[USA] ''Ang'' Jam's External Affairs Special Agent Application

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Well-known Member
Jul 14, 2024
Steam ID


Discord name


For how long have you played on CG SCP





In what country are you located?

United States

Time zone


Character name(s)

Ang Jam [BTAC-S] | CI: Angeoi

Civilian name


What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA)


Do you have a mic?


What are your total levels?


List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held

MTF E-11 SPC (former)

MTF E-11 PVT (former)

MTF E-11 LCPL (Current)

CI-A (Former)

CI-B Current)

[DEA] Senior Agent (Current)

[DEA] Agent (Former)

[IA] Agent (held)


Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:

RDM x2



Hitbox abuse (i didnt do)



How long have you been a Senior Agent for?

Recruited for senior agent on


Why are you applying for Special Agent?

I am applying for Special Agent because I know that I would have to put my full dedication into this job being a leader for Senior Agent's and Agent's plus the foundation. And my whole story starts when I was getting tired of IA and CI not to be rude but it's pretty boring being those roles. But when I came across DEA also, known as the External Affairs through all my past weeks almost month (maybe months) as a DEA agent I've always loved it. I loved it because there are nice people like Peasant, Jedidiah 'Opossum' [BTAC-DC], Atlast 'Shade' Argent those people have helped me out throughout my DEA experience. Also, as DEA members get to work with Nu-7 that's really fun we all get to deal with GOI's and CI members. I really love DEA and all my memories as a Senior agent but now i am ready to become a special agent and work my ways up as one.


What makes you suitable for Special Agent?

-I would be a good leader for the DEA Agents And Senior agents

-I would always be ethical to everybody in the foundation as known as a CL4 member

-I would do my hardest into helping out Nu-7 and other DEA members

-I always stay calm because if anything happens you would want to stay calm

-I will always be kind to another fellow DEA member and to the foundation

-I would handle CI really quickly and deal with negotiations and GOI's


How many documents have you written? What makes a document good?

I have written many documents like for me as a researcher like 106, 939, and I'm pretty sure some other scp's to. Also, as a CI member as a R&D member i am forced to write a lot of documents about scp's. But I wouldn't mind writing a document for the DEA team. I wouldn't mind if the document had to be written for a whole 5 paragraphs or more because I know I have a spot that I care about in the DEA team.


What are the responsibilities of the Special Agent in RP?

-Train new DEA agent's

-get permits for MC&D's to help them sell their amazing guns

-always respond to code 1's

-Negotiate with the GOI's such as GOC and CI

-Assist the Agency Managers


Please give some lore about your Special Agent character and what storylines they would be involved in

-On 5/24/2008 Ang Jam was just a normal civilian out side of the site 65, life was good and everything was going good until life was going to get funner and dangerous. It all started when Ang Jam slipped into the Site 65 all the guards like Nu-7 did not know this but this was the start of Ang Jam's new life forever. When Ang Jam slipped into the Site 65, it started when he met this guy named Peasant, i overheard peasant saying we are looking for External affair members so Ang Jam went right up to Peasant asking whats that? Peasant replies with so your looking forward into joining External Affairs known as [DEA] Ang Jam was looking forward into joining so he said sure. So started of with Agent Ang Jam lowest rank of them all until Ang Jam really loved his job ranking up, Senior Agent, and then Special Agent. Now Ang Jam is a special Agent ready for his duties so Ang Jam is really happy with the promotion going on with his job dealing with GOI, CI, and GOC. Ang Jam life is going way ahead Peasant the one who trained him a long time ago now very happy with what i was doing. Now that Ang Jam was a Special Agent he knew that he had a lot of responsibilities on is hand and it was all up to him to deal with the stuff and the Dpt Directer of External Affairs would help out so as the Senior Agent, along with the Agent's. So as a Special agent's it would be our responsibility to work on training new agents and helping out the other fellow agent's in need as Ang Jam should. So now that Ang Jam has been a Special Agent for months he has loved his new life as knowing everything about the Site 65 going from just some boring civi to a former External Affairs Special Agent. Ang Jam is super grateful for slipping into the Site 65. But there is one thing Ang Jam mostly likes doing Dealing with CI, GOI's, and sometimes scp's that's prabably Ang Jam least favorite. But Ang Jam still loves his life as a Special Agent.
Jul 5, 2022
From: DEA Management

To: @angeoo

Subject: Application Status


Hello @angeoo ,We thank you for your interest in moving up within the Department of External Affairs. After careful consideration and discussion, we will not be accepting this application. We encourage you to continue your advancements and dedication to External Affairs. If you have any questions please reach out.

You may reapply in 2 weeks.

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