[USA] "Apollos" DEA Sp. Agent Application

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Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:598890130

Discord name: Instant_Fox3

For how long have you played on CG SCP: Since about June


In what country are you located?: USA

Time zone: USA CST

Character name(s): Alfred Guy [Formerly] "Apollo" [Current], Alfred Guy Sr. [CI]

Civilian name: Mr. Lambert

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): USA

Do you have a mic?:
-Yes, But it unfortunately broke

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
- CI-A , CI-B MTF E-11 LT, Both IA and DEA, DEA Sr. Agent,O-1 SPC,Ethics Assistant ,096

What are your total levels?:
- Garry's Mod (x64) 12_13_2023 7_59_05 PM.png

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
-4 warns total, LTARP pressing F2 on surface whilst in Combat,2 FailRP,Avoiding nuke with the chess board,going in the foundation as a Gun Dealer and a Naming Con

How long have you been a Senior Agent for
- Around 3-4 Weeks

Why are you applying for Special Agent?
-I want more combative jobs and I don't have a high rank surface Combative job for the foundation and I'm hoping that Sp. Agent would help that and I'd like to help DEA improve in what I think they need more work on (Professionalism,Crossfire,Leadership,Etc). I also want to expand on my CL4 positions

What makes you suitable for Special Agent?:
-I have Leadership experience when I was a E-11 LT, and I'm also professional in public and I'm active. I also have good Combat Skills, I also try my best to maintain professionalism. I also try my best to maintain my cool when something that makes me frustrated. And I'm friendly with other people. And I also had 1 Sr. CL4 Position (E-11 LT) and a Jr. CL4 position (ECA) I also have little amounts of warns I also know my way around Surface and I am going to be dedicated to the role

How many documents have you written? What makes a document good?:
-What makes a Document good is Grammar,Puncuation,Little to none spelling errors. I wrote around 3-4 IA arrest reports Not sure where they went.

What are the responsibilities of the Special Agent in RP?:
-Give out MC&D Permits to sample/sell Chems/Energy Weapons in the Foundation
-Job Ban Lower tiered DEA members (Operatives/Agents and Sr. Agents)
-Do Sr. Agent tryouts
-Train new members of DEA
-Negotiations for SCP's/Foundation Members
-Assist Agency Managers
-Lead lower ranking DEA agents
-Average DEA work
-Blacklist MC&D that infill the Foundation without a permit or do anything that is against the MC&D Policy's

Please give some lore about your Special Agent character and what storylines they would be involved in:
"Apollo" was a Average DEA Agent he fought many Hostile GOI's then he was recommend a Position as a DEA Sr. Agent without a doubt in his mind he took it he did very well assisting his Department and showed Leadership he was then requested to the Directors office "Hello Agent "Apollo" "Hi..." said Apollo "Why am I here is it something bad" "no, it's something that we are gonna offer you" "What is it" Apollo said "We would like you to be our next Sp. Agent of External Affairs "Really?" "Yes, we recognized you for your Leadership capabilities and the Hard Work that you put into this Department" "I accept" Apollo said "Fantastic, We will keep in touch for your training"
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