[USA] Ben Jami Overseer Assistant App

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Well-known Member
Aug 26, 2022
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:576013069
Discord name: moseley_thebest#3424
For how long have you played on CG SCP: 3 to 4 months
Age: 15 about to turn 16.
In what country are you located?: USA
Time zone: EST
Character name(s): Ben Jami
Civilian name: Jimmy's fred
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): USA
Do you have a mic?: Yes

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
  • IA Ambassador
  • Nu-7 LCPL
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
I have received 2 RDM warnings I had received these warnings because of being dumb and inconsiderate at the time. I am working and trying to improve myself everyday so I do not make the same mistake again. I also do have one ban for severe toxicity. I understand this may be a reason why I am not able to be accepted but I am working on myself and improving every day and I hope you can overlook this fact and really take a good look at the rest of my application. My first RDM 1 warning I do not remember was to long ago. RDM warning 2 I misfired and killed a civ. Severe toxicity ban Some dude was body blocking me and I called him the R word.

What makes you the best candidate for Overseer Assistant?:
I am a great leader. I take pride in my position as IA ambassador. It is a great honor to be able to command so many great agents at one time. I would love to expand my current experience into a new position such as Overseer assistant. I have almost 3 weeks of in game play time which allows me to have many different experiences and scenarios in game. These experiences allow me to have a better understanding of most if not all the jobs on the server. I am very friendly and always willing to help. Over my time on the server I have made many good friends and very friendly people. I am always looking to meet new people to gain a better understanding of their positions and their complaints to see if I can help anyway possible. I am always willing to take constructive criticism on how I do my job. I believe this trait is essential to becoming an overseer assistant because if you are never willing to take criticism you will never be able to improve. I believe I can be a strong leader that can take charge when no one else is or a good friend to help you through hard times. I could be a great addition to the overseer team if you see me fit.

  • What are the responsibilities of Overseer Assistants in RP?:
The responsibilities of an Overseer Assistant is to make the job of the Overseer much easier. As an Overseer Assistant you are the boots on the ground for the Overseer granting there every wish and conveying messages to the lower ranks from the overseers. You are there to make sure all of the Rules and regulations from the Overseers are being followed. As an overseer assistant you may need to watch over departments to make sure everything is going smoothly and if it is not then you must communicate those problems to the overseers then take action on the problem or the disruption on hand. You must also attend to all CL4 duties and perform them correctly.

  • Please give some lore about your Overseer Assistant character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Born in 2001, Ben Jami was born in Toronto, Canada. As a kid he always had big dreams of becoming a police officer or someone in the military that served that law. He did not have many friends when growing up. He only had 1 really good friend while growing up. Unfortunately his best friend Ben Jim had been hit by a car and killed by a drunk driver while they were walking on the street together. This event scarred Ben Jami for the rest of his life. He was filled with rage and wanted to do something about this so at the age 18 Ben Jami had joined the military police to serve his country. After one year of being with the military police Ben Jami had been chosen for a very select job. He had no clue what it was but took it anyway because of the pay raise the next day he had woken up at a facility. He was quickly instructed by his new commanding officers where he was and how he got there. Ben Jami quickly rose the ranks and eventually became IA where he worked and eventually became ambassador. He quickly worked to become a well respected ambassador.

After many months working at the foundation Ben Jami had run into his first major breach with a total of 3 SCPs breaching such as SCP-682, SCP-106, and SCP-966. Ben Jami was on break eating at the mess hall with a couple of his IA friends. All of sudden the alarms sound and the power shuts off. The announcer had announced that 3 SCPs Have breached and that all non combatant personnel should report to the nearest breach shelter. But it was too late. We could already hear the screams of the personnel getting torn to shreds by 682 and getting ripped apart by 966. Ben Jami and his buddies attempt to hide in a mess hall to avoid the SCPs but Ben Jami realizes something that if we just sit here then we are just going to die. His basic training from being a cadet kicks in and Ben Jami sprints out the mess hall making a run for advanced armory to attempt to get more powerful weapons to fight the SCPs with. His buddies soon follow behind him. Ben Jami screams out orders for two of his Friends to find a D-class and bring him to 106 CC and for the rest to follow him to AA. Once at AA Ben Jami and the rest of his friends grab nitroglycerin nerve gas and many other high power weaponry to try to hold off the SCPs with. After grabbing the weapons they search the facility for 682 and 966 while running down the hallway they hear screams over the loudspeaker meaning that 2 of Ben's Friends had successfully gotten a D-class to 106 containment and successfully contained 106. There were only two left. Ben Jami leads his team through the next corridor spotting 966 He had ordered his team to fire at 966 obliterating 966 in seconds and neutralizing him for the time being they move on to find 682. After 5 more minutes of searching for 682 they had found him in a hallway near HCZ. Ben Jami knew ERT would be there any moment and that all he had to do was hold 682 for a couple more minutes until he and his friends could evacuate. Unfortunately in the span of 1 minute 682 had killed everyone except him. 682 turned and looked at him. In a moment's notice Ben Jami was pulled back by ERT into a medevac helicopter. Ben Jami was stunned from what he had just seen and would never forget it.

After many days after the breach Ben Jami was moved to a new facility. Ben Jami was brought into the building but instead of walking into a new IA office I was brought to floor 3 of the facility. Ben Jami had never been to such a place before. He walked through floor 3 until he reached an office and walked in. Ben Jami was met with a man in a black suit who introduced himself. He said he was overseer -5 and that he was his new boss. He told Ben Jami that he would love to inform Ben Jami of his new promotion to Overseer assistant due to his heroic acts during the last breach. Ben Jami's jaw dropped to the floor as the Overseer explained his new duties and job as an Overseer assistant. After a half and hour talk he had informed Ben Jami that he could leave and that Ben Jami would start his new Job as overseer assistant tomorrow.
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Well-known Member
May 24, 2022

Application Denied

Thank you for taking the time to apply for the ██████ Assistant position. Unfortunately, we have decided to deny your application for the position. This is due to our Assistant roster being full at the moment. However, you will be notified when there are openings. The only reason this is being denied at the moment is due to needing to lock open applications in a timely manner.

I apologize for the severe delay. As a result of this delay, you can re-apply whenever openings arise. For more information, please contact ██-1.

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