[USA] Binks Exec App

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Feb 1, 2024
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:607702236
Discord name: Kingchicken1894
For how long have you played on CG SCP I think I first joined either at the start of 2024 or the end of 2023
Age: 15
In what country are you located?: USA
Time zone: EST
Character name(s): Binks
Civilian name: Jacque "Binks"
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): USA
Do you have a mic?: Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
- CI-D
- SCP-096
- SCP-22415
- Sr Agent
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
-- Yes I have I think I have 4-5 warnings for RDM or Failrp, and about 3 bans. Most of the warns when I first started the server since I did not understand the rules or knew most rules at the time.
Why are you applying for Executive Researcher?
-I am applying for Executive Researcher since I want improve and introduce new people to the research department. The research department can be confusing to new players at first, with all the templates for documents, locations of the SCPs and more. I want to help new researcher and teach them on how to become a good researcher and with this role I can make this goal happen even more than it already is. I have seen that most documents in research are sampling documents. I want to help fix this problem. I want to help support projects like other executives have done in the past to me. I want to contribute more SCP research to the department and to involve myself in the research of SCP's every single day.
Through out my time in Research I love to see great research study's, idea's and the success they have just makes me proud of the Research department, the department that contributes good and useful information that can not only aid the Foundation but can aid the whole world. I have further plans to join more positions within the department and by becoming a executive this could happen.
What makes you suitable for Executive Researcher?:
- What makes me suitable for executive is that I have great knowledge of research policies and foundation policies in general which is a useful to have knowledge of. Since if you do not have knowledge of your department policies you could break the rules or not be able to provide help to new researcher. I desire to create and discover new and unique ways to research and provide new and improved ways to improve the research department as a whole. By having the opportunity to test on level four SCP's can help the research department as whole to discover new information about an SCP. With my projects in LRT and BOE helping new researcher getting introduced to the research department and aiding executives, I can help further these endeavors and programs as a whole. I know how to write proper formatted and excellent documents which is extremely valuable information as a whole since one of the jobs as a executive is to rate and critique others documents to help them improve on their documents in the future.
How many excellent-graded documents have you written? What makes a document excellent?
- Test Log SCP-082 9/6/24
- Cross Test Log SCP-3078 and SCP-099 9/6/24
-Test Log SCP-999 9/21/24
- Test Log SCP-939-19/53 "Project Pet-care" 9/23/2024
- Test Log SCP-8837 9/19/24

What makes a excellent document is three factors:
-Formatting: The document has to have the correct formatting and must look professional, you don't want a research study to look sloppy. The format keeps department wide communication through documents easy. You do not want to much not needed information in a document. For example you are doing a test on SCP-718 you do not want be talking about information that is not needed for the test goal.

-Research value: You want you document to have value to the research department as a whole. You don't want you document to be generic or something that has been done before for example "what do you see when you wear SCP-718?" That is not that unique and the question as already been answered may of times, though a document having the question be "what is the average amount of SCP-718-1 instances per room?" This is more creative and has much more value to discovering more about the SCP.

-Grammar: You need to have correct grammar in all document, correct grammar makes your document look as professional as possible. It makes understanding documents as a whole easier since if there is grammar mistakes all over the paper it would be hard to understand.

What are the responsibilities of the Executive Researcher in RP?:
- Responsibilities of a Executive Researcher consist of many things. For instance one responsibility is to deal with the discipline and enforce the research policies, make sure all policies are followed and if they are not make sure the research is punished accordingly either by a IA officer or a license revoking. Another is to grade documents that people submit to SICP.net, that were knowing proper format and how excellent documents look like. Provide advice or teach new researcher so they are set up for success. Approve credits so people get credited properly and to conduct tests on SCP's.
Please give some lore about your Executive Researcher character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Binks was a weak as a kid he was frail and could not do much, he was skinny as a skeleton and kids made fun of him because of this. To prevent getting bullied Binks would stay inside all day reading book about a number of subject, having no interest in any outside activities. While Binks was coming out of high school he had great intellect and went to college for biological science and physics having not interest in any normal college activities like partying, instead he kept to himself. The SCP Foundation had great interest in Binks since he would be perfect for the job, he kept to himself and because of this no one noticed him and his great intellect. One day Binks was offered something that he could never decline. Some mysterious men came up to him one day saying they would offer Binks a job that could challenge him and he would get a full scholarship if he took the job. Binks took the job immediately.
His job was to work at the SCP Foundation as a Jr. Researcher. Binks had great interest learning about the anomalous world and the new great discovers he could find. Binks started to move up the ranks and became a Sr. Researcher. Everything was going well for Binks until one day, Binks started to perform a normal SCP-939 test until he fell into SCP-939's containment chamber, Just from the sound of the thump from Binks hitting the ground SCP-939 came and bit Binks hand off, he tried his best not to scream in pain since he knew if he did he would not make it to the next day. He quickly got to the elevator in SCp-939s CC and was rushed to the emergency room and was given a prosthetic hand. From that day forward Binks would not be the same he would stay up night from night thinking about the traumatic event. He wouldn't be able to sleep because he would have nightmare of SCP-939 chasing him so he stayed up all night working. He kept working every night until his body forced him to go to sleep. He kept working on his research until one day he couldn't anymore. His research lead to SCP-682 and he could not test on it unless he was level 4. He would not let that stop him so he put in a application for Executive Researcher, will he get the role? Well lets find out...

Weebe San

Active member
Aug 10, 2024
Amazing application and I've known and seen Binks for some time now. He'd make a great Executive Researcher.
Jan 27, 2022
Incoming Message...
Message Received!

From: C.Keagan.C2002@Foundation .org
To: JacqueBinks@Foundation .org
Subject: Application moving onto next phase: Interview

Dear Binks,
Thank you for your application into the position of Executive Researcher. I am happy to inform you that your application has been approved for the next stage of the promotion process! Please reach out to Barry(ratgod101 on the discord) to schedule your interview. We are excited to speak with you, and hopefully welcome you into Research Leadership if the interview goes well.

Sincerely, Deputy Director Corgeon Keagan Cornwall.
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