[USA] Avoila/ Jakob "reshen" hopkins Intelligence Ambassador APP

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Well-known Member
Sep 4, 2022
STEAMID: STEAM_0:1:105710411

discord: Avoila#6254

For how long have you played on CG SCP? 1 week 2 hours

Age: 14

In what country are you located? [USA]

Time zone: EST

in character name: Jakob "reshen" Hopkins

Civilian name: Jakob Hopkins

What server are you interested in?(SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP USA

Do you have a mic?


List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
None yet.

Have you received any kicks, bans, or warnings? and why?

I was warned for RDM because i didnt know that D-Class couldnt mass murder other D class. I was also warned for ERP for making an innapropriate comment

Why are you applying for the position of Intelligence Ambassador? I believe Intelligence Ambassador because I've been watching my superiors on the server and taking notes on what they do, and I aspire to lead as well as those I've seen lead. I believe I have the requisite knowledge to guide the Intelligence department to the best of my ability. I am very active on intelligence and I believe my skills can be used to improve the overall experience of Intelligence. I've dealt with problems and written documents before, and I've spent a lot of time trying to recall the majority of GOIs.

What qualifies you to be an Intelligence Ambassador?

I have been playing intelligence for most of my time on the server and I have learned the in's and out's of intelligence in itself. I can also be very serious at points in RP. I am great at leading people and giving information and help to anyone who needs it as well. I feel I have the essential knowledge to effectively lead the Internal Affairs department.

How many documents have you written? What makes a document good?

I have only written 1 document and it was about a mass breach including 12 scp's that caused a code blackout.

A good document has the following:

good writing

A good format


For evidence, photos

Details on what happened

What are the responsibilities of the Intelligence Ambassador in RP? :

The Ambassador watches over all other intelligence agents and oversees operations. They make sure that the agents are doing their job and doing it well. They help ensure that no fault happens with the agent's operations or duties They also help recruit new intelligence agents to help grow the intel force.

Please give some lore about your Intelligence Ambassador character and what storylines they would be involved in:




Jakob Hopkins Personnel File

Jakob Hopkins DOB ██/██/████, Place Of Origin █████████.

Navy SEAL CPL Jakob Hopkins was known for his immense bravery and his ability to think critically in intense situations, But little did jakob know that a shadowy organization was keeping tabs on this honerable man. Upon transfer to the foundation Jakob was assigned immediatly of E-11 PVT as per request of site inspection, aftwer witnessing and documenting his work in the field as a SEAL. However, Jakob believed that he could contribute more to the foundation than just recontaining SCPs. So he took a liking into the intelligence department having lengthy conversations with their staff. Jakob work in the Navy SEALS has positively benifactored to his work in the intelligence department, he found purpose in doing his job in the department. He would often assist in miscommunication campaigns on surface alongside with infilitrating and raiding the CI bases. but he felt that the department could be more than what it was at the time. So he actively transended his peers in their work and in the way they carry themselves to be the top agent. When he reached the top he felt he could go higher than that so he reached for Ambassador. And this is how his interview played out:


Agent ████ - Welcome, come in have a seat.

Jakob - You wanted to talk to me?

Agent ████ - Ive noticed your tanacity, and the you've put in. You've done a great job and have done a great service for the department

Jakob - why thank you sir is, is this about the request ive sent?

Agent ████ - This is about the request you've sent, Im very inclined to put you in a position of leadership in this department, but i have to ask you
a few questions before I advance my decision.

Jakob - ok go ahead.

Agent ████ - Why do you push yourself so hard to be the top of my department Jakob?

Jakob - Ive always wanted to do good. But I feel like being a simple agent isnt enough. I wish to strive, to help lead other agents and to show what I am truly worth.

Agent ████ - And what are you truly worth Jakob?

Jakob - I-dont know, Thats a tough question to answer on the spot sir

Agent ████ - I believe that in lamens term true worth is what one believes in themselves and believes that they themselves are superior of others. I believe it stims from arrogance and the uneducated, but what it really takes to be a leader. So, Jakob, do you have what it takes to lead, or are you one of those arrogant agents who think they're better than everyone else?

Jakob - I believe I have not only demonstrated my worth, but also demonstrated that I have the skills required for this role.I believe im able to encourage everyone and improve the overall mood of the intelligence agency.

Agent ████ - So i have to ask you. is red your favorite color

Jakob - Why indeed yes it is.

Agent ████ - Thats good to know... Mr. Ambassador

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Civil Gamers Expert
Jul 28, 2022
VA Fredricksburg
As a Intel Ambassador. I've seen his work the past couple of days and it was something I think I support him for. He listens to orders and has been a person I've been paying attention too in the Intel Department. He also has great knowledge about what you do in the Intel Department as he knows that you should grab information from any GOI's as that's the job of a Intelligence Agents. He also has a great understanding of the job of a Intel Ambassador. The reason I lean to the negative thought is as a Intel Agent trying to get higher in the ranks you need a Excellent document on a topic that has to do with Intelligence Agent.

Cheese Cooper

Well-known Member
Sep 5, 2022
Nothing but good interactions with this guy. Also one of the few intel agents that responds to interro when we need one so thats mega + in my book
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