[USA] Akura Ovaiss' Executive Researcher Application

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Dr. Ternith Plague

Active member
Dec 13, 2023
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:234721838
Discord name: dr_ternith_plague
For how long have you played on CG SCP: My total play time has totaled up to 4 days and 16 hours by the time of writing.
Age: 19
In what country are you located?: United States.
Time zone: EST
Character name(s): Akura Ovaiss
Civilian name: Malachite Ovaiss
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP USA
Do you have a mic?: Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
Currently Held Licenses:
- Heavy Weapons
- Riot Control
I do not or have not, otherwise, hold or held other whitelisted roles.

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
I've yet to receive any kicks, bans, or warnings. Below is evidence attached for such.


Why are you applying for Executive Researcher?:

I am applying for Executive Researcher for multiple reasons. The first is the possible expansion of tests I can conduct without requiring approval. One of my (currently) primary projects involves SCP-079, and each test so far requires an Executive Researcher's signature. The second is to guide new Researchers better and to prevent possible testing mishaps before they occur. People look up to Executive Researchers as mentors and guides on making bad tests good and good ones better. Finally, as an Executive, I'd be able to approve or deny tests based on their format, request, etc. I've had people come up to me in the past to ask if they can sign my document in the past to ensure they have proper permission - and sometimes I feel like my signature may not be enough, even when the test is excellently written - being an Executive Researcher would allow me to approve these tests, and possibly receive assistants for tests of my own in the future.
What makes you suitable for Executive Researcher?:

I believe the first thing that makes me suitable for Executive Researcher - and I'm certain that many current Executives and Seniors can attest to this - is my ability to make documents that would be considered excellent. I've made documents from the most mundane of SCPs such as SCP-330, to some of the more RP-depth and interesting SCPs such as SCP-079. The second reason I believe I'm suitable is my ability to answer many questions someone may have about the SCP Wiki in general, and sourcing In-Wiki lore to use for In-Game tests. A lot of my documents have had origins from the Wiki, and my center of research - that being Artificial Intelligence and Cyber Anomalies - practically shows that. If you were to ask me a question about one of the common SCPs, or even ask a question on one of the more obscure SCPs and provide my interpretation - the interpretation would be clear, and the questions would be short, yet with plenty of information. The third reason I'd be suitable would be my current relationships with the Research team. While sometimes we may clash on ideas, it takes being able to take shit from someone and to give shit back in response during times of non-seriousness and to be able to put your foot down when it's time to get serious. While I can't say every Researcher is friendly to me, I can certainly say that a good portion of them are.
How many excellent-graded documents have you written? What makes a document excellent?:

To my knowledge, I've currently written two Excellent graded documents. The first is a sample collection and attempted exploration log of SCP-087 - primarily detailing the sample collection of SCP-087 walls, as well as a two-man exploration down SCP-087 - one peculiar point of interest, I might add, was a table deeper down in SCP-087. My second document was an SCP-079 interview. While I won't say the details for meta-gaming reasons, those who have read the documents know exactly why I'm not going to say it here. I will, however, say it here if requested by reviewers.

What makes documents excellent are, in my opinion, three things: Format - where you make a document look good while being something readable. Grammar - where you make a document that can be understood, with appropriate and proper punctuation, spelling, etc. Detail - where you make a document lengthy enough to entice the reader to keep on reading, with a document long enough that you can tell what was gained from it, but not so long that the reader will lose interest halfway through.
What are the responsibilities of the Executive Researcher in RP?:

Executive Researchers are responsible for many things across the site. The first is managing other Research personnel. Executive Researchers are responsible for keeping Researchers in line, keeping them safe, and overall ensuring that they don't cause a containment breach with their tests. Executives are also responsible for approval or denial of tests outside of a Researcher's clearance. Tests such as CL-4 tests for Seniors, CL-3 for Researchers, and CL-2 for Juniors all require appropriate approvals - most of them with signed documentation stating that the test is approved. Finally, Executive Researchers are responsible for grading research documentation, and providing an appropriate grade, or sending it back for edits and increased detail.
Please give some lore about your Executive Researcher character and what storylines they would be involved in:

If you'll bear with me, I didn't decide to use the forums posting, since I've had notorious issues with typing up extended lore on here. As such, I've instead provided a Personnel Dossier through Google Docs here. Please enjoy.

As for storylines my character would be involved in, due to his experience in Cyber Anomalies and Artificial Intelligence, he'd likely be related to any storyline involving these aspects. For example, SCP-2522 transfers on-site, and SCP-079 conducts a massive breach, possibly on the scale of SCP-7579. Also, due to my character's previous experience with them - if he was given Class-X Mnestics - he would be capable of interacting with storylines involving the Church of Maxwellism, as well as other technologically-focused Groups of Interest, such as Anderson Robotics.
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Brewer 2.0 / Celtic

Blacklisted Player
Dec 18, 2023
Extremely active and dedicated.

Can be a bit hyper at times, but for the most part, professional.

Would love to see an active executive :)

Nov 24, 2022
| Application Accepted |

G'day Akura Ovaiss,

You're application for the position of Executive Researcher has been accepted.

Please contact Director Darby or Director Ivy Picket at [lunaria4211]/[thegypsybard] to talk about next steps.

We thank you for your efforts and hope to hear from you soon.
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