[USA] Binks Internal Affairs Ambassador App

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Feb 1, 2024
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:607702236

Discord name: Kingchicken1894

For how long have you played on CG SCP: I think I first joined either at the start of 2024 or the end of 2023

Age: 14

In what country are you located?: USA

Time zone: EST

Character name(s): Binks

Civilian name: Jacque

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): USA

Do you have a mic?:
- Yes

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
- CI-D
- SCP-096
- SCP-22415
- Sr Agent

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
- Yes I have I think I have 4-5 warnings for RDM or Failrp, and about 3 bans. Most of the warns when I first started the server since I did not understand the rules or knew most rules at the time.

Why are you applying for Internal Affairs Ambassador?
- I am applying for Internal Affairs Ambassador since I want to teach new players about the code of ethic and conduct. I notice a lot of the times new players might get arrested for things that they might not know what is allowed or not and they get punished for it, this gives the server a bad wrap. I want to teach players about these rules so this problem is fixed. Minges on the server ruin the fun for everyone else, I want to become a Ambassador so I could further this mission to punish the minges ruining everyone else time just for their own happiness. I also want to become an ambassador to help IA department with having another ambassador.

What makes you suitable for Internal Affairs Ambassador?:
- What makes me suitable for Internal Affairs Ambassador is that I have a lot of experience on the server. Having experience is one of the best things you can have. I also know the code of ethic and code of conduct which is one of the best things you can have as a IA, I can also make hard decisions which you might need sometimes has a Ambassador since you have to make decisions if the person you are arresting is guilty or not guilty. I love to play IA it is one of my most favorite jobs to play on foundation the experience of showing justice to the foundation is fun and the gameplay just around IA is fun. I try to stay up to date with all the new updates about the codex, ethic IA in general, policies, etc. keeping up to date with policies is very important. I always try my best to interpret policies so I don't arrest someone for a wrongly interpreted policy.

How many documents have you written? What makes a document good?:
- I don't know exactly how many documents I have written but I know what makes a good document is:

- Grammar: You want your documents to look professional. You don't want your documents to look sloppy it doesn't look to good if you have grammar mistakes all over your document.

-Good length: Having a good length document is also important you don't want your document to be to short since you might be leaving important information out of you document. You also don't want your document to be to long since you might be leaving to many unneeded information in your document.

-Stay on track: You want to stay on the subject that you are writing on like for example you are writing a arrest report you are not going to write about the whole life story of the person you are arresting, you should write about the events leading up to the arrest reason for arrest and after the arrest.

What are the responsibilities of the Internal Affairs Ambassador in RP?:
- The responsibilities of the Internal Affairs Ambassador is to make sure all agents/operatives are doing their job correctly and efficiently. Also to recruit new agents/operatives. To make sure all departments are following the code of conduct and code of ethics. As an ambassador you must show leadership if you don't show leadership your not being a good ambassador. Investigating departments is a job as an ambassador.

Please give some lore about your Internal Affairs Ambassador character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Binks or should I say Hinks which is really his name was a fellow who joined the foundation a couple years back and this is his story. Hinks was a dropout college student who had no hope for a brighter future he couldn't have gotten a good job or a nice house. So Hinks became a ranger of Pinewood, Hinks thought this would be a easy job since it was a small town in the middle of no where but little did Hinks know he was wrong. Hinks did well as a ranger for a while doing his job correctly always putting people behind bars who weren't following Pinewood law. Hinks always said "that order is the thing that kept the place together like the order of beams keeping your ceiling up in your house, if there was no order your house would fall." Hinks one day came upon these weird people who were snooping around the military base these people would always say "there was monsters in that place." Hinks would hear about these "monsters" all the time but he would never see them, Hinks thought maybe they were just crazy.

One day while on a patrol he saw a skeleton running around Hinks couldn't believe it he thought it was not real but it was. Than he saw three people with bright blue suits come and started to beam the skeleton with some device. The skeleton started to attack them scrapping off each of blue suited guys skins one by one. Hinks started to run into the military base thinking it would be the best chance of survival there. He jumped over the fence on the back of the base but he fell down the mountain and he blacked out. Hinks woke up and found two guys staring at him one looked like a medic and the other was wearing a suit. The man wearing the suit said he was a Internal affairs ambassador and he established order and rules around the facility. He than explained about the foundation and how it works Hinks loved the place and wanted to help to establish order. He became a IA agent under a new name Binks, he worked as an agent for two years to further help with his goal he wants to become an ambassador., it is now his time.


SCP-RP Staff
Event Team
Mar 17, 2024

Hello, @Binks

After a discussion with our Ambassador team we DENY your application for ambassador, please get into contact with me if you would like to know more.

You may reapply in 2 weeks

Director of Internal Affairs, Riley 'Raixin' Anderson
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