[USA] "Asbestos"/Erik "Grover" Vander's 3rd Overseer Assistant Application

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Aug 18, 2022
OOC Information

Steam ID:

Discord name:

For how long have you played on CG SCP:
I have been actively playing on CG's iteration of SCP-RP since Late July/Early August of 2022. I don't exactly remember my exact join date, unfortunately. However, I played actively up until December 2023 when I took a break until recently coming back at the start of February of 2025.


In what country are you located?:
United States

Time zone:

Character name(s):
A-1 Codename - "Asbestos"
Foundation Name - Erik "Grover" Vander

Civilian name:
Gerrit Vander

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):

Do you have a mic?:

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
A-1 PVT [Holding]
Nu-7 Commander [Held]
Overseer Assistant [Held]
A-1 SGT [Held]
CI-A [Held]

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
To my knowledge, I have received 4 warnings during my stay here at Site 65 (formerly Site 56). In two cases, they were for either Job Abuse or FearRP breach, which both happened while I was a relatively new player and still getting acclimated to the server. The other case was an RDM warning when I shot one of my own guys for shooting around garage wildly when he wasn't supposed to. This warning was dealt under dubious circumstances, but nevertheless it is a warning. Recently I had one warning for hitbox abuse when I was crouching to avoid an SCP-076 swing.

I have never been kicked/banned for any reason on SCP-RP USA.

RP Information

What makes you the best candidate for Overseer Assistant?:

Part of what has made me successful thus far on this server in the jobs that I currently hold or have previously held is my unwavering dedication to the role and how each action that I take reflects not only my own abilities but also the overall image of the unit/organization that I directly coordinate with. In addition to pulling hours that other EST players find inconvenient, I keep a very keen eye on the situation at hand for any violations of the Code of Conduct and act accordingly with swift action. This isn't because I want to be a killjoy, but if smaller standards falter, then bigger building blocks will fall and will tarnish the authority of the group I am directly working with (in this case, it would be A-1).

In addition to the reason stated above, this is a role that I have fulfilled in the past. I have done a lot of the leg work necessary to prove my organizational skills and now I feel it is time to do so once again. I have plenty of prior experience outside of being a previous Overseer Assistant. Having served with distinction as an Nu-7 Commander, I am always keenly aware of the bigger picture and how to tackle larger objectives by breaking them down into smaller, more managable pieces to achieve an end. With both document-writing experience (and efficiency in producing them en masse) and previous familiarity with working in conjunction with the current O5 council, it would be a smooth transition into the job, enabling me to hit the ground running.

What are the responsibilities of Overseer Assistants in RP?:
The main responsibility of an Overseer Assistant is to act as the eyes and ears for the O5 Council. They directly monitor the morale within the Foundation and keep a close eye on any ongoing situations that would involve the O5 Council or a potential violation of the Code of Conduct. Most of the day-to-day work for an Overseer Assistant would be to write up documents pertaining to said situations as well as conduct interviews with site administration, departmental staff workers, and other crucial personnel that keep the Foundation functional. This serves two purposes: keeping morale up by showing the O5's vested interest in the wellbeing of its staff and pragmatically provide insight into any brewing problems that bubble under the surface which would otherwise go unnoticed.

The most important duty beyond everything stated above is that as an Overseer Assistant, you are required to complete any objective that the O5 Council tasks you to complete which must be followed to the letter. This can include literally any duty that O5 deems must be handled by their assistants, even if it seems ridiculous or out of one's league.

Lore Information

Please give some lore about your Overseer Assistant character and what storylines they would be involved in:

Gerrit Vander was born in Maastricht, Netherlands on [DATA EXPUNGED]. He showed an early aptitude for mathematics and Dutch grammar while attending basisschool. This early success would eventually elevate him to being an honor rolls student in a VWO Gymnasium school. He would eventually enter University studying complex mathematics, with his desire set in studying unquantifiable infinities beyond ℵ0. However, if there was one flaw that Gerrit Vander suffered, it was that he was prone to extreme fits of violence, especially if he determined that someone lied to him. Before he could ever fully graduate University, Vander was beset by several lawyers demanding retribution for medical fees incurred as a result of his tantrums. Facing potential jail time and financial ruin in the Netherlands, Vander took the last of his money and fled to the United States by stowing away on a Cargo ship and arriving at a port in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Unsatisfied with city life, Vander began to wander the countryside as a vagabound before arriving in Grove City, Ohio. Finally, he decided to take the second biggest gamble of his life, enlisting in the United States Army. Despite having no official birth certificate and only a poorly forged visa from a friend before leaving the Netherlands, he was accepted by the recruiter in Grove City and underwent basic training, where he finally found his calling as a warrior. He passed through Basic Training and Infantry School with flying colors and would eventually find himself in the 7th Infantry Division of the National Guard, volunteering for three active-duty tours to the Middle East where he became a decorated soldier, eventually making his way up the ranks to Staff Sergeant.

It was at this point where Vander suffered a horrendous accident; his Humvee flipped over as a result of hitting an IED while on patrol. Unconscious and unable to respond to external stimuli, Gerrit was airlifted by a helicopter to what he thought was a Red-Cross Hospital...

This would turn out to be wrong.

Upon waking up, Gerrit would find himself in a new place of which did not look like the inside of a tent, but rather a highly sophisticated medical facility; a medical facility which he would soon find out would be called Site-65. He would read the complimentary information packet left by his bedside as it filled him in on where he was and what he would be doing from now on. He would be a General Security Cadet and his new identity would be Erik Vander. Enraged that he had no choice in the matter (and still slightly delirious from the painkillers) he would jolt from his bed and prepared for a fight. However, as he clenched his fists, a man in a suit came into the room and called him by name. The man seemed unusually calm and instructed him to follow the orders of an awaiting GENSEC Captain outside the door. Although Vander was still worked up, something about this man seemed to blunt his vitriol and anger, bringing him to a calmer state much more akin to the sharply dressed gentleman in front of him. Eventually, he would comply with the man in the suit, taking his few belongings and making his way to the GENSEC Captain waiting outside to take him through his training.

As a GENSEC Cadet, he would excel in his new duties of escorting low-level researchers and dealing with Code-2 Riots in the D-Block to the best of his abilities, which would eventually earn him promotions and commendations. He would find himself at the rank of Sergeant in the specialized riot teams employed by the Foundation to deal with severe Code-2 cases as well as assist Mobile Task Force units with mild breaches. Although he loved working as a GENSEC agent, his ambition would get the better of him, deciding that he would seek advancement into a Mobile Task Force regiment. It wouldn't take long for him to be scouted out by MTF Nu-7 "Hammer Down." It was here in Nu-7 that he would earn his stripes and the respect of other Foundation Staff outside of his unit.

During his first briefing, Nu-7 Captain "Green" would run through the mission protocols to deal with the recently documented SCP-8854. He would run through the various nicknames/codenames that the other operatives bore. Finally, "Green" would look to Erik Vander and asked-

"Green": Are you the new soldier?
Vander: Yes, sir.
"Green": That means you do not have a code name. This will not do... hm... Where did the military even find you, private?
Vander: Grove City, sir.
"Green": Alright "Grover," listen up-

As an Nu-7 Operative, Erik "Grover" Vander would partake in several deployments tasked to this heavily armored battalion, often responding to other catastrophic site breaches across Canada and the United States. He would quickly find himself becoming very familiar with SCP-939 instances and how they are contained/dealt with should they breach. One particular operation he would undertake would be after the battalion received a distress call about a PALISADE RAMPANT BEAST scenario in [DATA EXPUNGED]. He was deployed as a forward element of Nu-7, relieving Mobile Task Force Beta-5 "Babysitters" during the

Erik "Grover" Vander was administered Class-B amnestics following the deployment.

As a Sergeant in Nu-7, he would be in charge of his own squad, of which he ran a tight ship. This discipline was the deciding factor for successfully dealing with SCPs that would often appear near Site-65, including SCP-8854 and SCP-323. His efforts would not go unnoticed by both MTF Command and Site Command, having been quite vocal on the radio as well as delivering clear reports of ongoing situations, both mundane and Code-5 worthy. These efforts by Vander would be rewarded with an official Commission to the CO team of Nu-7 "Hammer Down," thus also granting him access to Clearance 4 information.

From his commission as Lieutenant to an eventual Major promotion, he would lead several successful surface conflicts against the Chaos Insurgency with brutal efficiency. Having been given charge by Commander Sunari to synthesize and administer combat drugs to the operatives of Nu-7 under his command, his platoon would prove their worth in combat and bring in a daily haul of CI termination reports to be filed away in the Nu-7 archives. But even as Vander's platoon succeeded, the battalion suffered. This would be his greatest challenge yet.

He was promoted to Commander by the Site Director in front of a demoralized battalion that was half-strength and sagging in discipline. His first mission was to secure his position by promoting an extremely competent team of COs gleaned from the NCO/Enlisted sector of whom he met during his time as an operative and putting them to work. The creation of the Puppeteers under Sergeant Major "Second" and the Devil's Third Eye under Major "War" allowed an outlet for the new operatives of Nu-7 to show their specialized skills. The NCO corps was reorganized to allow them more freedom to show their own initiative rather than fulfill arbitrary and disconnected deadlines. Finally, under the watchful eye of Major "Expedition", Captain "Sham", Captain "Echo", and Lieutenant "Mac," a successful basic training program was finally put in place to allow those new operatives to train side by side with the battalion's best and give them a pathway forward in their career to eventually become a fine-tuned killing machine. These changes did not happen overnight, but over time, these reforms would take hold and prove to Nu-7's detractors that the regiment deserved its place at Site-65.

Yet the Commander was not flawless. No matter how hard he worked or how hard he pushed himself, he was still susceptible to doubt and human error.

The Code Black siren blared overhead as all quarantine bulkheads shut down to contain an SCP-008 outbreak. Yet it was futile. Failure to adhere to protocol by some foundation personnel allowed the instances to breach surface and begin infecting Pinewood at a rapid rate. The veil of secrecy was lifted and those that were still alive were doomed to utter destruction at the hands of this "Zombie Virus." Seeing no alternative, the Commander of Nu-7 and the General of the GOC both authorized a bombing campaign of Pinewood, levelling the town and giving the Foundation enough breathing room to mop up the remaining instances and allow the town to slowly repopulate. Erik saw this as necessary to keep the world safe from SCP-008, but nonetheless, the deaths of so many weighed heavily upon his consciousness. Those people were already doomed to die, right? Surely there was no way for them to escape... but could he have done more to help them? Was there a better option?

"Grover" sat in his bunks distraught. He didn't have the heart to face his soldiers after the massacre he had just forced them to partake in. They comforted him, assuring that what he did was right, but he could not shake this self-flagellating feeling of regret.

It was right about then that the door opened.

It was him, the man in the suit; that was the man who brought him to the foundation so many years ago. He recognized that smile anywhere. The man politely inclined his head as he gently gestured away the surrounding Nu-7 operatives. Two members of the [DATA EXPUNGED] task force came in with the suited man this time. There was no mistaking it, this man was a member of the [DATA EXPUNGED]
. This was his demise; he was to be executed for his decision to bomb Pinewood.

The suited man continued to smile in a way that unnerved the Commander as he gestured for the door to be closed behind them. Those Nu-7 operatives waiting at the entrance of the door expected to hear a gunshot that would signal the death of their Commander.

Yet none came.

As a matter of fact, they never would remember their now-former Commander. The operatives of [DATA EXPUNGED] made sure of this by administering Class-E amnestics to the Mobile Task Force. After a long pause, their forgotten Commander came out from the bunks along with the smiling man. Yet the Commander was no longer in his body armor. He wore a simple black suit and a black tie.
Last edited:
Jul 1, 2023
Secure Transmission Recieved.
Decryption Key Accepted.
Opening File Message.

From: The Office of Foundation Site Inspection
To: Erik "Grover" Vander
Subject: A Choice

[ You Have Been Selected for Promotion ]

Erik "Grover" Vander

It has been determined that your experience and judgement may be an asset to higher Foundation operations.

You have been offered a job.

Reach out to a Site Inspector Assistant at your earliest convenience for further details.
We expect you will make the right choice.

Assistant to Site Inspector Truman
Luna Thorne

OOC: Contact O5-2 'The Curator' on discord for training.​
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