[USA] Asmodeus "King" Site Advisor Application

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Jun 8, 2024
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:150626263

Discord name: Asmodeus

For how long have you played on CG SCP: Since the 15th of May 2024

Age: 19

In what country are you located?: The Glorious Republic of Singapore

Time zone: GMT+8 (SGT)

Character name(s): Asmodeus "King"

Civilian name: Harith Mikail

What server are you applying for? : SCP-RP USA

Do you have a mic?: Yes and TeamSpeak

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
Ethics Assistant
IA Ambassador
Combat Medic
DEA Agent/Operative

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
XP Farming: I received a 1-day ban and a warning for the same incident. This happened when I was still relatively new, and we had just finished fighting back a massive Code Black with Gensec's help. While playing as a scientist, I started crediting everyone as I had seen others do in the past. I did not realize it was a mistake, and I accepted the punishment without argument when the admin informed me. I learned from it and never let it happen again. Other than that, this has been my only warning so far.

Why are you applying for Site Advisor?
I am applying for the position of Site Advisor because I have consistently found myself in roles where I draft numerous documents for various policies that I believe should be adopted on-site. Whether it’s developing guidelines for lethal injections, proposing a new foundation justice system, or creating an entirely new subdivision I have been passionately writing all these policies and ideas for the foundation. However, I often experienced frustration as I waited for Site Admin or departmental leaders to approve and push these documents forward. I have a strong passion for reading and writing new policies for departments, and I am eager to see the foundation move forward. With my experience in Junior CL4 roles, such as Ambassador and Assistant, I am confident in my readiness to handle the workload associated with joining site administration. My goal is to help the foundation become more efficient and effective.

What makes you suitable for Site Administration?:
Though I may not have held a Senior Level 4 position in the past, I strongly believe I make up for that fact with my activity, constantly dedicating hours of my time every day to playing and enjoying the server. My tenure as an Ambassador has introduced me to the laws of the Foundation, and I have mastered and understood both the COE and COC in their fundamentals. I am also confident in my ability to assist in administering and enforcing the Foundation's laws across its many departments. My time as an Assistant to the Ethics Committee involved conducting numerous department reviews, addressing issues within the DEA and Medical departments. It also introduced me to the world of tribunals, as I worked with other Ambassadors of IA to host the Low Court of Internal Affairs, revitalizing the underutilized tribunal system and bringing new life to it. My role as an Assistant has also made me comfortable with assigning orders to Agents and Gensec, helping organize and authorize sweeps of D-Block when needed, as well as arresting and dismantling multiple unions of tech experts. Overall, I am highly confident in both my abilities and expertise in administration, with many Junior Ambassadors already seeking my assistance to clarify rulings. My actions within the Foundation further support my claims in this regard.

What are the responsibilities of Site Administration in RP?:
1. Ensuring Foundation Personnel Adherence to LC, CoE, CoC
2. Enforcing Disciplinary Action on Department Leaders
3. Approving Tests and Signing Off on SCP Samplings
4. Authing Sweeps of D-block/Mass Terminations if things get really messy
5. Authing Raids of GOIs When Needed
6. Assisting with RP for Departments and Foundation in General
7. Attending and Hosting Meetings
8. Approving D-Class Work Permits and Signing Off on Them
9. Assisting on Department Policy Changes
10. Watching Over the various Departments
11. Allowing GOIs to Help if Needed during a breach
12. Authing AA when needed

Please give some lore about your Site Administration character and what storylines they would be involved in:

The sterile, dimly lit corridors of Site-65 were quiet in the early hours of the day. Asmodeus "King," a figure of both gravitas and mystery, stirred awake in his modest quarters in the ethics wing. His morning routine was meticulous, a practice honed from years of discipline in the Singaporean Internal Security Department. The slow hum of the site’s systems was a familiar background as he prepared for the day ahead.

Asmodeus's day began like any other. He dressed in his standard black suit and red tie, adjusted his meticulously kept Ethics pins, and reviewed the morning foundation news. The routine was interrupted, however, by a knock at his door. A young courier, from the department of Internal Affairs, entered with a sealed envelope.

"Good morning, Assistant King," the courier said, handing over the envelope with a respectful nod.

Asmodeus took the envelope with a practiced, composed motion, his eyes narrowing slightly at the sight of the official seal.

To Asmodeus "King,

"From Site Director Marvin

Subject: Appointment Request

Dear Assitant King,I trust this letter finds you well. I am writing to formally request your presence in my office at your earliest convenience. I have reviewed your impressive dossier and recent contributions to the Foundation with great interest. Your extensive background in the Singaporean Internal Security Department, coupled with your dedication and achievements since joining us, has not gone unnoticed.Given your exceptional performance and demonstrated commitment to our cause, I would like to discuss a potential new role within the Foundation. I believe your skills and experience align perfectly with the responsibilities of a Site Advisor.

Please report to my office today at 10:00 AM to discuss this opportunity further.


Site Director

Asmodeus’s brow furrowed slightly as he processed the letter's content. The position of Site Advisor was one he had not anticipated, but he was intrigued. The idea of moving beyond his current role and stepping into a more influential position within the Foundation was both exciting and daunting, either way it was not like he had a choice to say no to the Site Director would be a career suicide. Thus he made his way to the Site Directors office after completing his morning routine.

“Assistant King, thank you for coming on such short notice,” Marvin began, gesturing for Asmodeus to take a seat.

Asmodeus nodded and took his place across from the director. .

Your track record and dedication have impressed many within the Foundation, including myself. We believe you possess the skills and experience necessary to excel as a Site Advisor. This role would involve overseeing policy implementation, enhancing inter-departmental coordination, and ensuring adherence to Foundation protocols.”

Asmodeus listened intently, absorbing every detail. He weighed the responsibilities against his own aspirations and experience.

“I appreciate the opportunity, Director Marvin. Given my background and my commitment to the Foundation’s objectives, I am ready to accept the role of Site Advisor. I look forward to contributing further to the Foundation’s success.”

Marvin smiled, clearly satisfied with the response. “Excellent. We’re confident you’ll make a significant impact. Welcome aboard, Site Advisor King.”
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Jun 8, 2024

Bro has no experience at all, Unprofessional on ECA
Can you explain more on this what do you mean by unprofessional? I've always tried to keep rp break moments between friends or in private so if i did break your RP at times id like to apologies. Any advice or again instances where I've behaved unprofessional would be nice.
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Jun 8, 2024
No experience
I understand I have no experience but within Internal Affairs itself and on Ethics I'm one of the most active members and have made multiple documents that are being pushed up to try and become policies, of course I am not as privvy to the weight of the role as you are but I would like to point out that Site advisor requirements needs a total level of 45 which i have double of. As I said in my application if u read it

"Though I may not have held a Senior Level 4 position in the past, I strongly believe I make up for that fact with my activity, constantly dedicating hours of my time every day to playing and enjoying the server."
Although again mozzie your a very respectable player and I will take this of note if my application is denied I will work on getting more experience first before I apply again. Thank you for the comment eitherway and I hope we can work closer tgt in the future
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Jun 8, 2024

Bro is experienced in alot but no regiment/only lower combative experience. With the amount of pull SA has in E11 and NU7 I think a bit of experience in those could help make them a better choice as SA to improve those regiments.
Being SA in my opinion requires talking to the individuals inside the regiments not just making those decision alone, even if i had nu7 experience of E11 experience my experience in them would still be one sided and would require me to talk to the people inside E11/Nu7 in order to work together to develop the best policies/ grant them more powers that are deemed needed. So for me I dont really see this as a issue as I plan to talk and work with everyone within each respective departments. But of course i understand where your coming from and will work on this.

As said the roles of the SA is to ASSIST and AID departments while also hosting and attending meetings, I plan to let the departments choose their way forward and assist wherever I can in this, if u read my reason for applying is because i always felt really frustrated in blocks when submitting proposals up the chain so id like to work on helping relieve that.


Active member
Jun 26, 2024
+Support great ECA Taught me a lot when i was an agent and he was an ambassador and has been very professional
Jun 8, 2024
+ / - Support

I love my boy Asmodeus but the amount of times I've kidnapped you and given you time to cyanide is wild you can for an SA to get kidnapped 1 - 3 times a day would be terrible as CI would get information on every department in a low amount of time.
Thanks tyrone lov u too, I got better tho I ate cyanide and didn't get kidnapped the alst time gonna see how long i can keep the streak, will do my best to stop being kidnapped

also i have like 300 ping so by the time i can drop my cyanide im already stripped
Jul 1, 2023
From: Site Director Marvin Garden
To: Asmodeus "King"
Subject: Site Advisor Application Update

[ Application Status: Elevated ]

ECA/Ambassador Asmodeus "King"

Site Administration thanks you for your interest in becoming a Site Advisor.

This message is to inform you that your application has been elevated to the next stage.
We will be in contact regarding the next steps in this process. After deliberations have finished, your application will be updated with a final decision.

Site Director Marvin Garden

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