[USA] Betriv Special Agent Application

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Jul 5, 2022
Steam ID:

Discord name:


For how long have you played on CG SCP:

Around a year, currently 7 days of vtime1716198460029.png

In what country are you located?:

Time zone:

Character name(s):

"Betriv" [GRD-CPT] [BTAC-OO] - Foundation
"Beatriv" [OUT-EN] - CI
Civilian name:

Tom Longs
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):

Do you have a mic?:

What are your total levels?:


List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
E-11 LT, CI-B [Holding] B-1 SGT, Nu-7 MAJ, CI-D, O-1 CSG [Held]
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
My only current active warning is for Naming Con but I have received a lot from 2022 and 2023 from when I used to minge a lot.​
How long have you been a Senior Agent for?
I have been a Senior Agent for 14 days on the roster but I have been a senior agent for many months just that before it was never logged on the roster.
Why are you applying for Special Agent?
I am applying for Special Agent because I wish to return to surface operations and I want to climb the ranks once again. I used to find surface operations very fun and I loved leading operatives into battle. I also wish to RP more with GOI's and I feel Special Agent would help me do that more as Special Agent unlocks more abilities to RP with other GOI's such as GOC, MC&D, and C.I. I want to help lower ranking D.E.A learn the ropes of the department and I also want to help recruit new D.E.A into the department and help them have the most fun, and smooth experience as possible so that the department is unproblematic, fun, and enjoyable for everyone.
What makes you suitable for Special Agent?:
I feel I am suitable for Special Agent because throughout all my experience with surface operations I've learned a great amount of leadership abilities, combat, and negotiation capabilities. I also feel I am suitable for Special Agent because I am very active and am usually on a lot to represent the department and am able to be a great role model to lower ranking agents and also able to recruit new agents. I am also suitable because of my great amount of experience in surface operations which allows me to use more of that experience with higher ranking within D.E.A.
How many documents have you written? What makes a document good?:
I've written I'd estimate around 5-10 documents multiple for research and E-11. Although I don't write much documents anymore I still know how to make professional and high grade looking documents. A good document must have good grammar and must have an introduction to let the reader know what the document is going to be about, this page needs to be as simple and professional looking as possible because it is the first impression for the reader to know if your document is good and if it looks bad, most people will stop reading. Depending on what department you are writing a document for, page amounts, and contents in those pages will be vastly different compared to other departments. In summary, a document must have good grammar, great introduction, professional looking pages, and be simple enough for someone to understand it.
What are the responsibilities of the Special Agent in RP?:
The responsibilities of a Special Agent are as follows

- Role Model

A Special Agent should always look as professional and good as possible in order to give an example to other lower ranking agents on how to act so that they too will create a good view of the department.

- Punishments

Special Agents have to punish lower ranking agents that are acting out of line and making the department look like a joke.

- Training

Special Agents also have to train new operatives and recruits into D.E.A and make sure they know all departmental protocols and guidelines

- External Relations

Special Agents are also tasked with handling external relations such as communications with C.I and GOC like negotiating and setting up meetings and also giving out permits to MC&D to allow them to sell wares within the facility.

- Info Breaches

D.E.A have to deal with any info breaches about the facility in order to keep the secrecy of the site a secret. This also includes dealing with civilians who have snuck into the foundation.

- Interrogation

Special Agents hold special priority with interrogating other GOI's in the event that one is captured in foundation captivity and are needed to gather new information from said GOI.

- Combatting C.I

Another one of D.E.A's main jobs is to fight C.I and prevent them from causing harm to the site.

- Sr. Agent tryouts

Special agents are permitted to host Sr. Agent tryouts with Dpt Manager+ permission I think. I'm not sure if it is different now but before it was like that.
Please give some lore about your Special Agent character and what storylines they would be involved in:

"Betriv", Real name [REDACTED] was born on 2/11/1999. They didn't do well in school and was always getting into altercations with other students giving him a bad history making him unable to get a good career, this led to him applying for the military. The training was tough on him but he pushed his way through and made himself a name in the military exceeding over others and being a role model for others. [REDACTED] woke up tied up and with a blindfold on he had thought he had been kidnapped by a harmful group of people. Confused he attempted to break out but he heard a gun being unholstered, immediately he stopped and the blindfold was taken off him. In front of him was a man dressed in a black suit. [REDACTED] asked where he was but got no response, the man in the suit explained to him what was happening and that he was handpicked to join a secret organization known as the S.C.P Foundation. [REDACTED] hesitantly accepted the offer and was placed into the duties of a General Security member this was simply a test to see his loyalty to the foundation and to see how he'd do in other departments before being recruited into the Department Of External Affairs, after around 3 months he had reached a high ranking within General Security and he had proved himself to be worthy of joining the Department Of External Affairs he was asked if he wanted to join and he had accepted, putting him at the rank of D.E.A Agent. He quicky ascended the ranks and participated in multiple altercations with members of a group named the Chaos Insurgency, [REDACTED] was left injured in a lot of these altercations but he got the job done and defended and saved the site from many raids done by the Chaos Insurgency. Eventually he reached the rank of Special Agent in which then he would be tasked with new secret operations and be trusted with more information about the site and its history. Unfortunately on 6/19/2027 he was killed during a raid that took place where a sniper would pierce his vest and enter straight through his heart which resulted in death.
Last edited:
Jun 4, 2023



Hello @Betriv,

We thank you for your interest in moving up within the Department of External Affairs. After careful consideration, we believe you are ready for the promotion. As such, your application has been ACCEPTED. Please reach out to me directly via email (_.shark._) to receive your training before accessing your new equipment.

Congratulations Special Agent Betriv.

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