[USA] Barry Uriah's DoR Application

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Active member
Apr 5, 2024
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:531454693
Discord Name: Rat God
For how long have you played on CG SCP: I believe 4-5 Months since I first started
Age: 20
In what country are you located?: The United States of America
Time Zone: CST
Character name(s): Barry Uriah
Civilian Name: Johnathan Jacobs
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): USA
Do you have a mic?: Yes

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
Chaos Insurgency Whitelist (Alpha): Held
Global Occult Coalition Whitelist (PVT): Held
Executive Researcher: Holding
SCP-096: Holding

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: Yes, one warning for placing a gun into the D-Block kitchen hole (when I started out, way long ago).

Why are you applying for Director of Research? I am applying for Director of Research because I hold such a grand passion for this department. I've watched it change so much from the time I began as a Junior Researcher, I've seen the highs and lows in the last five months. I have watched as an entire wave of Executive Researchers came and went. I wish to do right by the department that I pledged to assist, to bring it to further greatness. I've made many friends in this department, and lost many friends as well who went on to bigger and greater things. All this to say, the reason I wish to be the Director of Research is to lift the Research Department out of this rut its in, this odd stage of being pushed to the side, and place it back up top as one of the main centers of Roleplay in the server. I wish to help it stay there, to help it thrive and grow so that those who are new and returning get the best experience out of Research as possible. I feel at home with the Research Department, and I would like to help lead it beyond what is possible as an Executive Researcher. I am a hard working and creative person who really loves to write, and so this position is a perfect mixture of writing, responsibility, and roleplay.

What makes you suitable for Director of Research?: I believe that I am suitable for the position of Director of Research for the following qualities that I possess: Second most experienced member of Research Leadership, the Deputy Director of the Board of Education, extensive and creative talent for writing documents of any type, a massive place in my heart for the RSD, and a skill for leading teams and keeping track of several assignments. This department needs somebody who can oversee the top details, and ensure that things like Executive Researcher applications, DoR required tests, RSD Leadership meetings, etc. all get done in a timely manner and aren't stalled for weeks. I believe myself to be capable of filling that need, and exceeding the requirements. I have a high ambition for the Research Department, I truly do care and have a colossal love for the department.

What are the responsibilities of the Director of Research in RP?: The responsibilities of the Director of Research are to act as the top role model, leader, and connection to Site Command for the Research Department. This entails ensuring that Research Leadership is actively held to high standards and ensuring that the operations of the Research Department are going as intended. You have to call meetings with RSD Leadership and assist all Research personnel with finding the necessary resources to do their work effectively and correctly. As previously mentioned, the DoR acts as the top role model for all Research Personnel, and as somebody who can inspire and lead them to greatness every time they hop on. As the department leader for Research, it also means the responsibility of reporting to Site Command when needed, attending and setting up meetings about important RSD matters, and connecting Research Personnel to Site Command.
Simplified: Act as a role model for all of the RSD, lead the department to be the best it can possibly be, be the connection between the RSD and Site Command, call meetings and do check-ups on the state of the department with RSD Leadership, and ensure that those that need help within the department are getting the resources they need.

Please give some lore about your Director of Research character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Barry Lewis Uriah, once a normal man living in a small town called Branchville, Illinois, now a member of the SCP Foundation. He was picked up on the Foundation's radar when it was discovered that he had been posting studies about a strange mold-like blue material that seemed to revert all damage and negative changes by reversing itself in time. As it turns out, his family had a long running status as the local crazies for how much paranormal things they've reportedly seen. Most of the things that his family "found" had turned out to either be hoaxes or explainable oddities in nature, but not this strange substance. In the hours before he was contacted by the Foundation, he had found that by sliding a metal divider into the mold while feeding it mineral water and sunlight, it split into two copies of itself that he placed into Petri dishes. Barry placed one dish into the drawer of his desk under some papers as he was testing darkness on the mold, when he heard something loud approaching. As he got up, he was met with the sight of the "Scientific Community Professionals" coming up to his door in a large van. This was in actuality, MTF Tau-51 "Urban Brawl" who were sent once Barry's studies had been wiped from the internet and tasked with retrieving the anomalous substance and potentially recruitment. Barry accepted the offer, wanting to not only actually see the paranormal his family had always been trying to find, but to research it as he had such a love for since he was a child.

Originally posted at Foundation Site-81 for his training, an incident involving SCP-076-2 breaching at Site-65 and causing a large scale loss of life caused him to be re-assigned to Site-65 to help fill in a position as a Junior Researcher. Within his first month, a breach of SCP-106 occurred, the beginning of what would be a large collection of incidents part of Project Bandwidth. SCP-106 had cornered Barry in the back of the Research Wing, right next to the Research Hall's double doors. From Barry's perspective he could only scream and stand firmly against the wall as the monster approached. Not realizing anything of SCP-106's nature due to their lack of clearance, Barry lifted his leg and firmly thrusted it forth into the torso of SCP-106. The impact definitely bumped the old man before Barry's ankle and lower leg were sucked inside of the black tar-like mass. The burning felt like a thousand fires within his leg and as he tried to pull it out he felt something indescribable on the other side. His leg was in SCP-106's pocket dimension for a total of three seconds and yet as he pulled it out only a strange burnt black scar remained and his limb wasn't just a soup of decayed and burnt flesh. Onsite Mobile Task Force units came to assist as they heard the conflict, trying to locate SCP-106. They yelled for Barry to duck, and as he buried his head in his hands and fell to the ground a barrage of gunfire shot out into the old man's body. They became distracted and left the scene before later being re-contained with Recall Protocol ██-███-█.

As Barry advanced his career up to Senior Researcher there was an odd phenomenon he was experiencing. He felt like he was experiencing Déjà vu every few minutes to hours, and it wasn't adding up. Barry set up cameras and recorded himself as he worked, and noticed something very strange. It appeared as though there were bits and pieces of footage missing, the time even skipping in the recording to a few seconds or minutes ahead. He went on to research this anomalous phenomenon, unsure of a name. As he learned more and realized it wasn't just the cameras there was a period of time where he tested. It wasn't until a week after the initial discovery when the first big incident occurred with the phenomenon. His leg surged with the pain of a thousand fractures, like every atom of his bone and nerves was being ripped apart and placed back together in a sequence of code that made no sense. The world stopped around him, the dust in the air paused, the spillage of a coffee stayed midair like some odd painting, and he felt his blood come to a halt in his veins. A stutter happened around him, and it all resumed. The dust fell, the coffee spilled, the blood pumped. Barry fell forward and onto his knees, looking up at the hall to see his colleagues staring. He got up, and went to the Medbay for assistance. It was there that a strange "Reality Infection" was found within his right femur, right in the center of the bone. As he left that day, SCP-106 was being tested on and once again that pain burnt deep inside his leg. As it turns out, the Medical Consultant, Dr ████████, was watching their headcam and wanted to test this disease. A black collection of tendrils writhed within, and the test was halted. Site Administration investigated the incident, and the Consultant was demoted and reprimanded heavily.

The months following were full of research and work alongside the Executive Researchers to discover what this phenomenon was alongside the disease, the two had to be connected. Eventually, Project Bandwidth was formed to discover and research this newly designated Anomalous Phenomenon: AP-11011-BU. It became Barry's primary work behind the scenes, testing it whenever he could, learning, interviewing those from Gensec to Site Administration, even some SCPs and a few members from the nearby UNGOC encampment. AP-11011-BU, "Lag" was designated as a potential cognitohazard when it came to light that everyone except for Barry could not remember anything regarding it for longer than a day. He continued to work on the project, but also ensured that his other research was not neglected.

A year after the discovery of AP-11011-BU, Barry was offered the position of Executive Researcher. He took the offer near immediately, and began his work enthusiastically. His work mainly consisted of re-writing outdated documents to be more accurate and updated, as well as helping re-resurrect the Board of Education alongside his colleagues. In his time as Executive Researcher he's worked on special projects with Site Command, namely a powerful ring constructed at the request of an Ethics member that would protect the wearer and retain their lifeforce within. Currently, Barry is balancing keeping his condition in check while researching more about AP-11011-BU after the incident that brought it to the attention of Site Command, his infection, the Board of Education, and keeping good relations with the UNGOC's PTOLEMY Division.

Currently, Barry is taking it easier as he has been given a constant supply of the chemicals needed to fuel the R.I.S.K Cast Device he wears to control his infection, and he is taking a bigger focus on his original goal of leading the Research Department, and the Board of Education.

Explanation of AP-11011-BU: AP-11011-BU "Anomalous Phenomenon #11011, Discovered by Barry Uriah" aka "Lag" is as it seems, the lag of the server being translated to an in-character anomaly that functions as a pataphysical buffering in the area due to how chaotic the nature of the zone is. It is a cognitohazard that feeds off of the memories that people have about it, and tends to make people view these moments of lagging as either Déjà vu or simply not remembering them. SCPs are effected by AP-11011-BU differently, mainly that SCP-079 is immune and even can perceive it well, and SCP-049 can retain memories about it for months rather than a day.
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Reactions: Maxwelli
May 13, 2024
+Support, honestly one of the BEST researchers as well as being an amazing roleplayer he is a great executive and for me that would make him an the best choice for DoR. Barry is who all researchers should look up to.


Well-known Member
Jan 13, 2024
+ support This is the guy for the job right here. He does excellent work in everything that he does. He would make an excellent DoR.

Tim Hardy

Senior Moderator
Senior Moderator
SCP-RP Staff
Event Team
Jun 26, 2024
+Support He does excellent work in everything that he does. He would make an excellent DoR.


Well-known Member
Nov 12, 2023



He has more than enough experience in the research department.
A well-known member of the executive
Good at their responsibilities.


Active member
Jul 25, 2024
Every interaction I have had has been positive, Barry is professional and experienced. It's clear he cares about research and look no further than the application, the effort put in is a good equivalence to the dedication made to the research department over Barry's tenure. Out of any position Research Director is the one that requires some of the most roleplay and creativity, the application section character lore is everything I expect from a Director Of Research. Good luck!

Weebe San

Active member
Aug 10, 2024
Barry despite having a busy schedule at times helped me a great deal when it came to writing up documents but also pursuing a newfound passion of the Board of Education within the Research department that has allowed me to put my talents to use by teaching and mentoring fellow Research staff. If he’s capable of noticing my potential in this subdivision then I’m certain he’s capable of running and guiding the Research Department alongside the other department head in a better and prosperous direction.
Apr 20, 2023
From: vanburen@scpf.int
To: uriahb@scpf.int
Subject: Application Status


| Application Approved |

Greetings Barry,

This is a message composed by the Overseer Council to inform you that your application for the position of Director of Research has been accepted and is pending privilege transfer. I hope your diligence continues as your responsibilities grow.

We welcome you, Director.
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