[USA] Ambassador Application Chii "Whispers"

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Active member
Aug 20, 2023
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:187037120
Discord name: Chii4182
For how long have you played on CG SCP: Several Months
Age: 24
In what country are you located?: USA
Time zone: Eastern
Character name(s): Chii
Civilian name: Ikaros
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): USA
Do you have a mic?: Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held: 096, MTF E-11, GOC, Ambassador
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: Yes, when I first joined the server, I was being a bit of a goober and breaking all sorts of rules, however in the past few months I have not gotten in any trouble except one warning for RDM, which was an accidental killing of a D-Class who was upset because he had a gun on him. I offered to pay for the gun, but he insisted that I be warned anyways. My last warning for when I was being a goober was May 26th, and the most recent warning I have for the accidental RDM was Aug 5th. When I first joined, I didn't think I was going to be here for very long and I was just messing around, now I have every intention of staying here and improving the server for the best. Just to be completely transparent, here is a Imgur link to my prior history.

Why are you applying for Internal Affairs Ambassador?
There are quite a few reasons why one might apply for the role of Ambassador, but for me personally the main reason is that I genuinely love the group. I know it may sound a bit sappy, but all the time that I have spent in IA which is a majority of my time on the server I always end up having the most fun there. Even though on occasion I play as other groups, such as MTF or maybe occasionally a gensec, I am still an IA operative at heart as I still go out of my way to ensure that the legal codex is being upheld, and lecturing others when they break it or discreetly reporting the incidents to Internal. At heart, I am an agent of the law and nothing will ever be able to change that mindset.

I am applying for Internal Affairs Ambassador because I believe that currently in the time slots that I operate out of there is a severe lack of ambassadors who are able to engage with the people at those times. I believe that I can fill a void that is currently open in the ambassador list, I have no desire for extra power nor do I care for it. My entire goal is to ensure that the facility is well looked after and that our IA team is held to the utmost highest standards we can possibly deliver. This is a very important role in the facility, without us there would be chaos, and I for one have taken a vow to never allow that to happen. I believe that myself becoming an ambassador can assist me in furthering the goal of ensuring that facility is run smoothly and safely, while still ensuring that everyone in the facility is actually having a good time and doesn't feel as if they are being bossed around or unfairly treated. There have been numerous situations where I have been held back do to my current rank where I believe I could have done some real good and prevented serious issues from taking place in the facility. I do not wish for that to be an issue any longer and thus I am now applying for Ambassador a second time, as in the future I shouldn't have to worry about people escaping the law simply because I, being an operative was unable to do anything to stop them at the time.

I also believe that there is a lack of forgiveness and teachings being issued by internal affairs and I wish to turn this around by offering numerous classes to my fellow IA agents as well as instructing those who are arrested on how to avoid it in the future. While I do understand that there are clear set guidelines that people need to follow and they simply must be arrested for the crimes they commit, I believe it is counter-intuitive to simply arrest people without teaching them how they can avoid it in the future. While I do not need to be an Ambassador to do this, I do believe that the validity of my words would be taken more seriously given the status of an Ambassador. To sum it up, I wish to become an Ambassador to assist in running the facility as smoothly and safely as possible, while ensuring that all of our staff are having a wonderful time in the process without breaking the laws clearly established by our command.
What makes you suitable for Internal Affairs Ambassador?:
My demeaner is one of the things that I believe makes me the most eligible for the position of Ambassador, no matter how many times I am kicked down I will get back up and continue to try. Not only that, I am not after power nor do I care for it, I am simply here to ensure that the facility runs smoothly and securely. I am intimately familiar with the laws of the facility and I am not so proud as to admit when I am unsure of something. I have a background as an educator and I know how to teach and speak with the members of the facility in a way that doesn't demean them but instead educates them on how to properly behave in the future. While my kindness towards the individuals who are committing crimes might be seen as a weakness, I would argue that instead showing some leniency to a new site member might encourage them to perhaps change the course of what they are doing for the best.

I also have a firm love for the facility and all that are housed within it, I want this place to succeed and I want to ensure that people actually have some fun in the process. Myself becoming a CL4 would enable me to enact that belief further by opening up new opportunities to engage with the staff around the facility once again as stated before I could host classes and really give people some fun and informative lectures on how and why the legal codex is the way it is. I have noticed a lot of the facility have questions as to why certain laws are the way they are, and even when a law applies to a certain situation. I believe if I gave out some classes on the codex, it would demystify it a bit and people would be more inclined to follow the laws set in place for us and I believe that its ideas like this that make me well suited for the role of an Ambassador as I truly do have the best for the facility in mind.
How many documents have you written? What makes a document good?:
I have written well over forty documents at this point, It is difficult to keep track of how many I write as I tend to on average write 2-4 a day. Documents are a special thing to me, as I actually quite enjoy writing them. I believe that what makes a document great is the ability to craft a true narrative that accurately portrays the events of what happened while also being engaging and fun to read. I believe that a document should be concise, and all information needs to be easily accessible such as the date, time, place, subjects. Length of a document isn't what determines its value, as the saying goes "If I had more time, id have written a shorter letter." Essentially meaning, you should take your time and accurately portray what needs to be portrayed in a concise and true manner instead of word vomiting on a page.
What are the responsibilities of the Internal Affairs Ambassador in RP?:
Internal affairs is a very special group in the facility and without us there would be utter chaos in the facility, we have to maintain the absolute highest standards possible of anyone else in the facility as we are expected to be the ones who ensure the law is being maintained. If we as internal affairs decided to start breaking those rules ourselves it would absolutely tarnish the name of internal affairs. Because of this the role of an Ambassador is twice as intense because not only do we have to hold ourselves to an even higher standard than the average agent, but we also have to ensure that we keep our agents well informed and trained on how to carry themselves around the facility. We hold a lot of power, and occasionally that power can go unchecked if it wasn't for the Ambassador team keeping them in check. It is absolutely crucial that as an Ambassador we keep all of our Agents/Operatives up to date on any and all changes that are happening in the facility, such as updates to the legal codex, or perhaps changes in our own internal workings. Because of this, an Ambassador is expected to keep the upmost up to date on all of this information which would require constant studying of the legal codex and our own documentation to ensure that the things being updated are spread throughout all of internal affairs. An Ambassador is not just the police of the facility, they are the police of the police; in other words they ensure that the average Agent and or Operative are falling within those strict guidelines set. We should be educators and enforcers, but we should never ever be the source of a problem.
Please give some lore about your Internal Affairs Ambassador character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Chii was born in the United States, in a small town in Kentucky. They grew up constantly moving from place to place, as their parents were part of the Navy and often times would need to be moved to be based somewhere else, this gave Chii a grand view of the world from a young age, as well as a strict moral compass to follow as the rules were pretty harsh in the military lifestyle. Chii however, relished in this fact, always striving to learn more and always striving to improve themselves they managed to get perfect marks in school as they eventually finished high school they went through to college where they got a master's degree in psychology and a minor in criminology. As soon as they finished college, they signed up for the Navy following the footsteps of their parent's becoming an officer in the Navy.

Chii became an MP in the Navy and spent most of their time in charge of a group of men who were tasked with protecting a military base from internal and foreign threats, Chii was born believing in law and order and enacted this policy in their job within the Military. They often went above and beyond to ensure that they were enacting the laws firmly and fairly to all those they ran across, often times giving lectures as opposed to reprimands as Chii didn't want these problems to go onto their fellow man's record. Most people were very grateful for this method of punishment, as they learned and didn't end up getting an official strike.

A few months into their deployment, Chii was placed onto a training mission this is where Chii first came into contact with anomalous activity, while performing a training exercise with his fellow troops, Chii ended up having gone missing in the field for several days, having been reported as MIA. Chii had ended up being transported to a similar dimension through means that are still being investigated to this day after entering a cave deep in the outback of [REDACTED] and were returned close to the military base they were serving at.

A manhunt was sent out to look for Chii, though it proved to be completely fruitless, however after 7 days Chii once again showed up looking a bit worse for ware, after being questioned by command it was determined that Chii had experienced an anomalous event and was referred to the SCP foundation through anonymous channels. During this time, the SCP foundation did some background checks on Chii and realized their stellar history, after interviewing them on the event that they encountered they offered Chii a choice, work for the SCP foundation, or forget all of this happened and return to work. Now, this was obviously a lot of Chii to take in, but their whole life they grew up loving the idea of Cryptids, especially things like the Lochness Monster. The idea that there was a whole foundation that contained anomalies like this, and it was truly real was overwhelming for them. They had no choice but to agree to this. They were put in a position as an operative under IA do to their background as an MP. After several years of working for the SCP foundation and proving their worth, Agent Chii was promoted to the role of Ambassador.

Walter Unrich

Well-known Member
Feb 9, 2023

Department of Internal Affairs

Your interest within the role of Internal Affairs Ambassador has been recognized by the Administrative personnel of the Department of Internal Affairs, Mr Chii, your Application has been Denied for this Position, the reasoning regarding your denial for the position of Ambassador will be provided upon request, contact Dpt. Director W. Unrich of Internal Affairs. (Discord - heyola2.0)

Secure. Contain. Protect.
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