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Mar 19, 2024
Steam ID:
Discord name:
For how long have you played on CG SCP:
ingame time of 46 days TELLO.PNG
In what country are you located?:
Time zone:

Character name(s):

Civilian name:
Arthur Nagorm
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):
Do you have a mic?:
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
-Holding: Ci-A , SCP-096, NU-7 SPC, Security Sergeant
Held: E-11 SPC, E-11 LCPL, GOC SPC, CI-A
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
Fail rp, 3 day ban for inappropriate conduct,3 day ban for severe toxic. rdm,failrp x2,7 day ban off ts,fearrp,job abuse and toxicity. Although i have these i assure you ive changed as i took 1 week off of scprp to think about my actions. And i believe that i have grown and became a better person and i have shown it.
Why are you applying for Security Captain?
- I have been playing gensec for a while and i absolutely love it, I want to take leadership and be a captain so that I can organize and complete tasks needed to keep the site secure, coordinating fellow gensec, keeping d block secure, doing sweeps when necessary is my passion. My familiarity with the map allows me to navigate and respond accordingly to situations. And I am committed to keeping the site in order and keeping my fellow gensec in order. And I know that ill be able to make gensec more respected and less neglected.
what makes you suitable for Security Captain?:
-I believe I am highly suitable for the Security Captain position due to my experience and skills, that i have been playing gensec for a considerable time during which I have gained knowledge of security protocols and site operations. I am sure of my leadership skills as I can take on the leadership role where I can organize and manage tasks. And that I am always looking for ways to improve any grey areas of gensec, furthermore I have good communication skills when it comes down to it, such as helping fellow gensec understand the role of gensec and what needs to be done, I would guide them and help them on their journey. My main goal after getting accepted is to teach all gensec about formations and stations, such as ill have 2 people stationed in air lock, 2 in tower, and 4 in the bottom, every 5 min they come to the middle and receive credit, and then im gonna teach them how to not cross fire, then teaching them formations such as wedge, control face, left face, right face, locked face, right wing, left wing i believe teaching them these things on a regular basis will motivate them to stay as gensec and furthermore put respect on the face of gensec. In the end, I 100% know I am capable of guiding gensec to a better future.
What are the responsibilities of the Security Captain in RP?:
-Authorizing sweeps.
Keeping d block in check.
Organizing and managing tasks.
Upholding the ethical and legal codex.
Guiding gensec members if they made a mistake since were all human.
Hosting RRT and HW License and sergeant try outs once achieved the required rank to host sergeant tryouts.
Keeping respect within gensec.
Please give some lore about your Security Captain character and what storylines they would be involved in:


Android Arthur Morgan:

"What is this place? Where am I?"

IA Agent:

"Who the fuck are you?"

Android Arthur Morgan:

"I am an android by cyberlife may I ask what is this place, seems like a facility of some sort"

IA Agent:

"Please follow me"

Android Arthur Morgan:

"Where will we go?"

IA Agent:

"We will interrogate you."

IA Agent:

"How did you get here?"

Android Arthur Morgan:

"Well I interacted with a hole to try and progress through a private investigation and I was pulled here."

IA Agent:

"Shit must be SCP-1437"


After Android Arthur Morgan finished the interrogation he was given a proposal, either to serve the foundation or be deactivated, He chose to serve the foundation and as he served, he became an important member in the security department by being very intelligent and curious and his excellent level combat and leadership. His journey has lead him here and he shall not stop serving the foundation.
Last edited:
Nov 12, 2023


+ Improvement / Activity

In your previous application, I wrote that you should make your second application after some good delay or when you really feel like you would fit the role. I assume you have the feeling of you got better and I actually think that you have improved. Especially this week I have seen you very active in every part of Gensec Security.

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Reactions: SHAMLAN
Mar 19, 2024


+ Improvement / Activity

In your previous application, I wrote that you should make your second application after some good delay or when you really feel like you would fit the role. I assume you have the feeling of you got better and I actually think that you have improved. Especially this week I have seen you very active in every part of Gensec Security.

Thank you so much for acknowledging me when I saw this it gave me the biggest smile on my face, really man thank you. You have no idea how much this means to me. :D
And yes I really do feel I've gotten better, as I started introducing myself and guiding others more often, every time I did it I felt some sort of accomplishment, and here I am now, posting this app.
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Reactions: Norton Klez
Jun 8, 2024
+ Major Support

Arthur is a special case lmao when not rping hes really funny some may find it annoying but between friends its just a good time.
Other then that Arthur has shown pristine leadership capabilities when leading the Gensec team. His charisma when leading Gensec cant be understated, weather it be due to his goofiness or his natural leadership, I've seen him many times lead hoardes of cadets and guards in successful missions which is EXACTLY what we want in a captain and therefore.

He NEEDS this, a man that can control the cadets controls the world

From: the office of Security Chief Hanz Powers

TO: Arthur "Observer" Morgan

Good morning Arthur , I am pleased to inform you that you have been ACCEPTED into your new position as Captain in the General Security Department. Please contact me on discord @roro3138 for further instructions on your orientation. Please do not flag on the captain job until you have spoken to me or Chief ThordanSecDep (1) (1).png

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