[USA] Asmodeus "King" IA Ambassador Application

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Jun 8, 2024

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:150626263

Discord name: Asmodeus

For how long have you played on CG SCP: Since the 15th of May 2024

Age: 19

In what country are you located?: Glorious Singapore

Time zone: GMT+8 (SGT)

Character name(s): Asmodeus "King"

Civilian name: John Steward "King"

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP USA

Do you have a mic?: Yes and TeamSpeak

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
NIL this will be my first

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
XP Farming: I received a 1-day ban and a warning for the same incident. This happened when I was still relatively new, and we had just finished fighting back a massive Code Black with Gensec's help. While playing as a scientist, I started crediting everyone as I had seen others do in the past. I did not realize it was a mistake, and I accepted the punishment without argument when the admin informed me. I learned from it and never let it happen again. Other than that, this has been my only warning so far.

Why are you applying for Internal Affairs Ambassador?
I am applying because I truly enjoy the IA role on-site. It involves not only enforcing rules but also helping answer questions from other personnel regarding the FOC, COC, or COE. Being able to assist and answer these questions is something I enjoy and love spending my time doing. Additionally, ensuring people do not ruin others' days by breaking procedures and harassing others gives me a sense of relief and fulfillment. As a new member of the foundation, witnessing many rule violations and finally being able to enforce them has been particularly satisfying. With the new funding for the IA, I believe we will need more help to manage the influx of new operatives and agents. I am willing to aid in this endeavor to fulfill our duty to the foundation. I aim to make positive changes where I can, particularly in aiding new recruits and ensuring the foundation operates at its best.

What makes you suitable for Internal Affairs Ambassador?:
Though I do not have experience with CL4 roles on-site, I have been extremely active over the past few weeks, aiding as much as I can and getting to know the people in the department. I have familiarized myself with the duties of the Ambassador as well as the Agents and Operatives of the IA. I have dedicated a lot of my time to reading the Code of Conduct, Code of Ethics, and Foundation Legal Codex to ensure all judgments I make are fair to both parties involved, and I explain exactly what was wrong and why I decided on certain courses of action.

As I am located in Asia, I may not always be present on the server, especially during the weekdays, as I spend my mornings either at work or asleep. This is mainly due to the nearly 10-12 hour difference between US and Singaporean time zones. However, during the off-peak periods and early mornings in the US, there is often a lack of CL4 personnel on duty, and I feel I could help fill this gap. I have been seen playing until nearly 5 am on weekends, demonstrating that I do indeed have a very flexible schedule.

How many documents have you written? What makes a document good?:
I am not sure of the exact number of reports I have written; however, I have passed my documents to multiple ambassadors to help review and point out my mistakes. As I am still relatively new, I have not written as many reports as the veteran members of this community. Nevertheless, I enjoy writing these arrest reports for the arrests I make, as I find them to be an enjoyable RP mechanic.

In my opinion, a good document requires effort in terms of grammar and formatting. Paragraphs should be easy to read and understand on the first reading. Important grammatical features like paragraphing and spacing are essential to help the reader comprehend what is being said and the purpose of the document.

What are the responsibilities of the Internal Affairs Ambassador in RP?:
Internal Affairs Ambassadors are the senior agents of the Internal Affairs department, taking on leadership and management roles. They aid in the training and regimentation of both new and experienced agents, guiding them in the right direction. IA Ambassadors serve as role models for Agents and Operatives, exemplifying the ideal members of the department. IA Ambassadors are also responsible for hosting tryouts for new agents using the test system, supported by relevant reading materials, and helping new agents understand the roles of IA within the foundation. Regarding investigations, Ambassadors are selected to handle higher-level cases involving personnel that require finesse to investigate. Additionally, Ambassadors can act as lawyers once they have obtained the necessary training, allowing them to represent individuals in tribunal proceedings. IA Ambassadors report directly to the Department Director and Deputy Director, following their orders and commands.

Please give some lore about your Internal Affairs Ambassador character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Asmodeus "King" is an ex-member of the Singaporean Internal Security Department, having had extensive experience keeping watch on potential enemies of the state and aiding in the arrest and subjugation of many terrorists/pirate cells in the Strait of Melaka. Asmodeus gained the callsign of "King" after helping arrest one of the strait's largest pirate clans, completely subjugating their territory under ISD supervision. Asmodeus's recruitment into the foundation came as a shock, with the Department Director of the Singaporean ISD introducing him to the foundation, suggesting a greater purpose to his life: defending humanity rather than a single country. He began his work in the foundation as a simple Cadet, learning to adapt to the tactics and ethics of the foundation. He spent most of his free time in the bunks learning the Legal Codex, Code of Conduct, and Code of Ethics with the goal of joining the Internal Affairs department after some time, and maybe even higher.

Following months of training and supervised duties as a Cadet, Asmodeus managed to climb the ranks quickly, being promoted to Guard and then officer in the span of weeks. Finally, he was able to apply for the Internal Affairs department, as it was the department that hit closest to home for his set of skills. Trouble started after failing the test multiple times, causing him to memorize the three books to the letter in order to finally pass the test with flying colors. On his successful third attempt into the Internal Affairs Department as an Agent and then later an Operative, Asmodeus immediately went on patrol, doing his best to live up to the standards of the Internal Affairs department.

Fast forward a month, and Asmodeus has already made a household name for himself as a kind and helpful Agent in the Internal Affairs, breaking the stereotype of the Anti-Fun Police that surrounds the IA Department. Known for his strict yet fair rule of the law, Asmodeus stands ready to take the next step in the foundation corporate ladder, applying to be an ambassador for the Internal Affairs.

(Complete Transparency used AI to help fix grammar mistakes in my application, other then that every word was hand written by me) Thank you for even looking at my application and I do hope to be able to join you as an IA ambassador :)
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SCP-RP Staff
Event Team
Mar 17, 2024
Application Accepted

Hello @Asmodeus

Thank you for applying to the position of Internal Affairs Ambassador. After careful consideration, we have decided to ACCEPT your application!. Please get in touch with a Director of Internal Affairs at your earliest convenience for your orientation.

Thank you.
Raixin, Director of Internal Affairs
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