Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:180694545
Discord name: username- fatherflorio; display name- Bob "Boogly"
For how long have you played on CG SCP: Since early 2023
Age: 20
In what country are you located?: USA
Time zone: Mountain time, MST
Character name(s): Bob "Boogly" (foundation); Florio (CI, not in use)
Civilian name: Bob "Boogly"
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): USA
Do you have a mic?:
- Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
- N/A
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
-Earlier in my career, particularly when learning the rules of combative jobs, I got a few warnings for RDM and one on D-Class for failRP as I got into a D-Class brawl and took it too far by killing a fellow inmate. I've been on a clean streak for the most part though recently I got an RDM warning learning how to play SCP-106 because I accidentally teleported into the captain's lounge and was disoriented and pocket-dimensioned a captain. I understand the few RDM warnings I have may be a concern for some, however, I recently have been remaining professional and friendly on the server and am very unlikely to get any kind of warning in the foreseeable future. I am starting to get serious about my role on the server and I intend to be an example to emulate.
Why are you applying for Executive Researcher?
-I have been on the server for quite a while, and my favorite department is by far research. Research, besides containment, is the main function of the foundation, and provides great experiences for Researchers, GENSEC, MTF, and D-Class alike! It pains me to say that there have been occasions recently in which I've observed severe unprofessionalism from some of our junior dep't members, and sometimes a complete disregard for protocol. I do not blame these junior members however I yearn to have the authority to educate them. As a senior researcher, I often have helped junior members draft papers, theorize and perform experiments, and understand certain protocols. As an executive researcher, my voice will be amplified and I will be able to inflict greater positive change throughout the department, bottom up. As I have said research is my favorite dep't, and thus I greatly enjoy performing experiments, so the last reason for this application is the eagerness I have to understand more about Cl. 4 anomalies.
What makes you suitable for Executive Researcher?:
- I have a lot of time on the server, particularly as a researcher, so I have an in-depth understanding of server rules and mechanics. Moreover, throughout my career, I have repeatedly reviewed important research documents such as sampling procedures, research departmental guidelines, HCZ access, and many more foundation resources. Although I am experienced, there are always times to question if what I am doing is right, in these cases, I will always consult the appropriate documents and be sure before carrying on.
In terms of real-life experience, I do have a few experiences that coincide with this role. Firstly, I have been a pledge master for my fraternity, and from this, I have learned very well how to convince people to improve through diplomatic persuasion and leading through example. Secondly, I am an undergraduate college student with a science major. I spend a lot of time in chemistry and human anatomy laboratories and I understand real-world experimental methods, procedures, and documentation. What this translates to in-game is higher-quality research papers and experimental design.
How many excellent-graded documents have you written? What makes a document excellent?
-Throughout my career, I have written ~3 excellent-graded documents, I could not find my old papers in the database so I went ahead and designed a rather thought-provoking research paper regarding the benefits and deficits of 049's "cure." This document can be found under site_65/departments/research/experiment_logs/scp_049/"SR. "Boogly" Test SCP-049 #1" and I would greatly appreciate it if anyone reading this took the time to give it a read

-For a document to be given an excellent rating, it first must conform to the guidelines listed in section 4 of the research policy document, this means the document will include proper title formatting, an index, the general information about the SCP, the aims of your experiment, the hypothesis you are testing, the methods you will take, the findings / conclusion, and Authorization. The document must have a valid experimental design, and aim to produce data that is valuable to the foundation. The document must be neatly formatted with all elements clear and detailed. The document produces meaningful conclusions based on experimentally obtained data. If all these requirements are met, I would be proud to rate a document as excellent!
What are the responsibilities of the Executive Researcher in RP?:
-The main responsibilities of an Executive Researcher include: Approving and singing tests/documents, educating junior staff members, enforcing departmental standards, grading documents, and of course, groundbreaking research.
Please give some lore about your Executive Researcher character and what storylines they would be involved in:
-Character Bio: "Senior Researcher Bob "Boogly" is a distinguished member of the Research Department with a background in research and development at an undisclosed government-contracted weapons manufacturer. His experience with stringent security protocols and hazardous testing proved most valuable in his time at the foundation."
-Bob "Boogly" is a researcher who had prior research experience spearheading projects in the defense sector, he was approached by the foundation and quickly rose to the rank of Senior Researcher. As an experienced researcher in and out of the foundation, Bob "Boogly" retains a professional attitude, although maybe emotionless or cruel at times, particularly while 'collecting data', due to seeing the harsh realities of the world. Bob "Boogly" tends to collaborate with other staff members, as he is used to large teams assigned to him from his time in the defense sector. Bob "Boogly" also shows a great interest in weaponry and termination testing due to his past experience.
Discord name: username- fatherflorio; display name- Bob "Boogly"
For how long have you played on CG SCP: Since early 2023
Age: 20
In what country are you located?: USA
Time zone: Mountain time, MST
Character name(s): Bob "Boogly" (foundation); Florio (CI, not in use)
Civilian name: Bob "Boogly"
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): USA
Do you have a mic?:
- Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
- N/A
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:

-Earlier in my career, particularly when learning the rules of combative jobs, I got a few warnings for RDM and one on D-Class for failRP as I got into a D-Class brawl and took it too far by killing a fellow inmate. I've been on a clean streak for the most part though recently I got an RDM warning learning how to play SCP-106 because I accidentally teleported into the captain's lounge and was disoriented and pocket-dimensioned a captain. I understand the few RDM warnings I have may be a concern for some, however, I recently have been remaining professional and friendly on the server and am very unlikely to get any kind of warning in the foreseeable future. I am starting to get serious about my role on the server and I intend to be an example to emulate.
Why are you applying for Executive Researcher?
-I have been on the server for quite a while, and my favorite department is by far research. Research, besides containment, is the main function of the foundation, and provides great experiences for Researchers, GENSEC, MTF, and D-Class alike! It pains me to say that there have been occasions recently in which I've observed severe unprofessionalism from some of our junior dep't members, and sometimes a complete disregard for protocol. I do not blame these junior members however I yearn to have the authority to educate them. As a senior researcher, I often have helped junior members draft papers, theorize and perform experiments, and understand certain protocols. As an executive researcher, my voice will be amplified and I will be able to inflict greater positive change throughout the department, bottom up. As I have said research is my favorite dep't, and thus I greatly enjoy performing experiments, so the last reason for this application is the eagerness I have to understand more about Cl. 4 anomalies.
What makes you suitable for Executive Researcher?:

- I have a lot of time on the server, particularly as a researcher, so I have an in-depth understanding of server rules and mechanics. Moreover, throughout my career, I have repeatedly reviewed important research documents such as sampling procedures, research departmental guidelines, HCZ access, and many more foundation resources. Although I am experienced, there are always times to question if what I am doing is right, in these cases, I will always consult the appropriate documents and be sure before carrying on.
In terms of real-life experience, I do have a few experiences that coincide with this role. Firstly, I have been a pledge master for my fraternity, and from this, I have learned very well how to convince people to improve through diplomatic persuasion and leading through example. Secondly, I am an undergraduate college student with a science major. I spend a lot of time in chemistry and human anatomy laboratories and I understand real-world experimental methods, procedures, and documentation. What this translates to in-game is higher-quality research papers and experimental design.
How many excellent-graded documents have you written? What makes a document excellent?
-Throughout my career, I have written ~3 excellent-graded documents, I could not find my old papers in the database so I went ahead and designed a rather thought-provoking research paper regarding the benefits and deficits of 049's "cure." This document can be found under site_65/departments/research/experiment_logs/scp_049/"SR. "Boogly" Test SCP-049 #1" and I would greatly appreciate it if anyone reading this took the time to give it a read

-For a document to be given an excellent rating, it first must conform to the guidelines listed in section 4 of the research policy document, this means the document will include proper title formatting, an index, the general information about the SCP, the aims of your experiment, the hypothesis you are testing, the methods you will take, the findings / conclusion, and Authorization. The document must have a valid experimental design, and aim to produce data that is valuable to the foundation. The document must be neatly formatted with all elements clear and detailed. The document produces meaningful conclusions based on experimentally obtained data. If all these requirements are met, I would be proud to rate a document as excellent!
What are the responsibilities of the Executive Researcher in RP?:
-The main responsibilities of an Executive Researcher include: Approving and singing tests/documents, educating junior staff members, enforcing departmental standards, grading documents, and of course, groundbreaking research.
Please give some lore about your Executive Researcher character and what storylines they would be involved in:
-Character Bio: "Senior Researcher Bob "Boogly" is a distinguished member of the Research Department with a background in research and development at an undisclosed government-contracted weapons manufacturer. His experience with stringent security protocols and hazardous testing proved most valuable in his time at the foundation."
-Bob "Boogly" is a researcher who had prior research experience spearheading projects in the defense sector, he was approached by the foundation and quickly rose to the rank of Senior Researcher. As an experienced researcher in and out of the foundation, Bob "Boogly" retains a professional attitude, although maybe emotionless or cruel at times, particularly while 'collecting data', due to seeing the harsh realities of the world. Bob "Boogly" tends to collaborate with other staff members, as he is used to large teams assigned to him from his time in the defense sector. Bob "Boogly" also shows a great interest in weaponry and termination testing due to his past experience.