agent Frazier with the Department of External Affairs, and I'm here to speak on behalf of them and the SCP Foundation. None of these names mean anything to you yet, but I'll explain everything soon. First, do you need anything? Food, water? You might be here a while."

Corvus shakes his head, laying down and listening as he takes in his environment and situation.

"Good, then I'll begin. Right now, you're in Site-06. This is a secret facility owned by a clandestine organization called the SCP Foundation. This organization isn't known to the public, but is a large force that operates globally and even within our solar system. We're a powerful, well-funded group dedicated to three things; Securing any anomalous location, object, entity, individual, or phenomenon. Containing these anomalies within one of our facilities. And protecting both humanity and ourselves from the threats these anomalies pose by learning more about them and keeping them in safe and contained environments. We have dozens and dozens of departments and sub-departments to accomplish this goal. And, as I said, I'm part of the Department of External Affairs. We handle the recruitment efforts of the Foundation, and select competent individuals to work in different aspects for our organization. And, after reviewing your history, the event you just experienced, and knowing everything about your life, it's safe to say I'd like to offer you a position here."

Corvus lays immobile, and verbally unresponsive. He stares towards Frazier in disbelief, unable to comprehend what's happening. Was this a joke, a prank pulled by his buddies in the hospital? But if so, what happened? What was the creature?

"I know this is alot of information to take it. It's probably unbelievable to you. But I will assure you what happened to you regarding the large lizard was not a dream, hallucination, or magic trick. That was one of the creatures we keep contained to protect humanity, SCP-682. And, as I'm sure you can realize, the damage he did to your leg would've been irreversible if you were taken to even the best hospital that the United States could offer you. But, we aren't the best offer they can offer. We're in a standard medical facility that we, the Foundation, can offer. Our technology is far more advanced than whats public in the world now. It needs to be."

Corvus looks at his legs and moves it. It's difficult, but he feels it, and he can move it. He rests his expression a bit as he turns his head back to Agent Frazier as a doctor, he presumes Zieglar, stands behind him.

"We want to offer you a position in our Security Department for our Site-19, one of the largest operational facilities in the western hemisphere for us. It's dangerous work, sometimes it can be kind of boring work. You may lose life or limb, but we will do everything we can to protect you while you get the opportunity to not only protect your home, but humanity as a whole and even the universe in some instances. You will be compensated heavily and given state-of-the-art equipment. And normally this speech would include a whole bit about friends and family not knowing, but your friends and family already believe your dead and we would keep it this way if you choose to work for us. And, after some time, you would be transferred to Site-65 whenever the facility is done being built. So, do you accept our offer? Or do you need time to think on this?"

Corvus listens intently. The room lays silent for a few moments, except for the humming of machines and distant ambience of doors closing. Then, he opens his mouth to say the first words since he got here...

"I accept"
Incoming Transmission.... Decoding....
Clearance Request Accepted.
RAISA have upheld your request... -1, File Sent.

Attachment Loaded... Processing.
File Sent and Received... Subject "Aiden Corvus" notified.

Greetings... Site Manager. Thank you for taking the time to submit an interest for the Position of Site Director. However, upon evaluation of your merits within the site, we have come to the conclusion that you are not ready for the position of Site Director.

Besides this, please continue your work within Site Administration.
Remember our Mission... Secure. Contain. Protect.

That will be all, Signed: Chief Overseer "The Geneticist"

Application Denied
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